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Exegetical analysis of Daniel 12:1-4
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      The Book of DanielEnd TimesLiving in the End Times
This is exactly what you have been looking for in good faith; the success of good people all over the world. As it was in the times of Noah (Gen 6:11-13), evil cooperation, orchestration and manifestation of men has filled the earth to... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionReligion and PoliticsFaith
Theological philosophers—including pagans—have observed the “special” nature of humans but have been vague as to the reasons or justification for this human specialty. Our hypothesis is that “Only human transformation of cosmic EM... more
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      Goddess SpiritualityEnvironmental SustainabilityGnosisMystical Experience and Gnosis
READ IT HERE/BUY THE ISSUE: Foundation 138, 50.1 (spring 2021):
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      Science FictionUtopiaConference ReviewSpeculative Fiction
The disorganized ideas concerning the events of the last few years of this age has left a void in the understanding of the future that prevents planning and opens the door to fear. This overview is designed to give structure to... more
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      CalendarsAncient Astronomy and CalendarsBiblical Studies Jewish Calendars, DSS, Second Temple PeriodLiving in the End Times
It seems that the recent world-wide 'freedom of religion' move - 'The International Religious Freedom Alliance' -  will be playing right into the hands of humanity's greatest enemy.
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      Separation of Church and StateLiving in the End Times
A spoof on TV Evangelist's planes after the 1st Obama election, combined with red heifers and the future hostage taking at the Red Bull head office. You guessed it, Batman & Robin save the day.
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      ComicEnd TimesLiving in the End TimesRed Bull
Il presente testo è rivolto agli studenti delle scuole superiori, ed è inteso come una mozione da discutere in un’assemblea di istituto. La finalità è quella di promuovere la causa della formazione antropologica nelle scuole, offrendo del... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyAnimismPleistoceneAnthropocene
Churches, evangelists and even politicians love to base their imperatives on the argument that we are living in the Last Days. Is that biblical? Must we really know that whether God is intending to inflict judgment or bestow grace, when... more
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      EthicsGospelsEschatology and ApocalypticismChristian Ethics
This paper assesses the validity of the dual covenant theory through the textual analysis of Romans 9-11 but specifically Romans 11. The method used in this paper is the analysis the Holy Bible as the primary source. The goal of this... more
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      Israel StudiesEnd TimesLiving in the End TimesRomans 9-11
End times knowledge
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    • Living in the End Times
What is this watchfulness that I am to develop in faith to prepare for the coming of Jesus? What are signs when this watchfulness separates me from Jesus rather than prepares me for his coming?
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      MysticismEucharistEucharistic TheologyChristmas
As these are End Times, we will personally be fulfilling Biblical prophecies and directly communicating with our Creator. And it will seem like the most natural thing on earth... These are some of my personal experiences, shared with... more
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      TheologyEschatology and ApocalypticismRevelationDivine Revelation