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Besides some exceptions, the different kinds of weights found in the territory of Bulgaria haven’t been an object of study for years. Particularly, it concerns small and not enough attractive and typical weights. One of the reasons is the... more
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      Byzantine and early medieval numismaticsLate Roman NumismaticsByzantine Weight
This paper is a new study of the FEL TEMP REPARATIO Falling horseman bronze coin type introduced in 348 AD by Constantine I’s two surviving sons, Constans and Constantius II. This article updates much out of date scholarship and attempts... more
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      Roman numismatics and archaeologyRoman coinsRoman Imperial CoinsNumismatic (Late Roman, Dark Ages, Early Byzantine)
This paper revisits the minimi found in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands and the mixed assemblages that include not only Visigothic bronzes but also other coins, especially late Roman, Byzantine and Vandal pieces. The... more
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      NumismaticsLate AntiquityEarly Middle Ages (History)Mediterranean archaeology
Studio delle monete emerse nel corso della campagna di scavo del 2016.
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      NumismaticsAncient Roman NumismaticsNumismaticaLate Roman Numismatics
In the summer of 2016, a hoard containing more than 1000 bronze coins of a small denomination, stuck together in druses, was arrested during a police action in Dolna Sekirna village, Breznik municipality, Pernik district. Most probably... more
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      Late Roman ArchaeologyCoin HoardsLate Roman Numismatics
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      Late Roman ArchaeologyX Regio Venetia Et HistriaLate Roman Numismatics
The last day of the year 406, Sueves, Vandals and Alans crossed the Rhin. On this paper I reassess the traditional historiographical view on this issue and I offer an alternative view of the sources that described this penetration,... more
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      HistoryRoman HistoryArthurian StudiesHistory of Piracy
Coin Tells Story of Late Roman Empire: Valentinian III, Honoria, Attila, Petronius, Licinia, and Gaiseric An unusual small bronze coin or nummus is presented and evaluated. The coin may be a Vandalic imitation of a type issued at Rome... more
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      Ancient Roman NumismaticsRoman coinsSack of RomeAncient History, Roman Archaeology, Numismatics
The article review 3 rare ancient coins from Southern Bulgaria - diobolos of Odrysian king Sparatocos(445-435 BC) from the Region of Sliven; Barbarous radiate coin (imitation of original coin from Roman emperor Gallienus?) from Branipole... more
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      BulgariaAncient Roman NumismaticsBulgarian historyRoman numismatics
The discovery of archival documents led to the reconstruction of a fourth-century AD coin assemblage otherwise unknown. The fifty-one bronze coins were found in one of the rooms of the synagogue at ancient Ostia during excavations carried... more
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      Late AntiquityOstia (Archaeology)Roman numismatics and archaeologyAncient Roman Numismatics
This brief paper considers a Constantinian bronze coin with double-obverse recently studied by Alan M. Stahl and Rafail Zoulis in Concordia Disciplinarum: Essays on Ancient Coinage, History and Archaeology in Honor of William E. Metcalf... more
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      Roman numismatics and archaeologyAncient Roman NumismaticsRoman EgyptRoman coins
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    • Late Roman Numismatics
The aim of the article is to publish and discuss the late Roman solidus of Theodosius II (408-450), found in 2018 in the vicinity of the village of Prełuki, Komańcza commune, Sanok County. The coin was found randomly by treasure hunters,... more
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      BarbaricumPrzeworsk cultureLate Roman PeriodMigration Period Archaeology
The Germanic kingdoms, as successors of the Roman Empire, were attached to many aspects of the Roman tradition and tried to perpetuate them, and one of the most important was the production of gold and silver coinage as an expression of... more
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      NumismaticsVisigothic NumismaticsEarly medieval numismaticsByzantine Numismatics
Sobranie Мoscow 2015 Scripta antiqua Scripta antiqua МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ ИНСТИТУТ АНТИЧНОГО МИРА ИМЕНИ Г.М.БОНГАРД-ЛЕВИНА Вопросы древней истории, филологии, искусства и материальной культуры Альманах Том четвертый Собрание Москва 2015 Античная... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Roman EmpireLate Roman Numismatics
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      Roman numismatics and archaeologyAncient Roman NumismaticsFerentoLead Coins
The hoard here presented consists of 39 copper coins of Constantine the Great’s family representatives. Its chronological range is very compact – 330-341. There are 17 coins of Constantine I (306-337), 2 coins of Helen, 1 of Constantine... more
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      Late AntiquityLate Roman Numismatics
A Coin Fit for Petronius Robert M. Cutler, Potomac, MD, USA 17 January 2018 Abstract A small bronze ancient coin with an unusual monogram is considered with regard to its possible minting by various authorities. The late Roman rulers... more
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      Roman HistoryNumismaticsEarly Medieval HistoryNumismatic
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsIslamic NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
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      NumismaticsLate AntiquityEastern Roman EmpireThe Zagreb Archaeological Museum
Contesti archeologicì e namismutici di età turdo-antica nell'Ituliu centrule Incontro di studio venerdì 3 luglio 2015, ore 9n30 ISTTTUTO IraT,rANO DI NUUTSMATICA RowrAo vIA Qunrrno FoNrnun 13 -Ptt tz,zo BnngERrNr con Ia partecipazíone di... more
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      NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Late Roman ArchaeologyRoman numismatics and archaeology
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      NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Roman NumismaticsMetrology, Weights and Measures
Wyłączną odpowiedzialność za przestrzeganie praw autorskich dotyczących materiału ilustracyjnego ponoszą autorzy tekstów. Authors of the texts bear the sole responsibility for observing the copyright for illustrations. Wersją pierwotną... more
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      Late Roman NumismaticsLate Imperial Roman Numismatics