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This article aims to provide a general picture of the patterns of regional inequalities in the Kingdom of Hungary before its dismemberment. It also compares the location of the economic peripheries with areas dominated by national... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyHistorical GeographyDemography
Nitra is one of the oldest Slovak towns. In the beginning of the 9th century it was a centre of the Nitra principality. But its own town privileges gained only from king Bela IV. in 1248. In that time it was a royal town. Situation has... more
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      Medieval HistoryChurch HistoryHistory of SlovakiaKingdom of Hungary
O novej dobe... (John WYNDHAM) ŠTÚDIE Lucia GREGORÍKOVÁ BRANIŠOVÁ Česká kráľovná Konštancia Uhorská Jakub PALKO Budínsky mier 1254 Matej ČAPO K histórii hrobu francúzskeho vojaka z roku 1809 v Petržalke Diana BALOGÁČOVÁ Korunný princ... more
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      History of SlovakiaKingdom of HungarySlovak History
“The Hospitallers. The Medieval Hospitals of the Hospitallers in the Centres of the Order and in the Hungarian Kingdom” In recent decades, there has been an increased interest in the Crusades and the Knightly Orders, both abroad and in... more
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      HistoryHistory of MedicineHistory of HungaryHistory of Medicine in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
Die Ehe und die Ehebünde waren in der Zeit des Mittelalters Domäne der Kirche. Es ging nähmlich um eine der sieben kirchlichen Sakramenten, also alles, was mit dem kirchlichen Recht im Zusammenhang stand, wie Verlobungen, Eheschließungen,... more
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      Medieval NobilityMarriageMiddle AgesSlovakia
Frontispiz: © Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Übersetzung, des Nachdrucks, der Entnahme von Abbildungen, der Funksendung, der Wiedergabe auf... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryEastern European Studies
Deism is one of the branches of radical Enlightenment which states that God creates the World, but he does not intervene into its operation. Theological dogmas are completely useless because these rules are not necessary for the... more
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      Reformed ChurchRadical EnlightenmentKingdom of Hungary
Territorium comitatus Nitriensis quoad administrationem ecclesiasticam tempore medii aevi pars dioecesis Strigoniensis erat. Quam diocesim primus rex Hungariae sanctus Stephanus circa annum 1000 fundavit. Ambitus eius eundem spatium ac... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryHistory of SlovakiaKingdom of HungaryParish Org Anisation
Nobiles ex familia Majténiana tempore medii aevi locum inter insignes familias nobilium in territorio Slovaciae existentium occupabant. Quoad statum eorum socialem ad coetum nobilium medii ordinis possumus eos adnumerare. Dicendum est... more
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      Medieval HistoryScholarly EditionsCritical Edition (Medieval History)Medieval Nobility
Ethnic groups in the Kingdom of Hungary - Ethnische Gruppen im Königreich Ungarn - Nemzetiségek a történelmi Magyarországon
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      Minority StudiesEthnicityArmeniansGermans
In hoc tomo seriei publicationum „Fontes rerum Slovacarum“ nominatae, quas Sedes historica Facultatis philosophicae, Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, ad lucem edit ea mente, ut fontes res gestas Slovacas tangentes accessu faciles reddantur,... more
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      Medieval HistoryScholarly EditionsCritical Edition (Medieval History)Medieval Nobility
A charter from the year 1247 says that Cistercians from the Church of Saint Giles in the town of Bardejov (aput ecclesiam sancti Egidii de Bardfa) neighboured also with German guests (hospes) from the town of Prešov (Theotonici de... more
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      Local and regional historyBorders and FrontiersMedieval TownsArpadian Age
Aufgrund umfassender Forschung nach ins 1526 hinüberreichenden Quellenmaterial und mit Hilfe der Analyse von ihr hervorgegangener verschiedener direkter oder indirekter Angaben finden wir den Verschluss, dass auf dem Territorium der... more
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      Ethnic StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval HungaryVlachs
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      History of SlovakiaKingdom of Hungary
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesBalkan HistoryMedieval Archaeology
The aristocratic family of the Stibors left significant traces of its intense construction and founding activities in various places. To the series of their foundating credits belong also the establishment of the Augustinian monastery in... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryAugustinian OrderHistory of Slovakia
Erratum: p. 480 - „...the Teutons and their possessions were placed under the protection of the Holy See even before 1216, ever since their establishment as an Order in 1191 (see note 15). Pope Honorius III merely reconfirmed this... more
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      Borders and FrontiersThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersTeutonic OrderHistory of the Holy See
Hac editione collectio litterarum tempore medii aevi proveniendarum, quae in archivo familiae Motesickyanae quondam deposita, nunc vero in Archivo Hungarico Regnicolari (Magyar Országos Levéltár) in Budapest asservatur, inveniri potest.... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesScholarly EditionsCritical Edition (Medieval History)
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      Medieval Castles and FortressesKingdom of HungaryCastles of Medieval Hungarian Kingdom
A muhi csata, amelyben a Magyarországra betörő tatárok és a magyar uralkodó seregei csaptak össze 1241 áprilisában, nem csupán a magyar történelem egyik fontos fordulópontja, hanem egész kontinensnyi, sőt eurázsiai léptékben is jelentős... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyBattlefield ArchaeologyHistory of the Mongol Empire
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      Medieval Church HistoryPapal LegatesMiddle AgesPapal Diplomacy
Fortified settlements, fortresses and strongholds (generally called castles) had existed in the Carpathian Basin before the year 1000, so long time before The Kingdom of Hungary was established. Even at that time, their naming system... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryMedieval LatinMedieval Castles and FortressesKingdom of Hungary
József LaszLovszky 1 – stephen pow 2 – tamás pusztai 3 The Battle of Muhi, fought between the Hungarian Kingdom and the Mongols in April, 1241, is not simply a crucial episode in Hungarian history, but rather it occupies a position of... more
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      History of the Mongol EmpireMedieval HungaryMongolian and Central Asian StudiesKingdom of Hungary
Policy of Hungarian kings was very open towards foreigners coming into the country since very begining of existence of medieval Hungary. This population mainly from Western Europe speaking romance languages, had often left their homes due... more
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      High Middle AgesMedieval StudiesSerbian historyTransylvania
After the death of the Hungarian King Stephen V in August 1272 a new phase of the so-called war over the Babenberg heritage, a large Central-European conflict which had dragged on since 1246, broke out. Nor in this – already fourth – war... more
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      Czech HistoryAustrian HistoryMedieval ChroniclesArpadian Age
The author of this study is concerned with researching the Bereg royal estate, which formed part of the frontier regions of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary. In the 11th century Bereg belonged to the great frontier county of Boržava, but... more
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      Medieval HistoryKingship (Medieval History)HuntingKingdom of Hungary
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      Medieval Castles and FortressesKingdom of HungaryCastles of Medieval Hungarian Kingdom
This work presents a modern re-edition of one of the chronicles of the Austrian provenance – Annales Sancrucenses I – II, which are exceptionally important for learning about the history of the Kingdom of Hungary in the 13th century. In... more
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      Austrian HistoryMedieval ChroniclesMedieval annalsMedieval Monasteries
This paper begins by examining Ibn Khaldun's paradigm for the rise and fall of states owing to human decisions. Paradoxically, climatic determinism in historical events was also proposed in his work, such viewpoints having a long... more
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      Military HistoryPaleoclimatologyIbn KhaldunTurkish History
"A Hungarian is as passionate as an Italian… A Slovak is, like a Pole, devoted to liquor…": The National Character of Slovaks and Hungarians in Hungarian and Austrian Statistics up to 1848 National character (Nationalcharakter,... more
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      StereotypesStereotypes and PrejudiceCzech & Slovak StudiesHungarian Studies
Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника" Факультет історії, політології і міжнародних відносин ГАЛИЧИНА НАУКОВИЙ І КУЛЬТУРНО-ПРОСВІТНІЙ КРАЄЗНАВЧИЙ ЧАСОПИС... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesUkrainian StudiesBiography
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      PrejudiceEschatology and ApocalypticismMongolsTatars
The main objective of this paper is to highlight the defining characteristics of the Order of the Knights Hospitaller as an ecclesial branch of the Ecclesia Romana and the means by which they established an extensive network of... more
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      The military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersHospitaller Order of St JohnKnights HospitallerKingdom of Hungary
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      Medieval HistoryGerman HistoryCzech HistoryMedieval Studies
Medieval justice in the Hungarian kingdom as well as elsewhere in the world sought to combat crime, and punish criminals. Hungarian authorities used for this purpose a system of proscription. When crime had increased in the kingdom, the... more
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      Medieval StudiesInfidelityMedieval HungarySlovakia
Diplomová práca sa venuje vzájomným uhorsko-českým vzťahom v rokoch 1260-1278 v kontexte vnútropolitického vývoja v Uhorsku v sledovanom období. Hlavným cieľom práce je priniesť podrobný výklad kľúčových politických udalostí, ktoré... more
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      Arpadian AgeBabenbergerBela IV of HungaryKingdom of Hungary
This database enumerates the royal embassies of Kings Wladislaus II and Loius II. The inventory consists of three parts: part A is a chronological list of the missions in detail, part B is a register of the identified envoys and part C is... more
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      DiplomacyHistory of DiplomacyRoyal courtLate Medieval Bohemia and Central Europe
The Kingdom of Hungary originated as a state in which several ethnics lived side by side. Neverthless, the hegemony belonged to Hungarians. Due to this the Hungarian language became a communication medium on the royal court, even during... more
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      Medieval StudiesRace and EthnicityEthnicityToponymy
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      Medieval Church HistoryChurch HistoryMedieval HungaryCatholic Church
The origin of the Benedicts Monastery of St. Blaise in Admont dates back to the second half of the 11th century. Several representatives of religious and secular aristocracy contributed to its establishment, especially the Archbishop of... more
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      Austrian HistoryBabenbergerStyriaMedieval Monasteries
A kötet megjelenését az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bölcsészett udományi Karának Hallgatói Önkormányzata támogatt a.
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      LogisticsMedieval WarfareKingdom of HungaryMagyar Királyság
The Battle of Muhi, fought between the Hungarian Kingdom and the Mongols in April, 1241, is not simply a crucial episode in Hungarian history, but rather it occupies a position of pan-Eurasian historical significance. Since the events... more
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      History of the Mongol EmpireMedieval HungaryMongolian and Central Asian StudiesKingdom of Hungary
In this chapter, I will argue that the preservation of Latin did not necessarily mean ‘backwardness’ or a rupture with the mainstream of Enlightenment thinking. Thereby the Enlightenment should be understood in the sense coined by the... more
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      EnlightenmentKingdom of Hungary
Príspevok informuje o výsledkoch archeologického výskumu vo svätyni Konkatedrály v roku 2012. Prináša nové zistenia o jej architektonickom vývoji a pochovávaní v interiéri. Príspevok upriamuje pozornosť na nálezy z 13. storočia, ktoré sú... more
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      ArchaeologyTextile ArchaeologyNumismaticsMedieval Archaeology
This study offers a reconstruction of a crucial event of pan-Eurasian historical significance—namely, the Battle of Muhi in 1241—by focusing on two primary source accounts of Batu Khan ascending a hill shortly before the battle. The two... more
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      Battlefield ArchaeologyHistory of the Mongol EmpireKurgansMedieval Hungary
This study offers a reconstruction of a crucial event of pan-Eurasian historical significance—namely, the Battle of Muhi in 1241—by focusing on two primary source accounts of Batu Khan ascending a hill shortly before the battle. The two... more
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      Battlefield ArchaeologyHistory of the Mongol EmpireKurgansMedieval Hungary
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      Medieval StudiesRenaissance StudiesMatthias CorvinusQueenship (Medieval History)
Trnava in times of wars over the Babenberg heritage and feudal anarchy of the late 13th century
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval HungaryMedieval WarfareHistory of Slovakia
In the Middle Ages, a good relationship between the ruler and his people was built on loyalty (fidelitas). Loyalty to the king was also very important for the political order and for the preservation of the power of the ruler and his... more
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      Kingship (Medieval History)Kingdom of Hungary
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      Medieval ArchaeologyBricksSlovakiaKingdom of Hungary