Legal Processes
Recent papers in Legal Processes
The Disciplinary Board of the Virginia State Bar is part of the Virginia State Bar under Part Six of the Rules. No language in Chapter 39 of Title 54.1 authorizes the Virginia State Bar or the VSB Disciplinary Board to impose any... more
The emergence of forensic neuropsychology-an empirical science assuming on the philosophical level a causal vision of the world and humans in particular-coincided with the change in the paradigm of criminal policies: in connection to... more
This study evaluates the claim that all three branches of the U.S. federal government are producing secret law. It conducts an empirical analysis of the classified legislative addenda through which Congress regulates classified... more
With reference to the case of Airedale NHS v Bland (1993)1 All ER 821, with aid of authorities (Zambian and any other jurisdiction applicable), discuss on whether judges do make laws in their everyday pronouncements in court.
As a lawyer, your principal has instructed you to do a research and identify any 4 (Four) attributes of a good legal system and discuss them with reference to the Zambian legal system.
The paper deals with the history of the Venetian criminal trial in early modern age. Particularly the research speaks of the relations between inquisitorial and 'open' (or adversarial) trial. It was the last procedure which may be... more
The history of the Venetian criminal trial in early modern age. The phases of the trial are examined in the scene of conflicts and blood feuds.
Il processo ha radici non solo nella ragione, ma anche nelle emozioni e nella volontà. Di qui la divisione del volume in tre parti: Estetica, Retorica e Metafisica. Si tratta di una divisione che non ha bisogno di altre specificazioni... more
Título: La prisión preventiva. En la jurisprudencia de Cuyo Autor: Gorra, Daniel Gustavo Publicado en: LLGran Cuyo2011 (febrero), 81 I. Introducción: Generalidades: 1. Concepto: "Es la máxima medida cautelar por cuanto se la adopta cuando... more
Fallo comentado: Cámara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Criminal y Correccional Federal, sala II (CNFedCrimyCorrec)(SalaII) ~ 2009-12-15 ~ Miceli, Felisa Sumario: I. Introducción. II. Análisis de la inconstitucionalidad alegada. III.... more
Judicial review and the doctrine of natural justice can provide a very powerful way of challenging unjust decisions in the employment context. The paper examines two decisions in the Supreme Court of Queensland in which breaches of... more
"This anthropological study describes a specific form of mediation, as it is practiced in Ethiopia (Northeast Africa) by members of the Oromo and Amhara ethnic groups. It introduces elders as male household-heads in their advanced ages,... more
El objetivo de este artículo es ahondar en la historia de la industria colonial de la seda en México y de sus trabajadores para demostrar, a partir de un análisis microsocial, la existencia de procesos de exclusión laboral de género de... more
In response to the editors' request from the editors of the Warsaw international journal, Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae, for a placement of the history and historiography of medieval Poland in a broader medieval European framework, I use... more
Originally a doctoral dissertation in anthropology in 1981, based on fieldwork in rural Maharashtra in 1975, 1976 and 1979. The work was revised for publication in 1999 (those familiar with my work will know that I spent the intervening... more
The jurisprudence experiences profound transitions in Ukraine and worldwide. Legal systems are changing, influenced by economic, political, and social factors. There are conservative, revolutionary, and evolutionary trends arising in law... more
La polémica Ley Nº IV-0655-2008, establece en su artículo 1°: Establecer que las Sentencias Judiciales que condenen al Poder Judicial o al Estado Provincial por responsabilidad frente a terceros u obligaciones de cualquier naturaleza,... more
This workshop report focuses on alternative legal processes through three-way collaborations between community groups, local lawyers and PLD. This report documents group discussions on case studies that surface the political economy of... more
Título: Prescripción de la acción penal: disparidad de criterios al momento de computar el plazo Autor: Gorra, Daniel Gustavo Publicado en: LLGran Cuyo2009 (marzo), 129 Fallo comentado: Superior Tribunal de Justicia de la Provincia de San... more
Розгорнута рецензія на книгу:
Суд над Ісусом Христом з позицій давньоіудейського та сучасного кримінального права й процесу / Навроцька Віра В'ячеславівна. - К.: АртЕк, 2016. - 224 с.
Суд над Ісусом Христом з позицій давньоіудейського та сучасного кримінального права й процесу / Навроцька Віра В'ячеславівна. - К.: АртЕк, 2016. - 224 с.
El análisis de la responsabilidad civil y penal de una persona, respecto de un mismo hecho, puede generar algunas controversias sobre la sentencia que puede recaer en ambos fueros, ya que no siempre resulta ser condenado en los dos... more
Título: Circunstancias "objetivas" de hecho como requisito para conceder la excarcelación Autor: Gorra, Daniel Gustavo Publicado en: LLGran Cuyo2011 (septiembre), 779 Sumario: I. Introducción.-II. Antecedentes del fallo.-III. El instituto... more
Twentieth century reform of the American law of evidence was initially premised on the ideals of legal progressivism, ideals splintered by American legal realism. In preparing the American Law Institute's Model Code of Evidence from... more
Published text available in the Journal for the Semiotics of Law (2016).
Amos Rapoport is one of the pioneers of the studies on the relationship between people and their environments. At the same time, analyzing the built environment as a factor co-determining human interactions in the courtroom tends to be... more
La COVID-19 ha señalado y demostrado la falta de preparación de los Estados ante una pandemia. En especial, uno de los efectos que esta ha tenido en los Estados, en mayor o menor medida, es demostrar lo complejo que resulta que sigan... more
The purpose of this article is to provide a comparative analysis of the transnational legal processes that Brazil and Argentina underwent to address money laundering. The article discusses the interaction between the Financial Action Task... more
This paper evaluates the success of treatment reviews as a protection for patients’ rights. Unlike reviews of admission and detention, there are no internationally agreed standards for reviews of treatment decisions. Accordingly, the... more
For the existence of this piece, I am especially grateful to Radosław Kotecki, of Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz. In 2011, Dr. Kotecki and his (then) advisor and (now) senior colleague, Professor Jacek Maciejewski, honored me... more
From Emergency Law to Legal Process: Herbert Wechsler and the Second World War Malick W. Ghachem Daniel Gordon+ One of the members of this population, a man by the name of Korematsu, refused to obey the order, and he stood prosecution... more
Few people outside certain specialized sectors of the press and the legal profession have any particular reason to read the increasingly voluminous opinions through which the Justices of the Supreme Court explain their interpretations of... more
Este trabajo constituye un resumen de la tesis doctoral defendida ante el tribunal correspondiente en noviembre de 2008 bajo el título: /{El proceso legislativo interno en Cuba. Un modelo para su análisis" con el objetivo de ((Identificar... more
The construction work force is one part of the national development undertaken in the development of Indonesia fully human and the development of Indonesian society to realize a society that is prosperous, just, prosperous,... more
Two different approaches to assess legal argument quantitatively on base of logic probability concept are analyzed: Leibnizian approach and objective Bayesianism. Specificities and ranges of application of these approaches are elucidated.... more
La sistemática inquisitoria nunca fue garantista; lo es sin duda la acusatoria. El garantismo no es insulso paterna-lismo. No tiene, claro está, compromisos morales. El garantismo, incluso el funcionalismo, es manera de abordar al hombre.... more
This article continues the presentation of my work on legal history, related to the dichotomy between the "normative" and the "processual" approach, first formulated in the late 1970s. A relatively late development of that approach was a... more
Lawyering Skills and the Legal Process bridges the gap between academic and practical law for students undertaking skills-based and clinical legal education courses at university. It develops oral and written communication, group working,... more