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bring people to it. That's the other thing we could have done better. If we had had more money we could have done that better. Christina and Thomas: How important do you think Rainbow Warrior is for the Greenpeace brand? Campaign manager:... more
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      Public RelationsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)CrowdsourcingNGOs funding and management
The organizational long term success of promotional campaigns and the integration of marketing communications are affected by the effective use of information communication technologies, including the use of the Internet. Today, the... more
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      BusinessMarketingPublic RelationsInformation Communication Technology
Отличительной особенностью модели по принципу «одного окна» (ПОО) в Грузии является четкое разделение на бэк-офисы и фронт-офисы в цепочке предоставления государственных услуг. Центр государственных услуг и Общественные центры служат... more
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      GovernancePublic ServicesDemocracy and Good GovernancePublic Service Delivery
Christina and Thomas: How was the campaign received among the donors, how was the communication and reaction?
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      Public RelationsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)CrowdsourcingNGOs funding and management
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan pasar masyarakat untuk meyakinkan konsumen melalui kolaborasi yang sangat baik dari Garmchashma. Secara lebih rinci, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi model... more
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      Ilmu KomunikasiMarketing and Public Relations
Pada video yang berdurasi 57 menit dengan judul Secrets of the super brand Created by BBC ( Youtube link : ) terdapat cerita dari beberapa brand terkenal yang menjadi super brand.
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      Brand ManagementIlmu KomunikasiCritical ReviewStrategi Pemasaran
Dengan permintaan pasar yang terus meningkat terhadap produk minuman sachet, semakin banyak pula perusahaan bermunculan menciptakan produkminuman sachet.Tentunya hal ini menjadikan persaingan bisnis semakin ketat, maka di butuhkan... more
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    • Marketing and Public Relations
Annual Report sebagai bentuk laporan keuangan tahunan memiliki aspek-aspek dalam memberikan informasi mengenai perusahaan kepada publik. pengungkapan informasi ini terdiri dari pengungkapan wajib dan pengungkapan sukarela. penyusunan... more
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      Business AdministrationCommunicationCorporate Social ResponsibilitySocial Marketing
Perusahaan yang berhasil akan memandang bisnis mereka dari luar hingga kedalam. Mereka menyadari bahwa lingkungan pemasaran selalu menimbulkan peluang baru, ancaman baru, dan pemahaman baru tentang pentingnya memantau dan... more
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    • Marketing and Public Relations
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Untuk memperoleh skripsi full silahkan post comment.
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      ThesisPublic Relations StrategyMetode Penelitian KomunikasiMarketing and Public Relations
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    • Marketing and Public Relations
The organizational long term success of promotional campaigns and the integration of marketing communications are affected by the effective use of information communication technologies, in- cluding the use of the Internet. Today, the... more
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      MarketingPublic RelationsSocial MediaSocial Media Marketing
PAZARLAMA ODAKLI HALKLA İLİŞKİLERDE ÜRÜN PAKETLEME VE SERGİLEME STRATEJİLERİNİN ÖNEMİ Özet Pazarlama odaklı halkla ilişkiler; satışı ve müşteri memnuniyetini teşvik eden, şir-ketleri ve ürünleri tüketicilerin istekleri, ihtiyaçları,... more
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      Marketing Strategiesürün YerleştirmeProduct Packaging and InnovationMarketing and Public Relations
Marketing concept is a philosophy which states that the key to achieving goals is to determine the needs of the target customers and to satisfy those needs efficiently and effectively than competitors. The application of this concept in... more
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    • Marketing and Public Relations
En la publicación Business Policy. Text and Cases de 1965 cuatro profesores de Harvard y, casi coincidiendo en el tiempo, otros académicos del Instituto de Investigación de Stanford (actual SRI Internacional) divulgaron un instrumento que... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationInternal CommunicationConflict ResolutionConflict Management
This study suggests about how the Public Relations Marketing strategy in increasing the sales of concert tickets synesthete, namely by using a strategy of Direct Response Marketing. A activities carried out in the public relations... more
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      Marketing StrategyGreenhouse EffectMarketing and Public Relations
This article is on the e-tools of public relations.
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      Public RelationsPublic Relations ethics (Philosophy)Public Relations EthicsPublic Relations & Social Media
Public relations; it can be defined as 'all activities carried out on a permanent or temporary basis by profit or nonprofit organizations to establish and maintain a mutual communication and beneficial relationship with their target... more
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      MarketingProductionPublic RelationsSocial Media
The organizational long term success of promotional campaigns and the integration of marketing communications are affected by the effective use of information communication technologies, including the use of the Internet. Today, the... more
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      MarketingPublic RelationsInformation Communication TechnologySocial Media
Perusahaan menggunakan promosi untuk menyampaikan pesan yang diharapkan kepada khalayak dan dapat mempengaruhi persepsi dan tindakan publik. Fungsi Humas dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan adalah untuk meningkatkan kunjungan tamu hotel,... more
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    • Marketing and Public Relations
Perusahaan menggunakan promosi untuk menyampaikan pesan yang diharapkan kepada khalayak dan dapat mempengaruhi persepsi dan tindakan publik. Fungsi Humas dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan adalah untuk meningkatkan kunjungan tamu hotel,... more
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    • Marketing and Public Relations
En la publicación Business Policy. Text and Cases de 1965 cuatro profesores de Harvard y, casi coincidiendo en el tiempo, otros académicos del Instituto de Investigación de Stanford (actual SRI Internacional) divulgaron un instrumento que... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationInternal CommunicationConflict ResolutionConflict Management
Tugas Kuliah
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      Strategic ManagementMarketing and Public Relations
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif tentang strategi pemasaran dan manajemen Humas di Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Syarif Kasim Riau (UIN SUSKA). Subjek investigasi adalah Humas UIN SUSKA yang bertanggung jawab langsung... more
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      MarketingMarketing StrategyPendidikanStrategi Pemasaran
Hem ulusal hem de uluslararası ölçekte, üniversiteleri sıralamaya yönelik girişimlerin çeşitlenmesiyle sıralama sistemlerine kamuyoyunun ilgilisi artmaktadır. Fakat bu sistemlerin hangilerinin üniversiteleri ne gibi açılardan... more
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      Academic RankingTotal Quality ManagmentMarketing and Public Relations
Tugas Kuliah
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      Strategic ManagementMarketing and Public Relations
Stigmatisasi dan pelabelan memang kerap diberikan media dalam memberitakan peristiwa atau kejadian yang berhubungan dengan Tionghoa. Disadari ataupun tidak, media sesungguhnya memainkan peranan penting dalam pelestarian nilai-nilai dan... more
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      ManagementComparative ReligionCognitive Behavioral TherapyLaw