Medical and Court/Legal Interpreting
Recent papers in Medical and Court/Legal Interpreting
Resumo: Neste artigo, proponho-me apresentar e discutir algumas dificuldades recorrentes enfrentadas pelos intérpretes de Libras-Português na esfera jurídica. Este trabalho caracteriza-se por uma abordagem qualitativa e de cunho... more
Présentation de la monographie "Principes, présences et structures de l'interprétation en milieu social dans les pays francophones", publiée dans la série "Monografías" (nº 4) de la revue "Çédille. Revue de Estudios Franceses". Çédille... more
One of the basic premises of this paper is the paradigm shift in translation and interpreting studies away from a simplistic positivism to a context-based approach. This paper will, in the context of community interpreting (or ‘public... more
La publicación en la Unión Europea de la Directiva 2010/64/UE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 20 de octubre, relativa al derecho a interpretación y traducción en los procesos penales ha marcado un antes y un después en una gran... more
The purpose of this document is to support the education and training of community interpreters. It does so by providing structured and detailed guidelines for professional conduct in accordance with principles and values that underlie... more
Interpreters are taught they have deep roots in the Deaf community, and their work began as volunteers from schools, churches, and social services. This article expands on that history to include the time before any of those systems... more
This review appeared in The Sign Language Translator and Interpreter Vol. 3, Nbr. 2, 2009
This paper aims to investigate the field-level realities of the codes of conduct adhered to by different agencies in Belgium for community interpreters, and the degree of interpreter discretion in the application of these codes. We focus... more
Research on intertextuality in criminal trials postulates a dynamic view of legal text and demonstrates how discourse takes on different meanings at various stages in the legal process. This article examines how these intertextual... more
Streszczenie W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono psychologiczne i prawnicze kryteria oceny wiarygodności zeznań świadków w kontekście pracy tłumacza w środowisku sądowym, w szczególności w odniesieniu do wierności tłumaczenia i... more
There are three main stages in Japan’s criminal process involving interpreters: interrogations by the Police, interviews conducted by the Public Prosecutors Office, and the criminal trial, heard either by a professional judge (or judges)... more
This contribution is devoted to the voices of users of video remote interpreting (VRI) in a particular setting, namely legal interpreters and police officers. Focusing on an aspect that has received little attention to date, viz. the... more
At that point where Language Access becomes a matter of life or death, freedom or prison, understanding or confusion we find law enforcement professionals, health care providers and interpreters trying to pinpoint why their interaction is... more
While it is claimed that the role of medical interpreters is constantly changing, perhaps it is the understanding of their role that is evolving. The aim of this chapter is to provide an initial exploration of the contextualized issues... more
Аннотация: в статье рассматривается судебный перевод в России, еще не получивший надлежащего признания в стране. Анализируются взгляды российских учёных, а также исследуется зарождение и развитие судебного перевода в других странах. Спрос... more
The late twentieth century has seen the professionalization, regulation and enhancement of sign language interpretation in Ireland. However, the historical roots of interpreting between Deaf and hearing people run deep. Interpreters at... more
La publicación en la Unión Europea de la Directiva 2010/64/UE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 20 de octubre, relativa al derecho a interpretación y traducción en los procesos penales ha marcado un antes y un después en una gran... more
Paper delivered to Trinity College Dublin, Modern History Postgraduate Seminar, Tuesday 6 October 2015
La asistencia de intérprete en el procedimiento penal. Especial referencia a su papel en la vista oral 1) Introducción: el derecho a intérprete como exigencia del derecho al proceso debido En su nota de prensa del 11 de marzo de 2014, la... more
This paper aims to investigate the field-level realities of the codes of conduct adhered to by different agencies in Belgium for community interpreters, and the degree of interpreter discretion in the application of these codes. We focus... more
L’article exposa la política de bilingüisme del Canadà pel que fa a les llengües de treball de l’Administració de justícia, als drets d’accés a la justícia en la llengua oficial pròpia i com aquesta política s’ha de posar en relació amb... more
Cultural differences bring certain complexities to the work of medical interpreters. They face unique, and sometimes conflicting demands from healthcare providers, culturally diverse patients, their healthcare organizations, and their... more
Daniel Holcombe, MA, currently teaches Spanish at Arizona State University, where he is a doctoral student in Spanish and a teaching and research associate. His focus includes literature, culture studies, cultural brokering, and... more
The conception of sign language interpreters as communication professionals was formed in the 1960s, but the pedigree of the role extends centuries further into the past. The common law is an ideal seat of inquiry for a study, as both the... more
Community interpreting is a new and still developing field of research in Poland. With the outbreak of the Ukrainian Crisis in 2014, followed by the Refugee Crisis in 2015, its role has become especially crucial and apparent. However,... more
This white paper will also attempt to answer the following questions: • What does it truly cost to provide interpreting services, and what impact does it have in providing cost-efficient and patient safe healthcare services? • Why is the... more
We invite submissions for contributions to a conference dedicated to exploring recent research in the fields of translation studies and multilingualism. Taking inspiration from Jean-Noël Robert's concept of hieroglossia-the relationship... more
Language is one of the main tools through which individuals are able to express their identity, and this is becoming increasingly evident in the various spheres of public life in contemporary multicultural societies. In a Europe... more
La interpretació judicial és un element clau per evitar qualsevol estat d’indefensió de la persona jutjada. Tanmateix, ha estat un àmbit relativament poc explorat al context espanyol fins fa poc, sobretot en comparació amb països com els... more
Presentation for 'Justisigns: Interpreting within legal settings - a historical overview', Trinity College Dublin, 30 September 2015.
The objective of this chapter is to outline ways in which different technologies can be used to administer legal interpreter certification tests as a means to conduct them more efficiently and cost-effectively. Firstly, an overview of the... more
Although an impressive amount of material for practitioners has been published in recent years on legal interpreting, the vast majority of it does not extend its reach to looking at the deep roots of historical court interpreting. There... more
The purpose of this document is to support the education and training of community interpreters. It does so by providing structured and detailed guidelines for professional conduct in accordance with principles and values that underlie... more
Introducción al contexto profesional en el que se ejerce la interpretación judicial y policial, combinando aspectos teóricos y prácticos. Se revisará la legislación vigente y la evolución histórica de la profesión en general, para... more