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Students' performance of the different tasks in a laboratory class entails the use of the different science process skills. The aim of this research is to identify how the students use and significantly change in their acquisition of the... more
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      ApparatusScience Process SkillsActivitiesLaboratory Experiments
A brief overview of the 19th-century laboratory revolution in medicine
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    • Laboratory Experiments
ABSTRACT This paper describes in detail a successful training program developed for sessional (part-time or nonpermanent) laboratory demonstrators employed in the Electrical Engineering Department of an Australian university. Such... more
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      EngineeringEducationTeacher TrainingContinuous Improvement
Soziale Welt Sonderband 22 SozW Experimente in den Sozialwissenschaften
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      Environmental SociologyEconomic SociologySociology of EducationTrust
Many Universities globally are struggling with how to respond to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education process. Most of the education systems recommended the switch to distance learning to protect the students and... more
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      Higher EducationGeotechnical EngineeringHands-on LearningComputer Based Laboratories (CBL)
The enrichment of medicinal plants biologically active compounds which induce various chemo-therapeutic effects become a good turn and philosophy in the science of pharmacology. In the light of the popular notion of the use of Combretum... more
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      ToxicologyPlant Biotechnology and Molecular BiologyMedical parasitologyLaboratory Experiments
Se montó un plano inclinado, formado por un riel elevado con un ángulo de 4,6° sobre la horizontal. Se definió un sistema de referencia, cuyo origen se localizó en el punto de lanzamiento y con sistema de coordenadas: eje i paralelo al... more
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      PhysicsChileLaboratory Experiments
Subclavian crush syndrome is a well-described cause of pacemaker lend failure resulting from an entrapment of a lead or leads between the clavicle and the first rib. A new thinner lead (Thin Linetm) was designed to minimize this... more
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      Medical EducationHospital ManagementLaboratory ExperimentsClinical Biochemistry & Clinical Laboratory Medicine
The cleaning of glassware is an important preliminary step prior to sterilisation in the microbiology laboratory. If insufficient cleaning takes place, residues of culture media and chemicals can remain and these could potentially have an... more
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      PharmacologyMicrobiologyScience EducationResearch Methodology
Pulverizar lo mejor posible la muestra Pulverizar lo mejor posible la muestra • Con ayuda de un tubo de ensayo, se pulverizó la muestra, amazandola sobre un papel.
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      Organic ChemistryLaboratory Experiments
Procedimiento experimental para calibrar manometros vacuometros y otros
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      CalibrationINGENIERIALaboratory Experiments
In the framework of liquid treatment processes, with the aim of ensuring public health security for drinking water or to prevent economic damage, when safeguarding important production processes, major investments have been devoted to... more
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      Environmental ScienceWater qualityDrinking Water Quality StandardsDrinking Water Treatment
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      WorksheetsLaboratory Experiments
My textbook was recently published by SAGE. Here is the preface and table of contents at the end. Happy to answer questions.
This is a copyrighted book, so I cannot post the entire thing or give out free copies.
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologySocial SciencesDesign of ExperimentsQuantitative Methods
In recent years expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam has successfully been used to reduce the acting vertical and horizontal stresses in several geotechnical applications due to its light weight, compressibility, and durability. In this... more
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      Cyclic LoadingEPS geofoamLaboratory ExperimentsRoad Embankments
В статье обсуждаются вопросы постановки лабораторных работ для студентов с элементами астрофизики. На примере использования Брэдфордского роботизированного телескопа в режиме удаленного доступа и астрометрических ресурсов Интернета... more
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Andrés Casas-Casas 1 .
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      Political ScienceExperimental ResearchExperimental MethodsExperimental Analysis of Behavior
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      CienciaLaboratory Experiments
Clasificación, usos y propiedades de algunos instrumentos utilizados en un laboratorio químico.
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      ChemistryLaboratory managementIngenieria QuimicaQuímica
Participant Course : Semester : 1 Group: No. Name Matrix No. Signature 1 ARIF HANAFI BIN MD ZAKI 2016800892 2 MUHAMMAD AMERUDDIN DANIEL BIN SULONG 2016800832 3 4 5 Instructor SIR RAFIE BIN DRAMAN Objective : 1. To determine molarity of... more
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      Chemical EngineeringInorganic ChemistryLaboratory Experiments
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      Food and NutritionNutrientsLaboratoriumLaboratory Experiments
The most scientific evidence-yet of simple perpetual motion.
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      EngineeringEngineering PhysicsEnvironmental EngineeringMechanical Engineering
... To the past Registrars, Pastor Yemi Nathaniel, Dr. DA Rotimi and the current Acting Registrar Mr. EO Ojo, I say thank you for your ... Finally, I appreciate my wife, Roseline Bolanle Fakile, and my Children, Adebisi, Oluwatobi and... more
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      Tax LawAccountingFinancial AccountingManagement Accounting
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      Chemical EngineeringChemical Reaction EngineeringLaboratory Experiments
In this investigation, the titration of a strong acid, HCl, with a strong base, NaOH, was conducted. The investigation primarily aimed to determine the molarity of the HCl solution by titrating it with a NaOH solution of known... more
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      ChemistryOrganic ChemistrySocial SciencesReport
"Open-Source Lab: How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Scientific Research Costs details the development of the free and open-source hardware revolution. The combination of open-source 3D printing and open-source microcontrollers... more
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      Materials ScienceTechnologyScience EducationOpen Access
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) offer web based learning to a global audience. While we have so many institutions offering online courses, not many of them focus on laboratory courseware that would inculcate hands-on learning.... more
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      Engineering EducationOnline LearningElectronics EngineeringLaboratory Experiments
This was my IA for IB Biology. I scored a 6/7. I conducted an experiment for the effectiveness of a garlic solution as a repellent against mosquitoes. While I doubt someone will need this for research in an experiment, I think it might... more
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      International BaccalaureateMosquitoRepellentsMosquito Repellent
Slides from lecture in Sep3rd2015
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      Flow CytometryLaboratory Experiments
No. Name Matrix No. Signature 1 ARIF HANAFI BIN MD ZAKI 2016800892 2 MUHAMMAD AMERUDDIN DANIEL BIN SULONG 2016800832 Instructor 1.. RAFIE BIN DERAMAN 2. Objective : To erect the calorimeter and determine heat capacity of a calorimeter... more
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      Chemical EngineeringInorganic ChemistryLaboratory Experiments
CHEM 171.42 Physical Chemistry I, laboratory; 1st sem, A.Y. 2020-2021, Ateneo de Manila University
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      ThermodynamicsChemistryPhysical ChemistryUndergraduate Education
We investigated the origins of the popular Diet Coke and Mentos classroom demonstration. We tested the effects that regular and diet soda have on generated the geyser as well as the role that the flavored coating and temperature play in... more
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      Chemical EducationGuided InquiryLaboratory ExperimentsScience Demonstrations
Objectives  Students are required to understand the principle of a uniaxial tensile testing and gain their practices on operating the tensile testing machine to achieve the required tensile properties.  Students are able to explain... more
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    • Laboratory Experiments
Los nucleótidos son las unidades monoméricas del DNA y del RNA también conocidos como ácidos nucleicos, que son los encargados de almacenar y transmitir la información genética de una generación a otra. Los nucleotidos también desempeñan... more
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      BiochemistryEnzimologyUniversityLaboratory Experiments
There are several models for the calculation of the acceleration factor for the electronic assemblies subjected to stress tests. A correct reliability assessment requires an accurate analysis of these models and the evaluation of their... more
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      MicrostructureElectronicsTestingReliability Engineering
PURPOSE: To observe rate of photosynthesis with light or without light. PROBLEM: How does intensity of light affect the rate of photosynthesis? HYPOTHESİS: Intensity of light is one of the most impotant thing that affect the rate of... more
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      ChemistryBiologyStarchExperimental Research
informe de fisicoquimica gases
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    • Laboratory Experiments
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      Chemical EngineeringMicro ReactorsLaboratory Experiments
The tensile test is fundamental for engineers, because it provides fundamental information about the material and its associated properties. The purpose this test is to analyze the properties of the material used for a specific... more
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      Materials Science and EngineeringMechanical Testing of MaterialsCivil/Structural EngineeringTensile testing
Presentamos una estrategia de innovación educativa consistente en la implementación de un proyecto de investigación virtual en biología. En la educación universitaria presencial, algunas prácticas de laboratorio son prohibitivas por sus... more
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      TechnologyEducational TechnologyICT in EducationBiology
Informe de laboratorio sobre Microscopia, partes y usos
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      BiologyLaboratory ExperimentsLIMA PERU
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      Water qualityCalidad Del AguaIngeniería SanitariaINGENIERÍA CIVIL
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      Chemical EngineeringOrganic ChemistryLaboratory Experiments
As considered as one of the physical properties of liquids, density also plays its role as one of the properties that differentiate it from other liquids. Density is defined as mass per unit volume. In this experiment, the relationship... more
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      ChemistryDensityK-12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education and outreachLab Report
Standard obligations in laboratory experiments such as preciseness in calculating and measuring numerous substances, as well as meticulousness are undoubtedly vital. Even on this basic laboratory experiment requires of those standard... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryEducationChemistry Education
El 20 de marzo de 1919, el arquitecto alemán Walter Gropius (1883-1969), junto a un pequeño grupo de jóvenes profesores, artistas, intelectuales y estudiantes, fundaban en la ciudad de Weimar, la Staatliche Bauhaus: una nueva y... more
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      Design3D printingPrefabricationBauhaus
The laboratory plays an important role in teaching engineering skills. An Electrical Engineering department at an Australian University implemented a reform to monitor and improve student satisfaction with the teaching laboratories. A... more
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      Laboratory managementStudent ExperienceStudent SatisfactionLaboratory Experiments
The consolidation test is one of the most common laboratory tests in geotechnical investigations. It is mainly utilized to assess the clay operative constrained modulus, which is an essential parameter in the settlement calculations of... more
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      Geotechnical EngineeringEarthquake Geotechnical EngineeringGeotechnical Earthquake EngineeringGeotechnical Investigation
Analytical method validation is an important requirement to support the package of information submitted to international regulatory agencies in support of new product marketing or clinical trials applications. Back in 1987, the US Food... more
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      ChemistryAnalytical ChemistryScience EducationMeasurement and Evaluation