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      David Alfaro SiqueirosCardenismo (Mexican history)Historia de MéxicoLear
Shakespeare'in "Kral Lear" ve Edward Bond'un "Lear" Oyunlarında İktidar ve Otorite Kavramları üzerine. Yüksek Lisans Metinlerarası İlişkiler ders ödevi.
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      ShakespeareEdward BondWilliam ShakespeareLear
This paper aims to investigate the role of language as a form of political and social control, and a vehicle for power and domination in Shakespeare’s King Lear and Edward Bond’s Lear on parallel bases. Foucault’s famous statement which... more
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      ShakespeareLanguageKing LearEdward Bond
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      English LiteratureShakespeareLear
This paper aims to investigate the role of language as a form of political and social control, and a vehicle for power and domination in Shakespeare’s King Lear and Edward Bond’s Lear on parallel bases. Foucault’s famous statement which... more
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      ShakespeareLanguageKing LearLiterary Theory and Criticism
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