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There is an increasing awareness that dust plays important roles in climate change, biogeochemical cycles, nutrient supply to ecosystems, and soil formation. In Channel Islands National Park, California, soils are clay-rich Vertisols or... more
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      ArchaeologyEarth SciencesGeologyGeochemistry
Detailed mapping and dating of raised Late Holocene shorelines in southern Calabria, central Mediterranean region, reveals that the superposed shoreline record of uplift has both steady and abrupt components. Analysis reveals quantitative... more
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      GeologySeismologySea LevelMultidisciplinary
Aceptado en versión final: 8 de junio de 2006 Resumen. El área de La Macolla se localiza al SW del faro homónimo en la costa NW de Paraguaná, Estado Falcón, Venezuela. El objetivo del trabajo es abordar una posible explicación de... more
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      GeologyHumanitiesSediment transportBarrier Island
The central area of the Apulia region is characterized by a network of valleys with peculiar features, locally called 'gravine' or 'lame'. They are short, straight valleys, deeply incised in Plio-Pleistocene calcareous sandstones and in... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyPaleontologySea Level
Excavations for modern, urban construction in the greater Lefkosia (Nicosia) area of Cyprus expose three to ten meter thick Holocene alluvium of the Pedhieos River. The Pedhieos River originates in the Trodoos Mountains, flows north to... more
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      Physical GeographyGeologyClimate ChangeHolocene
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      GeographyGeologyFluvial Geomorphology
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic... more
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      GeologyClay MineralsWeatheringPedogenesis
A geological and a geophysical survey have been carried out at Ponza Island, Tyrrhenian sea, Italy. Geological and structural data allowed to identify three main tectonic systems: NW-SE, NE-SW and E-W trending. The first one is related to... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsSea Level
Ahmed Chalouan (1) , Carlos Sanz de Galdeano (2) , Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar (2, 3) , Ramón Julià (4) , Khalil El Kadiri (5) , Antonio Pedrera (3) , Rachid Hlila (5) , Mustafa Akil (1) y Mfedal Ahmamou (1)
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      GeographyGeologyMarine Terraces
Three travertinic levels have been identified in the Beni Younech village, near the Quaternary marine terraces of Ras Leona Point, in the south-eastern coast of the Gibraltar Strait. These travertines developed probably over marine... more
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      TravertinesMarine Terraces
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      GeographyGeologyFluvial Geomorphology
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High-resolution, three-dimensional (3D) measurements of surface displacements during earthquakes can provide constraints on fault geometry and near-surface slip, and also quantify on-and off-fault deformation. However, measurements of... more
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      GeologyPhotogrammetryPoint Cloud
Cephalonia, located in the middle of the central Ionian Islands, has been affected by destructive earthquakes during both the instrumental and the historical period. Despite the fact that it is widely studied from several scientific... more
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      GeologyAnalytic Hierarchy ProcessLithologyApplied Sciences
Subduction systems globally terminate, allowing plate-motion to be transferred from the oceanic megathrust onto continental and/or oceanic transform faults. The mechanism of this kinematic transition over earthquake timescales is,... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologySeismologyPhysical sciences
The M7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake that struck the northeastern South Island, New Zealand, on November 14, 2016 (local time), is one of the largest ever instrumentally recorded earthquakes in New Zealand. It occurred at the southern termination... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologySeismologyPhysical sciences
The purpose is geologically to resolve the occurrence timing and the accumulation process of the crustal movement associated with the Kanto Earthquake repeated at the plate boundary along the Sagami Trough. Study site is the coastal lower... more
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      Human GeographyGeologyPaleontologyPleistocene
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      GeologySea LevelTerrace agricultureCAPE
Oriental es el único sistema montañoso del sector Este de La Española, habiendo adquirido su actual fisonomía a lo largo del Cuaternario. Durante el Plioceno, la región constituyó un archipiélago de pequeñas islas que emergerían de una... more
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Combined with eustatic sea-level changes, uplifted Quaternary marine terraces provide insight into the tectonics of coastal areas. Cephalonia Island lies 35 km off the western coast of mainland Greece and 15 km northeast of the Hellenic... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyPaleontologySea Level
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This study addresses the coastal terrace staircases of western central Portugal (Cape Mondego to Cape Espichel). Below the culminant marine unit that records the last episode of aggradation before the ongoing stage of incision, several... more
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      GeologyCentral PortugalUplift
During his journey on the Beagle, Darwin observed the uniformity in the elevation of coastal Eastern Patagonia along more than 2000 km. More than one century later, the sequences of Quaternary shorelines of eastern Patagonia have been... more
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Streams in Cyprus embody different climates from their surroundings due to their slopes on different directions, height differences between the streambed and slopes, air stream within a valley, temperature differences caused by sunshine... more
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      GeographyPhysical GeographyCyprusPhytogeography
Mitochondria and plastids are generally uniparentally inherited and have a conserved gene content over hundreds of millions of years, which makes them potentially useful phylogenetic markers. Organelle single gene-based trees have long... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsPhylogeneticsBiology
Tectonic deformation produced by the fault rupture of the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 26 December 2004 shows zones of uplift and subsidence separated by neutral line (locale of zero vertical displacement) in the Andaman Islands.... more
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The 1994 Mw 7.1 Mindoro Earthquake and the 2017 Mw 5.9 Batangas Earthquake Sequence both occurred in offshore southern Batangas and devastated southern Luzon and Mindoro. These earthquakes exhibited NW-striking right-lateral slip in an... more
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      GeologySeismologySubmarine Pipeline
En esta excursión de perfil de playa, pudimos verificar como iban cambiando las muestras de arena de finas a un poco más de grosor. Empezamos las mediciones en playa norte a distancia de 50 metros de la orilla del mar, utilizando... more
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    • Sedimentary geology and stratigraphy
Ahmed Chalouan (1) , Carlos Sanz de Galdeano (2) , Jesús Galindo-Zaldívar (2, 3) , Ramón Julià (4) , Khalil El Kadiri (5) , Antonio Pedrera (3) , Rachid Hlila (5) , Mustafa Akil (1) y Mfedal Ahmamou (1)
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      GeologyQuaternaryTravertinesMarine Terraces
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      HistoryGeologyGeologistGSA Today
Field mapping and lidar analysis of surface faulting patterns expressed in flights of geologically similar fluvial terraces at the wellknown Branch River and Saxton River sites along the Wairau (Alpine) and Awatere strike-slip faults,... more
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      Earth SciencesGeology
We conducted systematic mapping of Holocene marine terraces in eastern Mindanao Island, Philippines for the first time. Raised marine platforms along the 80-km-long coastline of eastern Davao Oriental Province are geomorphic evidence of... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryGeophysicsCoastal Geomorphology
Plio-Quatemary faulted marine terraces are distinctively recognizable at four levels along Ihe 110 km-Iong coast around the Altos de Talinay, north-central Chile.The authors named them the Talinay 1, 11, 111 and IV terraces in descending... more
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      GeologyHumanitiesAndean Geology
We performed detailed geological and geomorphological analyses on a well-exposed series of marine terrace deposits located along a coastal area from the city of Taranta to the Bradano River in the northern Gulf of Taranta (southern... more
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      GeologyPaleontologyGeologíaTerrace agriculture
A survey of raised coral reef terraces in locations along the southern coast of Iran was carried out with the aim of assessing regional Late Quaternary tectonic uplift rates influenced by salt doming. Two islands were studied: Kish, where... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologyPaleontologySea Level
Marine terraces are geomorphic markers largely used to estimate past sea-level positions and surface deformation rates in studies focused on climate and tectonic processes worldwide. This paper aims to investigate the role of tectonic... more
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      GeologyTectonicsSea LevelPleistocene
Although a traditional geological survey of terraced coastal slopes is an essential part of studies aimed to reconstruct relative sea-level changes, the stratigraphic and chronological data so obtained frequently prove inadequate to... more
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      GeologyTectonicsSea LevelComputer Simulation
El proposito fue identificar las caractreristicas fisicoquimicas del material que constituye el deposito tipo playa, para lo cual se desarrollaron tres fases en el proyecto de investigacion: (a)Campo: colecta de  sedimentos superficiales... more
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      PhysicsHumanitiesRevistas de investigación
The history of alluvial fan and terrace formation within a stretch of the Ouarzazate basin along the southern margin of the Central High Atlas is reconstructed using geomorphological and 10 Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) methods.... more
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      GeologyPaleontologyFluvial GeomorphologyQuaternary
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      GeologyPaleontologyQuaternaryContinental shelf
Upper-plate structures that splay out from the megathrusts are common features along major convergent plate boundaries. However, their earthquake and tsunami hazard potentials have not yet received significant attention. In this study, we... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologySeismologyPhysical sciences
Upper-plate structures that splay out from the megathrusts are common features along major convergent plate boundaries. However, their earthquake and tsunami hazard potentials have not yet received significant attention. In this study, we... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologySeismologyPhysical sciences
During his journey on the Beagle, Darwin observed the uniformity in the elevation of coastal Eastern Patagonia along more than 2000 km. More than one century later, the sequences of Quaternary shorelines of eastern Patagonia have been... more
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Tectonic deformation produced by the fault rupture of the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 26 December 2004 shows zones of uplift and subsidence separated by neutral line (locale of zero vertical displacement) in the Andaman Islands.... more
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      Tsunami impactCrustal Deformation and tectonic activities
Uplift of the Palos Verdes peninsula has long been associated with a northwest trending, southwest dipping, reverse fault. Unfortunately, the Palos Verdes Hills fault has no obvious surface displacement and little background seismicity to... more
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Uranium/Thorium isotopic composition of 165 samples from various mid-late Holocene features, such as in situ Porites microatolls, in situ reef flats, conglomerates and reworked reef blocks, collected from twelve islands in French... more
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Several Mesozoic limestone elevations of E-W elongated shape rise up in the central region of the Algarve Barrocal (Portuguese southwestern margin). Tectonic geomorphology suggests that these reliefs correspond to right lateral... more
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    • Shear Zone
A spatiotemporal analysis of sedimentation by sites and months of work was carried out in the Pampa El Cabildo Lagoon (LPC), located in the northeastern of the community of Puerto Madero, Tapachula, Chiapas, Mex. in the period from... more
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Evidence of paleoenvironmental changes during the Holocene from the Lower Mahi basin of Western India have been documented. The unpaired S2surface all along the estuarine zone of the Mahi basin has been identified as an uplifted marine... more
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