Manorialism, Feudalism
Recent papers in Manorialism, Feudalism
Gennemgang af de lange linjer i kulturhistorien for de cirka 500 hektar, som Bikubenfonden købte ad nogle omgange 2005-2006 i Svanninge Bakker / De fynske Alper, og som kaldes Svanninge Bjerge. Særligt fokus på herregårde, skovdrift og... more
The motte at Callan, Co. Kilkenny comprises the substantial earthwork remains of an earth and timber castle located in a 4.84 hectare pasture field. It survives as a large sub rectangular earthen platform sited on a natural gravel ridge,... more
Medieval society consisted of a wide spectrum of social groups characterised by specific artefacts. It can be presumed that the handling of particular objects and the occupation of particular types of buildings helped define the status of... more
This is the presentation that I give within the course "Medeltidens Europa" at the University of Gothenburg. The 60-minute lecture (40+20 minutes) is followed by group work in which students try their hand in medieval source criticism and... more
The Early Mannors in Lithuania
This treatise explores the underlying historiographical arguments for the existence of a "Feudal" Japan during the Kamakura Period. It acknowledges certain flawed methodological principles in-context with contemporary historical realities.
Vom Institut Deutsche Adelsforschung in Kiel gesammelte und bibliographisch verzeichnete Nachweise auf schriftliche und nicht im Internet verfügbare zitierfähige Quellen zur architektonisch gefaßten deutschen Adelsgeschichte.
(s. 86-125) En studie av byn och godset Barsebäcks äldre historia.
An Article in Scandinavian Journal of History (2013), pp. 273-295.
Based on a synthesis of the empirical scholarship on England and Germany, this paper demonstrates that in both regions, rural socio-economic developments c.1200–c.1800 are similar: this period witnesses the rise to numerical predominance... more
A woman named Alice was born about the year 1300. She married a Ralph St.Owen, and their descendants can be traced in various lines to the present day, including to Elizabeth [1900-2002], late Queen Mother, and to early New England... more
The Low Countries - an area roughly embracing the present-day Netherlands and Belgium - formed a patchwork of varied economic and social development in the Middle Ages, with some regions displaying a remarkable dynamism. Manors and... more
Resumen El territorio gallego es desde sus orígenes medievales un espacio fuertemente señorializado. No obstante, y pese al carácter feudal de estas estructuras, los señoríos gallegos no constituyeron una realidad feudal en sí misma,... more
Resumen Los señoríos constituyeron una efectiva fórmula de articulación político-adminis-trativa, militar y social del territorio en la Edad Media. El conocimiento de su origen y formación da las claves para comprender la evolución del... more
This paper describes three copies of an estate map produced at intervals of roughly one century, the first being created in the early 17th. Century. The motives for the creation of the maps are discussed as is the nature of innovations in... more
The Latava Manor of Mindaugas
Recent studies of peasant welfare during the high point of medieval agriculture have largely overturned the idea that peasants were the constant victims of brutal seigniorial oppression. Using a variety of manorial sources, this study... more
The archaeological research of elite seats should not be limited only to field activities; with available analytical tools, it is also possible to build digital corpora and to conduct their systematic evaluation. The compilation of an... more
The extensive literature so far devoted to Redbad lacks a spatial approach. Our article wants to provide this, on the basis of the question where to look for the core goods of Redbad in Frisia and how his reign could have been built on... more
The early Middle Ages in western Europe were a time characterized by insecurity and disorder. With Charlemagne's empire disintegrating, no one single institution remained to provide protection from invasions by barbarians and highwaymen.... more
This is the front matter and the opening part of the introduction to my first book.
Sir Desmond de Silva played an important role not only as a top international lawyer, human rights and war crimes expert, but also in critically assessing and intervening at crucial political moments, to the benefit of several countries... more
El trabajo describe el proceso evolutivo de la fazaña castellana según el cual puede configurarse un tipo específico de texto jurídico con innegables implicancias históricas y políticas que venían a poner de manifiesto una impronta... more
Au milieu du VIIe siècle, Remacle fonde l’abbaye de Stavelot-Malmedy en Ardenne. Liée aux Pippinides et développant le culte de son saint fondateur, cette institution est pourvue richement en hommes et en terres. L’ouvrage suit... more
The drought of 2018 caused massive problems in the field of agriculture. This paper addresses the question on how medieval farmers and the manorial system might have coped with situations like this. Did medieval subsistence strategies... more
This is an undergrad essay, please don't cite it.
In this essay, I am a pedantic medievalist.
In this essay, I am a pedantic medievalist.
Southern History is a peer reviewed academic year book published by the Southern History Society covering the historic counties of Cornwall, Devon, Somerset, Gloucester, Wiltshire, Dorset, Hampshire, Oxford, Buckingham, Berkshire, Surrey,... more
This paper challenges interpretations of a group of thirteenth-century buildings formerly described as ‘hall-houses'.
M on eta r n y kon t ek st wprowadzenia pa s z cz y z n y na pr ze om ie redniowiecza i czas w nowo y tnych* W polskiej historiografii istnieje kilka teorii wyjaśniających pojawienie się folwarku i zmian społeczno-gospodarczych, które na... more