Recent papers in Lichenology
The Olson site (5BL147) is a multi-component rock walled game drive located in the James Peak wilderness area of Northern Colorado, USA. It is one part of a much larger game drive complex located at Rollins Pass, situated above modern... more
Five lichenized fungi in Verrucariaceae, Hydropunctaria rheitrophila, Th elidium fontigenum, T. zwackhii, Verrucaria aquatilis, and V. elaeina, are reported for the fi rst time from Bulgaria. Detailed descriptions, illustrations, and... more
Use of lichens as bioindicators in tropical zones has been hampered by lack of taxonomic and ecological knowledge. This study was conducted to assess the variation of lichen diversity in different forest management practices under... more
We present in this study thirty eight species of lichens collected on the bark of Quercus rotundifolia in the communal forest Guezoul Tiaret, 29 which have been identified only, for the remaining eight species we have only the genus... more
Grazing exclusion zones used as a means to control excessive erosion of a unique friable substrate and the associated flora on Cronkley fell has been in place for 43 years. Increases in the extent of grazing exclosures across the habitat... more
(english) I. V. Karatygin, N. S. Snigirevskaya, and S. V. Vikulin Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Professora Popova 2, St. Petersburg, 197376 Russia Silicified fossils from Rhynie cherts in Scotland are... more
The aim of the conducted study is to inventory and identify epiphytic lichen flora of Aleppo pine and cypress forest of Djebel Guezoul (Tiaret). Lichens taxonomic identification was made through chemical testing and based on the flora... more
Gontier, N. (2016) Symbiosis, History of. In: Kliman, R.M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 4, pp.
272–281. Oxford: Academic Press.
272–281. Oxford: Academic Press.
The authors of this edition propose a novel and inspiring research approach to the subject of plants, which – being a form of life that is different, yet akin to us – is a constant source of nourishment and metaphors, decoration and... more
Wszyscy wiemy, że w lesie występują porosty, mchy, wątrobowce, śluzowce i glony, ale stanowią one tło i prawie nikt nie wnika w szczegóły. A są to równie frapujące i nie mniej znaczące składniki ekosystemów leśnych, jak ich bardziej znani... more
Compilation of 16 papers in honor of Dr. Jim Benedict, pioneer geoarchaeologist of the Southern Rocky Mountains.
Gontier, N. (2016) Symbiogenesis, History of. In: Kliman, R.M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 4, pp. 261–271. Oxford: Academic Press.
The present study records distribution of eight genera and thirteen species of cetrarioid lichens from seven localities, situated at different altitudes, in Govind Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarkashi district, Uttarakhand. Cetraria nigricans... more
The lichenological history of Saint Lucia is reviewed from published literature and catalogues of herbarium specimens. 238 lichens and 2 lichenicolous fungi are reported. Of these 145 species are known only from single localities in Saint... more
Two hundred and seven lichen species are newly reported from Sri Lanka, eight of which were previously thought to be endemic in India; 91 species are new to the Indian subcontinent, and four to Asia, and three are described here as new to... more
The lichens growing on monuments of Odisha are compiled from previous studies and fresh collections. A total of 31 species 16 genera and 12 families are listed. The lichen biota was domina ted by microlichens represented by 24 species.... more
The paper, lists 361 species of lichens belonging to 89 genera and 35 families from the Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand. The study is based on the published literature and specimens in the herbarium of National Botanical Research... more
Bacidina mendax, described here as a new lichen species, appears to be common and widespread, at least in Central Europe. Analyses of the ITS rDNA region and the morphology of specimens showed an intraspecific variation in the new taxon.... more
The main objective of this chapter was to describe the physicochemical and biological characteristics of selected lichenized ascomycetes and the influence of their physiologically active compounds on human health, through scientifically... more
The paper enumerates distribution of 31 species belonging to 16 genera and 11 families of lichens from seven forest sites of Hojai subdivision of Nagaon district, Assam. The area exhibits dominance of both crustose and foliose lichens... more
The paper steps on the evolutionary line of this method and demonstrates the need of analysis and synthesis of the obtained results in order to outline few scientific concepts, having as a background the interdependence between... more
Екологія. На виходах гранітів. *Caloplaca arenaria (Pers.) Müll. Arg. Екологія. На вертикальних і горизонтальних поверхнях гранітних валунів. *Caloplaca decipiens (Arnold) Blomb. & Forssell Екологія. На виходах гранітів. *Caloplaca... more
Endolichenic fungi reside inside the lichen thalli without showing any visible symptoms of their presence. The fossil record of endolichenic fungi dates back to 415 million years, however, they have been successfully isolated only since... more
Eight species of lichen-forming, eight lichenicolous and three non-lichenized fungi are reported from the Leningrad Region. Arthonia caerulescens, A. ligniaria, Hawksworthiana peltigericola, Micarea pycnidiophora and Trichonectria... more
This study presents a comparative assessment of the trace metal air pollutants of urban, peri-urban, and rural areas of the Brahmaputra Valley plain in the Eastern Himalayan region using biomonitoring of Pyxine cocoes. In situ collection... more
Lichens form a conspicuous and diverse biota in the Caliente Field Office (CFO). Their varied colors can be seen on the cliffs along the highway through Rainbow Canyon and on boulders and junipers along mountain biking trails. Recently a... more
Bu çalışmada, bitkibilimde kullanılan bir terim olan liken kelimesine, kök anlamına sadık kalarak Türkçe yeni bir karşılık önerilmektedir. Bu önerinin mantıksal çerçevesi, Antik Yunancadan, Orta Çağ Arapçasına, Orta Çağ Latincesine ve... more
Air pollution biomonitoring was first time done in Delhi by using lichen transplanted technique (LTT). Lichens are biomonitoring indicator and effect of atmospheric pollutants on physiological integrity was examined. Samples made of... more
Sixty-six species are recorded for the first time from the Fijian archipelago. Diagnostic features and distribution areas are given for each species reported here. The genera Bactrospora, Badimia, Baeomyces, Calenia, Coccotrema, Dibaeis,... more
Over the past 10 years, three National Parks have been established in southern Italy. This bought to the scientific attention the status of natural resources in these territories. The knowledge base completion, that includes also usually... more
The exploration of lichens carried out in the Goodrical Reserve Forest of Pathanamthitta, Kerala resulted in 43 species with dominance of crustose forms. Graphis japonica, Lepraria indica, Myelochroa metarevoluta, Porina belonospora and... more
Türkiye Likenleri ve Liken Adlandırması
Changes in biomass growth and chemical composition of transplanted Cetraria islandica lichen thalli were investigated in a natural stand in the Bory Tucholskie region (northern Poland) over 3 yr. Transplants consisted of either 3.85 or... more
Colleflaccinosides A and B, two chiral bianthraquinone glycosides from the two geographical varieties of lichen Collema flaccidum collected in Russia and Israel have been isolated as new natural products. Their structures were elucidated... more
Usnea is a widespread fruticose lichen popularly known for its medicinal properties across the world. Though it has been mentioned in many floristic studies reported from Uttarakhand, India, no detailed taxonomic account has been... more