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      ReligionLiteracyWomen's StudiesMedieval History
Neither of the two houses in Constance belonging to the collegiate chapter of Bischofszell served as its official city seat. Using the example of the house zur Krone, the essay explores the social environment of a canon and his connection... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMonastic StudiesMicrohistory
Die Arbeit vergleicht die Beziehungen der drei sich von ihren Bischöfen emanzipierenden Städte zum Königtum und den für weite Teile des 14. Jahrhunderts häufig in Antagonismus zum Königtum stehenden Habsburger. Dabei wurde der Fokus... more
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      Habsburg StudiesStrasbourg14th CenturyBasel
In the case of the city of Constance we are well equiped with sources concerning food and dietary questions. Archaeological excavations of early 15th century latrines and dumps of refuse thrown in the Lake of Constance revealed a rich... more
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      ArchaeozoologyArchaebotanyMiddle AgesIllumination
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      Renaissance StudiesEducational GamesJesuit educationArs Memoriae
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryNumismaticsNumismatik
Fern- und Lokalhandel am Bodensee, Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Spätmittelalters, Beitrag im Sammelband vom Bodensee nach Bischofszell, erschienen Oktober 2015, NZZ Libro
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryMedieval HistoryLocal History
Intervista di Corrado Occhipinti Confalonieri per il mensile MEDIOEVO su "Giovanni XXIII, l'antipapa che salvò la Chiesa" (Morcelliana 2019)
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPublic HistoryMedieval Church History