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      Communication TechnologyMash UpDesign TechnologySpeculative Art and Design.
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      SemioticsSocial SemioticsUGCUser Generated Content
Personal Learning Environments have emerged as a complementary, even challenging, paradigm to Adaptive Learning Systems. We consider the mash-up era as an appropriate approach for a successful realization of digital personal learning... more
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      Pervasive ComputingOntologiesLearning EnvironmentPersonal Learning Environment
Since the invention of the Web, the browser has become more and more powerful. By now, it is a programming and execution environment in itself. The predominant language to program applications in the browser today is JavaScript. With... more
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This poster describes a conceptual model of a timelinebased mash-up service, which addresses the needs of researchers involved in collaborative scientific writing processes.
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      ResearchCollaborative WritingConceptual ModelMash Up
Since the invention of the Web, the browser has become more and more powerful. By now, it is a programming and execution environment in itself. The predominant language to program applications in the browser today is JavaScript. With... more
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Service oriented architectures (SOAs) based on Web Services have attracted a great interest and IT investments during the last years, principally in the context of business-to-business integration within corporate intranets. However, they... more
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureWeb ServicesWebSOA
Przedmiotem artyku³u s¹ problemy zwi¹zane z pytaniami fundacyjnymi ("wy¿szego rzêdu") w teorii stosunków miêdzynarodowych (dalej: TSM). Zadaae je musi ka¿da teoria spo³eczna zanim spróbuje odpowiedzieae na pytania dotycz¹ce jej konkretnej... more
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      SemioticsHistoryHumanitiesSocial Semiotics
The mapping of different aspects of urban phenomena and their relation to the physical cityscape has been greatly extended by the use of geomatics. The tradition to base reasoning on 'understanding the world' dates from the time of... more
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      Urban PlanningFuture InternetMash UpGIS
Since the invention of the Web, the browser has become more and more powerful. By now, it is a programming and execution environment in itself. The predominant language to program applications in the browser today is JavaScript. With... more
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"The main topics of this lecture are the following six ones: 1) A general presentation of the audiovisual text (re-)authoring project and the intended results. 2) Presentation of the selected source corpus. 3) The goal of the... more
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      Creative WritingSemioticsMusicNew Media
Although Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) were not designed for multimedia processing, they speed up the development of distributed multimedia applications by allowing the composition or reconfiguration of existing services. For... more
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      Distributed ComputingService Oriented ArchitectureMultimediaWeb Services
The mapping of different aspects of urban phenomena and their relation to the physical cityscape has been greatly extended by the use of geomatics. The tradition to base reasoning on 'understanding the world' dates from the time of... more
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      Urban PlanningFuture InternetMash UpGIS
Personal Learning Environments have emerged as a complementary, even challenging, paradigm to Adaptive Learning Systems. We consider the mash-up era as an appropriate approach for a successful realization of digital personal learning... more
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      Pervasive ComputingOntologiesMash UpWorkflows
Service oriented architectures (SOAs) based on Web services have attracted a great interest and IT investments during the last years, principally in the context of business-to-business integration within corporate Intranets. However, they... more
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      Service Oriented ArchitectureWeb ServicesWebSOA
Open Data (OD) is an emerging trend that aims to facilitate the freedom and reuse of information. Therefore, tools, applications and platforms are required that enable the publishing and consumption of data. In this paper, we present our... more
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      PublishingData AnalysisWeb ServicesLinked Data
Open Data (OD) is an emerging trend that aims to facilitate the freedom and reuse of information. Therefore, tools, applications and platforms are required that enable the publishing and consumption of data. In this paper, we present our... more
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      PublishingData AnalysisWeb ServicesLinked Data