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The monumental nature of Neolithic funerary rites is analysed by archaeologists in relation to its alleged links with the management of land by agro-pastoral communities. This article examines the social dynamics in the Neolithic of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMesolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyMegalithic Monuments
Excavations were carried out in 1999 on the location of Stela 2 at the ancient site of Aksum in northern Ethiopia. These excavations have permitted the documentation of the foundation of this stela, which was transported to Rome in 1937.... more
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      ArchaeologyEthiopian StudiesHistory of TechnologyAfrica
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      ArchaeobotanyArchaeological Method & TheoryFunerary ArchaeologyMegalithism
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      Megalithic MonumentsMegalithismCatalan archaeology
Resumen: En el artículo presente se da a conocer la intervención arqueológica desarrollada en el monumento megalítico de la Pasada del Abad, que ha posibilitado su definición y caracterización como un cromlech. En torno a este círculo... more
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyMegalithic MonumentsIberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Megaliths (Archaeology)
Résumé: Jalon sur le chemin de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, le dolmen de Pech Laglaire 2 à Gréalou (Lot) est inscrit au Patrimoine Mondial de l’Unesco. Menaçant ruine, il a fait l’objet récemment d’une modeste intervention... more
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      Cultural HeritageNeolithic ArchaeologyArchaeological Heritage ManagementScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
Livret d'exposition pour la présentation des tombes mégalithiques de Menjez. p. 92. (Anglais, français et arabe)
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      LebanonChalcolithic ArchaeologyEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)Megalithism
I recently had the opportunity to review Alex Gibson’s thought provoking volume, 'Enclosing the Neolithic: Recent studies in Britain and Europe'. That review, to which the reader is directed for further commentary, identified as a... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
A pesar de que las Islas Baleares son conocidas por sus monumentos ciclópeos, también hay restos de la presencia de una cultura anterior, la cultura megalítica, famosa por el uso en sus construcciones de grandes piedras. En las Islas... more
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The leading role of the geological and mineralogical, and not the geomorphological background has to be stressed in the distribution of the megalithic and rock-cut monuments. Megalithic sites in Europe (in the cases of Bulgaria, Great... more
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      ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyMegalithic MonumentsMegaliths (Archaeology)
Le dolmen de la Pierre-aux-Fées se trouve sur le territoire de la commune de Reignier, dans la Plaine dite des Rocailles ( ). Monument actuellement isolé au milieu des champs, que commence à gagner au loin l'urbanisation, il ne paraît pas... more
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      Megalithic MonumentsNeolithic EuropeAlpine ArchaeologyMegalithism
Muitas pessoas, directa ou indirectamente, contribuíram para a construção deste trabalho; a todos fica expresso o meu sincero agradecimento. Em primeiro lugar, ao Professor Doutor Victor S. Gonçalves, que aceitou orientá-lo e o ajudou a... more
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PANTELLERIA. THE SESE DI FRESCO EXCAVATION AND FINDS FROM DESTROYED SESES AT MURSIA. - The sese Di Fresco I excavations, an emispheric tomb with four chamber which one, found still closed, is a tholos dome, suggest for the first time... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryFunerary ArchaeologyNeolithic Archaeology
Abstract : this study, which first aim was to demonstrate correspondences between Gaulish and Slavic languages, between which I found 500 common words, allowed me also to establish, on the basis of genetical, archaeological and religious... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAncient HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyLanguages and Linguistics
F. RUBAT BOREL, S. ROSA, F. GIANOTTI, M. ALFIERI, Ceres (TO), loc. Airetta. Cantoira (TO), loc. Rio Combin. Groscavallo (TO), loc. Giass del Colombin. Strutture megalitiche nelle Valli di Lanzo, in «Quaderni della Soprintendenza... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Iron AgeMegalithismItalian Pre- and Protohistory
El dolmen de Soto (Trigueros, Huelva) se define como una de las arquitecturas megalíticas monumentales en piedra y arcilla más singulares y excepcionales de la Península Ibérica. Es uno de los yacimientos arqueológicos referentes para el... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyMegalithic MonumentsMegaliths (Archaeology)
Entre 1988 e 1989, a Mamoa de Aspra (Caminha, Viana do Castelo) foi alvo de duas campanhas de escavação arqueológica por Eduardo Jorge Lopes da Silva no âmbito do projeto de investigação “O Estudo do Megalitismo Minhoto e a sua Correlação... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
Megalithic monuments are seen as memorials, which receive the souls of ancestors and in the same time they are commited to healing practices, mainly relating to conception, suggesting that they are seen as a facility associated with the... more
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      Cultural HeritageMegalithic MonumentsMegaliths (Archaeology)Prehistoric Rock Art
In the Indian context, megaliths are essentially funerary and memorial structures erected by different cultures over vast swathes of time, from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, and in later periods too. Megaliths represent some of the... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArt History
An ethno-historical perspective on the popular magic in Sardinia.
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreEthnohistory
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      European HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
"The megalithic tomb at Montelirio is off the scale in more ways than one. As well as being the largest example of its type known in Spain, the burial goods secreted in its subterranean chambers are unsurpassed in both quantity and... more
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      ReligionArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArt History
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      Megalithic MonumentsNeolithic EuropeAlpine ArchaeologyMegalithism
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      Megalithic MonumentsLate Bronze Age archaeologyMegaliths (Archaeology)Iron Age (Archaeology)
Aix-Marseille Université Laboratoire d'Archéologie Méditerranéenne Préhistorique Europe/Afrique (UMR 7269) Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme 5, rue du Château de l'Horloge BP 647, 13094 Aix-en-Provence (France) 3 4... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySardinia (Archaeology)Phenomenology
"Because of its design and scale, Menga is an outstanding megalithic monument. As such, it has also had a remarkable biography, dating back to the early part of the 4th millennium BC and spanning all prehistoric and historic periods since... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
"This special issue of "Patrimonio Histórico" (Historical Heritage), the bulletin of the Andalusian Historical Heritage Institute, brings together a series of contributions aimed at disseminating the concept of megalithic heritage among... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistorySociology of Religion
In the summer of 1961 in Sion (Valais, Switzerland) the slabs of a prehistoric tomb appeared in a pipe trench at the Avenue du Petit-Chasseur. While uncovering them, someone exclaimed: “prehistoric engravings!”.The first funerary stela... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyBell Beakers (Archaeology)
For a long time, the absence of megalithic monuments in the Levant of the Iberian Peninsula has surprised investigators. Many and diverse hypothesis have been proposed to explain this, but none of them has brought a satisfactory... more
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      Megalithic MonumentsMegaliths (Archaeology)MegalithismCopper age
The megalithic phenomenon is one of the most exciting subjects of study in prehistory. The practice of monumentalising places of special significance by erecting large stones started during the Neolithic period, approximately 10.000 years... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
This article does not presume to summarize the immense complexity of megalithism in France over a period of nearly three millenia, but rather to contribute a few elements of reflection to the numerous research directions it inspires. It... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyPhenomenology
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyEthnographyNortheast India
" Ce livre donne leur unité aux mégalithismes des différentes régions de l'Ouest de la France, sans occulter les particularismes locaux. Ces monuments de pierre, oeuvre des premiers agriculteurs et éleveurs pendant plusieurs millénaires,... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchitectureFunerary Archaeology
Настоящата публикация има за цел да запознае научната общност с новооткрит в землището на с. Розовец, общ. Брезово обект, притежаващ съвкупност от характеристики, за която липсва описание в научната литература, посветена на мегалитните... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyMegalithic Monumentsархеология
Exploration in district-Nalanda was conducted with an objective to understand the settlement pattern of ancient human habitation in the region. The scenario of archaeological findings of district Nalanda has been rapidly changed in the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchitectureMegalithic Monuments
1. Megalitismo: características gerais Os monumentos megalíticos com câmaras e corredores construídos com grandes esteios e, por vezes, com inúmeros blocos usados nos contrafortes e couraças pétreas de cobertura, correspondem às primeiras... more
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      Megalithic MonumentsMegaliths (Archaeology)MegalithismMegalitismo
"This book presents the papers and discussions held at the second meeting of the European Megalithic Studies Group (Seville, Spain, November 2008). This is therefore a cooperative, international book that brings together leading... more
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      ReligionHistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
The dolmen of La Pinilla in Alcolea del Pinar. The megalithic architecture and the surface deposit next to it, we will interpret it with the nearby data from the Ambrona Valley, in the province of Soria, and El Portillo de las Cortes in... more
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      Iberian StudiesArchaeology of the Iberian PeninsulaProtohistoric Iberian PeninsulaMegalithism
This paper contains a summary of many of the ideas that I have had, discussed or encountered about standing stones over the years and much of which has been published or are in press. In particular, this includes the possible... more
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      Cosmology (Anthropology)Neolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age Archaeology
Presentamos el hallazgo, en el término municipal de Azután (Toledo), de un batolito granítico que posiblemente se trate de un santuario rupestre que analizamos dentro del espacio geográfico de la cuenca media del Tajo y de la comarca de... more
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      Bronze Age (Archaeology)MegalithismSacred SpaceMegalitismo
Rock crystal appears relatively frequently in Late Prehistoric Iberian sites, especially in the form of micro-blades and knapping debris. With some exceptions, however, these finds have seldom been looked into in any detail, and therefore... more
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      Physical GeographyArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeology
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyArchitecturePottery (Archaeology)
Several issues are discussed in this paper: 1) the different implementation (and distribution) of the megaliths in each zone (or rather within) and its role in controlling the territory, 2) the diversity of megalithic manifestations and... more
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      Megalithic MonumentsMegaliths (Archaeology)MegalithismMegalitismo
English: "In Archaeology, GIS have been used mainly as platforms for the integration of spatial information. However, its maximum potential lies in the combination of various tools and techniques for both data recording and spatial... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographySocial Geography
Dr Shirodkar's volume on rock art in Goa is an encyclopedic and pioneering venture in rock art studies in India. It has placed the petroglyphs of Usgalimal and Kajur in the background of the history of geological formation, biological... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMesolithicRock ArtIndian tribal art and culture
From the point of view of funerary practices, two large, broad provinces of the Beaker culture used to be distinguished : in the south (the western Mediterranean and Iberian Peninsula) and in the west (the Atlantic region) areas of the... more
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      Funeral PracticesBell Beakers (Archaeology)Corded Ware CultureMegalithism
In this book, we review the studies concerning the genetic and cultural anthropology of the Po Valley (northern Italy), as far as they can shed light on its Celtic roots. As for genetic anthropology, we refer to the pioneering studies by... more
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      AnthropologyFolkloreCeltic StudiesToponomastics
A Serra da Freita constitui um sector importante do Maciço da Gralheira, corónimo com que A. Girão designou “as complicadas formas de relevo que limitam ao Norte a bacia hidrográica do Vouga”, do qual fazem parte ainda os relevos de Arada... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Rock ArtArte RupestreMegalithism
The Megalithism of small dolmens: new data to an old problem The study of the megalithic phenomenon practically follows the development of Archeology as a Science, since the mid-19th century. During this time, one can recognize several... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyMegalithic MonumentsMegaliths (Archaeology)