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An influential text in western literary criticism, On the Sublime is a 1st or 3 rd century AD manuscript discovered in 1554, and was translated into French in 1674. It gained wide attention in literary discourse only after the Romantic... more
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      English LiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryClassical Literature
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      Greek LiteratureLiterary CriticismLiterary TheorySublime
The Preface and Introduction to my anthology, The Sublime Reader (2019).
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      Feminist TheoryRomanticismArt TheoryPhilosophy of Art
A new edition of the treatise On the Sublime, with introduction, Greek text, facing Italian translation (by Laura Lulli), and extensive commentary (translated into Italian by Laura Lulli), together with an essay on the modern reception of... more
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      The SublimeAncient Literary CriticismAncient Greek LiteratureTheory of Sublime
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      AristotleAristotle's Rhetoric and PoeticsLonginusEssence of Good Writing
"Más allá del paisaje con ermitaños, si las Soledades merecen llamarse “sublimes” es porque el lenguaje está en todo momento al borde del “completo colapso” (pantelei diaptōsei). La verdadera ascesis del poema es verbal; la lengua se... more
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureLuis de GóngoraEcphrasispoesía española del siglo XVII
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      Flavian LiteratureStatius (Classics)Epic poetryThe Sublime
Σ τη μελέτη Ο Κάλβος στα ίχνη του «Λογγίνου». Ενας άνθρωπος των γραμμάτων στην Ευρώπη του 19ου αιώνα (Αθήνα: Αντίποδες 2019), η Αγγέλα Γιώτη εξετάζει το έργο του Ανδρέα Κάλβου με ορίζοντα τις νεότερες τύχες του Περί ύψους του Λογγίνου,... more
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      LonginusΑνδρέας ΚάλβοςAndreas Kalvos Longinus' theory of the Sublime
:In his article, Vrasidas Karalis explores the notion of sublime or sublimity as the field of colliding signifiers and of experiential frameworks in conflict. Instead of treating the traditional notion as a structural element of style of... more
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      The SublimeSublimeOn The SublimeSublime and Transendence
Fronton évoque le sublime à propos de l’éloquence impériale principalement, car à ses yeux l’instrument de pouvoir par excellence est l’éloquence ; l’empereur, incarnant le pouvoir suprême, doit être doté d’une parole qui le place... more
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      RhetoricThe SublimeFronto Longinus' theory of the Sublime