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Maya Blue is a colour that is more than a pigment; it had roles in status, ritual and performance, being daubed onto pots and people before sacrifice. Here researchers use experimental and historical evidence to discover how it was made,... more
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Chapter 8 in volume entitled The Sowing and the Dawning: Termination, Dedication and Transformation in the Archaeological and Ethnographic Record of Mesoamerica

edited by Shirley Boteler Mock
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyCerámica Maya
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyCerámica MayaMaya Ceramics
Based on fieldwork and reflection over a period of almost fifty years, Maya Potters’ Indigenous Knowledge utilizes engagement theory to describe the indigenous knowledge of traditional Maya potters in Ticul, Yucatán, Mexico. In this... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesIntangible cultural heritageMaya Archaeology
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      Maya ArtMaya EpigraphyAncient MayaMaya Ceramics
Tesis que plantea los usos de la cerámica policroma Copador por diferentes estratos sociales durante el periodo Clásico Tardío en el Valle de Zapotitán, Cordillera del Bálsamo y Chalchuapa adscritos a la Fase Payu, (600-900 d.C.) que... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya Ceramics
Since the 1970s hundreds of looted ceramics of related style have found their way into public and private collections around the world through the international antiquities and black markets. These objects were later found to have come... more
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMaya ArtMaya History
Caerá rompiéndose sobre los dioses del ahora. Así pues, lo sabéis, y lo dice cualquiera. A la tierra suave de la Orilla del Pozo llegaron conquistando, al golpe de la guerra. No hay verdad en las palabras de los extranjeros.
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      Maya ArchaeologyTabascoMaya Ceramics
El presente trabajo expone los resultados iniciales del análisis epigráfico realizado sobre dos vasos mayas pertenecientes a la colección 51 P.J. del acervo de la Dirección de Registro Público de Monumentos y Zonas Arqueológicas del INAH,... more
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      Writing Systems & DeciphermentClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMaya Epigraphy
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      ArchaeoastronomyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMesoamerica
Despite a widespread notion that feasting played a major role in the workings of Classic Maya polities, the very concept of feasting in the context of its textual and visual representations remains poorly defined and understood. The... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyGift ExchangeClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
The archaeological site of Chactún, located in the eastern part of the Mexican state of Campeche, was discovered in 2013, when we started reconnaissance works in the southern portion of the vast archaeologically unexplored territory that... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya EpigraphyCampecheMaya Ceramics
n la época prehispánica, las llanuras aluviales de Tabasco (correspondientes a la porción norte del estado, donde se encuentran los deltas de los ríos Grijalva y Usumacinta antes de desembocar en el Golfo de México), propiciaron que la... more
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      Ceramic TechnologyMaya ArchaeologyMaya ArtHistoria De Las Mujeres
The recent salvage archaeological project in a large area of Tabasco gave way to the exploration of the San Román site, where a ceramic collection was obtained. This rather large amount of sherds allowed the construction of a ceramic... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyMayasArqueologia MayaMaya Ceramics
Temporada 2007.
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      Ceramic TechnologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
Los vasos dinásticos forman parte de un material cerámico que destaca por su decoración y los contenidos informativos registrados en sus superficies. En el caso de los vasos de la dinastía Kaan, estos sobresalen porque en su narrativa... more
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      IconographyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMaya Art
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      Experimental ArchaeologyCeramic TechnologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Mayan culture
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologySettlement PatternsMaya ArchaeologyMaya Epigraphy
La presente investigación de grado se centró en el estudio de una muestra parcial de cerámica polícroma Copador procedente de las excavaciones arqueológicas efectuadas en los sitios arqueológicos: sitio arqueológico Tazumal ubicado en la... more
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    • Maya Ceramics
One of the most virtuosic pictorial traditions in Classic Maya art is the codex style, which was embodied on ceramic vessels between AD 672 and 751. It is a technique characterized by drawings on the light bottom of the slip, which was... more
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      Maya IconographyMaya CeramicsAncient Maya ArtMaya epigraphy and iconography
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      Remote SensingMaya ArchaeologyMesoamericaWater Management
The notion of standardization in pottery production has been used as an indicator of ceramic specialization. Yet, this notion and the assumptions behind it are still largely untested ethnographically. This paper attempts to identify some... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyGeochemistry
The present work presents the initial results of the epigraphic analysis carried out on two Maya vessels belonging to the 51 P.J. collection of the Dirección de Registro Público de Monumentos y Zonas Arqueológicas of the INAH, as they... more
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      Maya EpigraphyMaya hieroglyphic writingMaya CeramicsChatahn winik
ABSTRACT This book is about the Maya who inhabited northern Yucatán, México, during the centuries around the European arrival, the Late Postclassic (AD c. 1100-1500). The... more
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      Ceramic TechnologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyCeramic Petrography
El Proyecto PNO (Peten Noroccidente) investiga el sitio arqueologico Zapote Bobal entre 2004 y 2006.

The PNO Archaeological Project (Peten North West) investigates the Zapote Bobal archaeological site between 2004 and 2006.
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
This article studies the history and contexts of appearance of the so-called “X-ray” mask, an iconographic resource identified by Michael D. Coe in 1978, due to its presence in the scenes of some Maya painted vessels in the Motul de San... more
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      Maya ArtMaya IconographyMaya CeramicsAncient Maya Art
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya CeramicsEl Peru-Waka
Chactún, Tamchén y Lagunita. Primeras incursiones arqueológicas a una región ignota / 21 hacia el Complejo Sureste, a poco más de 300 m de distancia.
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyMaya ArtMaya Epigraphy
During the past decade the corpus of inscriptions pertaining to the Baax Witz court of Xultun has been significantly amplified thanks to recent archaeological investigations (e.g.,
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya ArtMaya EpigraphyMayan Linguistics
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya ArtMaya HistoryMaya Epigraphy
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyCerámica MayaArqueologia Maya
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      Ceramic Analysis (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyBelize archaeologyMaya Ceramics
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      ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyCerámica Maya
This is a book review!
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      Anthropology Of ArtClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Ceramics
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      FoodwaysCerámica MayaMaya Ceramics
This study investigates the Protoclassic ceramic production at Nakum, Guatemala, using it as a proxy to explore the nature of the transition from the Preclassic to Classic period (100/50 BC-AD 300/350) in Central Maya lowlands.... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyMaya HistoryMayan Studies
En el transcurso de trece temporadas de campo, los arqueólogos han llevado a cabo 23 operaciones a través de la ciudad en ruinas de El Perú-Waka'. Durante estas investigaciones, los excavadores recuperaron más de un millón de tiestos... more
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyCerámica MayaMaya Ceramics
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya Ceramics
Leticia Miguel……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………233-243 Capítulo XIII. Excavaciones en el Juego de Pelota de El Lodo (Operaciones 52A y 52B) Maria Felicia Rega……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………244-251 Capítulo XIV.... more
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMaya HistoryMaya Epigraphy
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology
In this paper we present a review about the murals located in the Temples of the Descending God (Temple 5) and the Frescos (Temple 16) at the pre-Columbian city of Tulum, Quintana Roo. We first study some of the characters dressed as... more
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya ArtMaya IconographyMaya History and Religion
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyUsumacinta river basinMaya Ceramics
Studies on ceremonial ceramics from the Ixil Region – interpretation difficulties related to the vessels from the museum collection in Nebaj, El Quiche, Guatemala
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya CeramicsMaya Ixil
La producción e intercambio de la cerámica impresa del Clásico en la región de Petexbatun, Petén. En IX Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 1995 (editado por J.P. Laporte y H. Escobedo), pp.93-114. Museo Nacional de... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)
The term ·'Protoclassic." employed regularly but inex plicitl y in the literature of lowland Maya archaeo logy, has become increasing ly nebulous and ambiguous in both meaning and usage. This paper rev iews the hi story and use of the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyCerámica MayaMaya Ceramics
El Proyecto PNO (Peten Noroccidente) investiga el sitio arqueologico Zapote Bobal entre 2004 y 2006.

The PNO Archaeological Project (Peten North West) investigates the Zapote Bobal archaeological site between 2004 and 2006.
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      ArchaeologySettlement PatternsClassic Maya (Archaeology)Maya Archaeology