Limes Arabicus
Recent papers in Limes Arabicus
The study of the building techniques, the stratigraphic sequences and the typological transformations of these three quadriburgia within the broad context of the socio-political changes operated in the region in Late Antiquity, has helped... more
The nature and historiography of Roman contact with the peoples of the Arabian East is a complex, understudied topic. Through the compilation and analysis of archaeological, textual, epigraphical, and geographical evidence, this paper... more
Discovering eDom. Polish archaeological activity in southern JorDan Piotr KołodziejczyK (ed.
Terzo Convegno Internazionale di Archeologia Aerea, 19-21 maggio 2022, Lecce - Sessione Poster
Summary report on the multi-disciplinary project of the restitution, restoration and presentation of the Anastasios Inscription from al-Hallabat.