Medieval Mediterranean
Recent papers in Medieval Mediterranean
Este trabajo tiene por objetivo identificar al sector de la aristocracia aragonesa que mantuvo vínculos personales directos con los monarcas entre finales del reinado de Jaime I (1213-1276) y la última década de Pedro IV (1336-1387),... more
Merkezi New York şehrinde bulunan Amerika Rum Ortodoks Başpiskoposluğu, Ekümenik Patrikhane'nin bir piskoposluğudur. Başpiskoposluk, ilahi ibadet, vaaz etme, öğretme ve Ortodoks Hıristiyan İnancını yaşama yoluyla Amerika Birleşik... more
Contents: "Introduction" (Uri Simonsohn and Oded Zinger); "Out of the Cave: Changes in Funerary Customs in Early Islamic Palestine and Their Reflection in Kinship Dynamics" (Gideon Avni and Itamar Taxel); "Death as a Family Affair: a... more
Whether the navigation and, therefore, the foreigners' commercial activity in the Black Sea continued after the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire in 1453-and above all after the final conquest of the last important Italian... more
Στο Ιράν ομιλούν για μια τουρκο-ισραηλινή συνωμοσία στη βορειοδυτική Συρία: Τις τελευταίες ημέρες πολλά ιρανικά ΜΜΕ, μεταξύ των οποίων και ημικρατικά, κατηγορούν ευθέως την Τουρκία για ΘΕΜΑ SHARE Αδέσμευτη Δημοσιογραφία χωρίς τη δική σας... more
Pour la 2e année consécutive, nous organisons une journée d’étude adossée à la thématique émergente « Dynamiques méditerranéennes » de Framespa, qui se tiendra le jeudi 23 janvier 2025. La thématique « L’Église romaine et les communautés... more
Ce livre examine la singularité et l’importance du détroit de Gibraltar de la domination punique à la chute de Grenade. Cette région géohistorique, située entre deux continents et entre Méditerranée et Atlantique, a été bien plus qu’une... more
The half-destroyed monument complex of the "King Alan" sanctuary, located in the rural area of Old Harzhis in the Syunik province of the Republic of Armenia, comprises a single-nave vaulted basilica church, a narthex-hall attached to the... more
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[dJagridiw] напитак добијен кувањем корена ладолежа (Convolvulus scammonia L.) са дуњама и кореном од сладића (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.). Добијена смеса се процеди и у сок се умеша семе индијске боквице познато као псилалиум (psilallium). -... more
Studies of the Roman Empire have typically assessed the Late Republic and early Empire as "golden ages", with flourishing developments evident in the large-scale investment and expansion of cities, specialized production, and... more
The purpose of this conference is to rethink traditional chronologies and geographies in order to reimagine the Mediterranean in expansive ways that will enable its integration into new accounts of the global war. In bringing together a... more
Scholarly consensus maintains that there was a 'Jewish neighbourhood', or perhaps several such neighbourhoods, in cities throughout the Islamicate world. In the present article, I delve deeply into this concept, seeking to problematise... more
The aim of the paper is to show some sources to measure the port movement of the city of Valencia in the second half of the 15th century. This port movement offers certain microanalytical perspectives of the two major issues that justify... more
Back issues of the Newsletter of the Order of Charity can be found here :
in Accessing the sea in the Middle Ages: Quantitative approaches to mediterranean mobility
El trabajo realizado sobre la serie de Registros de esclavos en el Archivo General de Indias ha supuesto un trabajo coordinado entre restauradores, técnicos de imagen y archiveros que comenzó en el año 2012 y finalizó en 2021. El... more
Alla vigilia dei 90 anni dalla pionieristica monografia di Raimondo Carta Raspi, il volume propone una raccolta di saggi su Mariano IV d’Arborea (1347-1375), tra le figure più significative della storia sarda. Come legislatore emanò il... more Speakers: Dr Alexandra Montero Peters (Texas State University) Dr Stacey E. Murrell (Amherst College) Dr Rachel Shine (University of Maryland) This panel investigates the malleability... more
Le fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% del presente volume dietro pagamento alla siae del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, commi 4 e 5 della legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633. Le fotocopie di... more
Since the beginning of the 21st century, access has become a much-debated topic. Free access is repeatedly claimed - access to education, to resources, to personal or societal prosperity etc. "Open Access" is revolutionising the world of... more
This paper aims to show how 11th-century Byzantine historians viewed Italy and Sicily during a specific period when the Empire lost all its possessions in these provinces. By analysing the histories of Michael Psellus, Cecaumenus, Michael... more
This is the first academic monograph centered on the idea that the Muslim Zirid dynasty of Ifriqiya and the Christian Norman dynasty of southern Italy and Sicily were far more connected than previously thought. In Dynasties Intertwined:... more
This article investigates duality in the colonial practice of French laïcité and how Muslim intellectuals responded to it in early 20th-century colonial Algeria. The principle of laïcité in colonial Algeria operated contradictorily... more
Congreso V Centenario del Consejo de Indias
Goda Bulybenko (Independent Scholar)-Il mare diabolicum di Opicino de Canistris: il crocivia tra antichità, medioevo e rinascimento. Session 3-Between West and East: christians and muslims in the Atlantic and Mediterranean world Renato... more
This dissertation is an investigation of the religiohistorical phenomenon of Islamic pilgrimage (ziyāra) to Jerusalem during the Mamlūk period (648-922 A.H./1250-1517 C.E.). Through an in-depth analysis of the Faḍāʾil al-Quds (Merits of... more
Allí nos compartió cómo fue su acercamiento a la Historia, en general, y a los tiempos medievales, en particular; sus tareas en la universidad; sus impresiones en torno a los estudios medievales a ambos lados del Atlántico. Al iniciar la... more
Welcome to the 12 th International Medieval Meeting Lleida which will take place between the 5 th and 7 th of June 2024. During the Middle Ages, government is a game of negotiation between power holders. Concepts such as the common good,... more
Zoom: The history of the Mozarabic community and its practices has already been examined from various perspectives. The aim of this session of... more