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Realizada al final de su carrera, la iglesia parroquial de Saint-Pierre de Firminy-Vert condensa todas aquellas obsesiones propias de su autor que se han ido materializándose poco a poco, que se acumulan lentamente por sedimentación en... more
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      Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris (Le Corbusier)Church HistoryLe CorbusierSacred Space
English Translation of French. See on La Privatisation de l'Espace Systematic analysis of the procedures by which everyday space is characterized as "private". A set of experiments, led in the convent of La Tourette... more
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      SemioticsGeometry And TopologyAnthropologyLogic
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      Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris (Le Corbusier)Architectural TheoryHistory of architectureLa Tourette
Affinché si riscontri la lettura di un logos architettonico nell’opera di Le Corbusier, è bene avvalersi di più punti di vista. 1) In primo luogo di quello estetico. Per lettura estetica intendiamo tutto ciò che appartiene... more
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      Martin HeideggerGalileo GalileiMichel FoucaultImmanuel Kant
Le terme ​ neurodiversité​ a été évoqué pour la première fois, dans les années 40 (1938) par Hans Asperger (celui qui a donné son nom au syndrome d'Asperger), dans une lecture publique, mais la première parution "officielle" du terme... more
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      AutismADHD (Psychology)ADHDAsperger's Syndrome
This paper addresses the issue about the geometrical properties and physical measures of the pyramids that Le Corbusier planned throughout his career; while approaching these bodies through his drawings and perspectives. This aims to... more
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      Modern ArchitecturePerspectiveLe CorbusierGeometría
Ölçülemeyen / Unmeasurable
Editör : Boğaçhan Dündaralp
Betonart 42

Fotoğraflar / Photos
Hakan Tuzun Sengun
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      ArchitectureConcreteBaruch SpinozaLe Corbusier
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      Modern ArchitecturePerspectiveLe CorbusierGeometría
This paper addresses the issue about the geometrical properties and physical measures of the pyramids that Le Corbusier planned throughout his career; while approaching these bodies through his drawings and perspectives. This aims to... more
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      Modern ArchitecturePerspectiveLe CorbusierGeometría