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A highly sensitive, accurate and simple spectrophotometric method was established for determination of naproxen (NAP). The method involved ion-pair complex formation between naproxen and bromophenol blue (BPB). The colored product was... more
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Bis zu der Scheidung von seiner Frau MacKenzie bleibt Jeff Bezos mit einem Besitz von 131 Milliarden Dollar der reichste Mann der Welt. Dicht auf ihn folgt Bill Gates mit 96,5 Milliarden Dollar. Die Aldi-Süd-Erben Karl Albrecht Junior und... more
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      PhilosophyLimits to GrowthWealthLimits
À partir de travaux précédents et d'une vignette clinique, nous proposons de considérer certains actes transgressifs à l'adolescence dans la continuité d'une activité fantasmatique développée, alimentant les idéaux narcissiques et... more
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      PsychologyJuvenile DelinquencyTransgressionActing Out
Augusto Del Noce (1910-1989) is widely regarded in his home country of Italy as one of the most important political philosophers of the second half of the 20th Century. Renowned for his ability to demonstrate the impact of ideological... more
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      Philosophy of EducationTotalitarianismEducational TheoryFreedom and Authority in Education
El arte es un claro reflejo del entorno en el que se produce. La función de este recurso ha sido múltiple ajustándose a las necesidades de cada época; en la actualidad, es utilizado como medio de expresión crítico. Sin embargo, por... more
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      Art HistoryArtContemporary ArtFreedom Of Expression
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      HistoryInternational EconomicsFolklorePragmatism
Sete páginas e 34 limites resolvidos 1 Usar o limite fundamental e alguns artifícios :
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Ringkasan materi, dan contoh soal ljmt fungsi trigonometri
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      LimitsLimit FungsiTrigonometri
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      HistoryLawInternational RelationsPolitical Economy
En formulant un peu grossièrement, donc, et sans les nuances qu'il serait nécessaire d'introduire, on peut dire que jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIè siècle -à savoir, de Cicéron jusqu'au seuil du classicisme et du romantisme allemands -les écrits... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageEthicsTranslation Studies
Le sfide che vanno al di là dell’umanamente possibile sono diventate il pane quotidiano degli sportivi che cercano in tutti i modi di superare i limiti imposti dalla natura e dalla scienza. Ma quali sono questi limiti? Siamo in grado di... more
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      Sports EthicsDopingLimitsVirtues Ethics
Abstract This is a study of power at the limits of the nation-state: an examination of the institution of the national border that focuses on the practices of the border people, from the perspective of cultural and performance theory.... more
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      Performance StudiesBorder StudiesCultural TheoryAnthropology of Borders
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      Real EstateBusiness EthicsTransportation EngineeringBotany
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      Coordinate SystemsLimits
Il volume raccoglie 14 saggi sul rapporto tra scrittura letteraria e limiti o confini intesi tanto in senso geografico quanto in senso figurato.
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      Symbolic BoundariesFronterasBorders and BorderlandsLimits
Technology, as the epitome of our contemporary society, permeates the realm of international migration. Migrants and refugees are increasingly using mobile phones and digital features available online to prepare for migration and while on... more
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      Privacy (Law)RisksProtectionLimits
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (or Rio+20) was conceived at a time of great concern for the health of the world economy. In this atmosphere ‘green economy’ was chosen as one of two central themes for the... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentRio de JaneiroPost-scarcity economicsGreen Economy
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    • Limits
Limits : Function, Theorems on Limits, Right and Left Limits, Infinity
Continuity : Function, Vertical Asymptot
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Kappa-error diagrams are used to gain insights about why an ensemble method is better than another on a given data set. A point on the diagram corresponds to a pair of classifiers. The x-axis is the pairwise diversity (kappa), and the... more
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      Decision TreesDiagramsFeature ExtractionLimits
O presente artigo discute a fronteira existente entre os domínios de Afrodite e de Ártemis, contíguos, eles possuem um ponto de interseção que une e separa dois momentos na vida do homem e, sobretudo, da mulher, a sexualidade. The... more
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      FertilityBorderMother GoddessLimits
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      Developing CountriesMultidisciplinaryTourismDeveloping Country
* Este trabajo es resultado parcial del proyecto de investigación (HAR2008-02434/HIST). También es producto de las reflexiones del Grupo de Investigación "Historiografía e Historia de las Religiones" reconocido y financiado por la... more
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      EthicsHuman RightsGovernanceTRIPs
As discrediting political opponents is easier than solving the environmental crisis, the idea that ecology comes with an authoritarian streak is a go-to conservative trope. However, democracy has always been a core principle of the many... more
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      DemocracyDeGrowthLimits to GrowthLimits
... seems to break this impasse, it is not without its own conceptual problems. ... His research interests include ecological economics, coevolutionary theories of sustainable development, institutions and ... Critical environmentalists... more
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      Chemical EngineeringInstitutional EconomicsWaterEcological Economics
Amplified Piezoelectric Actuators offer the advantage of large deformation (up to 8%) and large strokes. Because of a prestress applied to the piezo ceramics and an efficient mechanical amplifier, they can produce large strokes both in... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplicationsLimitsStrain
This dissertation determines theoretical targets for producing biogas. Calculations were based on the relationship between the mass of substrate used (assumed to be glucose) versus the amount and composition of gas produced. Methane,... more
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      ThermodynamicsHydrogenCarbon DioxideBiomass
The hadrosauroid dinosaur Pararhabdodon isonensis is known from partial cranial and postcranial material from the Maastrichtian of the south Pyrenean foredeep basin (northern Catalunya, Spain). We revise and emend the taxonomic history,... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyEvolution
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      GeographyPhilippinesLaw of the SeaLegal
La primera operación necesaria para la determinación de una arquitectura que se define como territorial implica la definición física de un límite. Una frontera cuya primera consecuencia es el establecimiento de un orden capaz de... more
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Esta comunicación propone abrir un espacio de reflexión para la formación docente, inicial o continua, sobre la integración de entornos dinámicos, como GeoGebra, para la enseñanza del concepto de límite. Puesto que, la implementación de... more
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      MathematicsCalculusMathematics EducationEDUCACION MATEMÁTICA
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the ensuing ''war on terror" have focused attention on issues that have previously lurked in a dark corner at the edge of the legal universe. This book presents the first systematic and... more
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      HistoryInternational EconomicsFolklorePragmatism
The paper explores the purpose and value of setting maritime limits and boundaries and, in particular, argues that to do so is crucial in order to provide a clear jurisdictional framework so as to better realise the benefits to be derived... more
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O artigo analisa como o direito brasileiro vem tratando o discurso de ódio, especialmente no âmbito das redes sociais, e se está aparelhado para solucionar conflitos que põem em rota de colisão a liberdade de expressão e outros direitos... more
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      Comparative LawHate SpeechFreedom Of ExpressionLiberdade De Expressão
This thesis is an examination of physical pain in ancient tragedy, with the focus on three plays: Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound and Sophocles’ Philoctetes and Trachiniae. The study unfolds the layers of several conceptual systems in order... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyAristotleCritical Discourse Analysis
This paper addresses a critical issue for many coastal States: rising global sea levels. While the causes of climate change still excite controversy and debate, it is now widely accepted that significant sea level rise is taking place and... more
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There has been no shortage of books written on vital aspects of oceans law and policy. But there are few with the breadth and diversity of coverage, written by the most prominent law of the sea scholars and practitioners assembled in a... more
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This paper revisits Strong's thesis of `sociological imperialism' some 20 years on in order to assess its relevance to present day developments within and beyond the sociology of health and illness. The thesis, it is suggested, continues... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologyTheorySociology of Mental Health & Illness
The Algerian-French writer Albert Camus is commonly recognized as one of the main representatives of the twentieth-century existentialist movement, whose concern with the meaning of human existence in the world of the dead god continues... more
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      MarxismRevolutionsSimone de BeauvoirNihilism
I examine the reasons Aristotle presents in Physics VIII 8 for denying a crucial assumption of Zeno's dichotomy paradox: that every motion is composed of sub-motions. Aristotle claims that a unified motion is divisible into motions only... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceAristotleHistory and Philosophy of Physics
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      DeathBiotechnologyAgingQuality of life
La question des « limites » trouve son origine dans l’assertion – ou l’intuition – de l’existence d’une forme d’altérité matérielle ou physique qui serait appelée à borner le développement des sociétés humaines, et dont la non prise en... more
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      Climate ChangePlanetary BoundariesLimits to GrowthLimits
Until the late fifteenth century, although most educated Western Europeans were well aware that the world was a sphere, its actual shape was irrelevant to them, for virtually all believed that the knowable world, or as the ancient Greeks... more
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      HistoryRenaissance StudiesLiterary studiesClassical
Patents are a key element of our knowledge based economy. They are meant to operate as an instrument for fostering innovation by generating incentives through the grant of temporary exclusive rights. The present paper starts by describing... more
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      EthicsHuman RightsGovernanceTRIPs
We aimed to identify positive parenting practices that set children on differential weighttrajectories. Parenting practices studied were cognitively stimulating activities, limit-setting, disciplinary practices, and parent warmth. Data... more
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      Cognitive developmentParentingChild DevelopmentDance