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This survey article (in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) offers an introduction to the field of social choice theory. It covers: (i) the history of social choice theory; (ii) three formal arguments for majority rule (procedural,... more
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      Mathematical EconomicsMicroeconomicsWelfare EconomicsDecision Making
Prepared for the inauguration of a library wing in his name at the University of Athens in 1999, revised January 2016. This is a short version of a longer piece written in Greek.
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      Organizational BehaviorEconomic HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtTheory of the Firm
Economic methodologists most often study the relations between models and reality while focusing on the issues of the model’s epistemic relevance in terms of its relation to the ‘real world’ and representing the real world in a model. We... more
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      Mathematical EconomicsHistory of Economic ThoughtSociology of Economic KnowledgePerformativity
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      Welfare StateJusticeJohn RawlsKenneth Arrow
On Finding Equilibrium: Arrow, Debreu, McKenzie and the Problem of Scientific Credit, by Till Düppe and E. Roy Weintraub
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      EconomicsHistory of Economic ThoughtOperations ResearchHistory of Science
Virtue ethics interprets human action as pursuing good ends through practices that develop qualities internal to those final goals. The philosophical approach has been identified as critical of economics, leading in turn to the innovative... more
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      MicroeconomicsTrustVirtue EthicsSocial Capital
We investigate the research programme of dynamic doxastic logic (DDL) and analyze its underlying methodology. The Ramsey test for conditionals is used to characterize the logical and philosophical differences between two paradigmatic... more
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      Epistemic LogicKenneth Arrow
This paper considers the contribution positive political theory has made to the resolution of “Hobbes’ Problem”—the problem of describing the nature of artificial persons, such as states. This problem plays a central role in both... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryHobbesSocial Choice Theory
Review of Amadae Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy
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      Rational ChoiceRawlsKenneth Arrow
Majority cycling and related social choice paradoxes are often thought to threaten the meaningfulness of democracy. Deliberation can protect against majority cycles-not by inducing unanimity, which is unrealistic, but by bringing... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunicationPublic OpinionPolitical Theory
Amalgamating evidence of different kinds for the same hypothesis into an overall confirmation is analogous, I argue, to amalgamating individuals’ preferences into a group preference. The latter faces well-known impossibility theorems,... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceSocial Choice TheoryGeneral Philosophy of ScienceScientific Realism
Parte 1 - Um ensaio sobre a literatura e as novas formas de censura (André Rangel Rios) Derrida e a militância literária Parte 2 - Três ensaios sobre Derrida e a literatura (Luiz Fernando Medeiros de Carvalho) Literatura como promessa... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCold War and CultureContemporary French PhilosophyLiterary Theory
“Las ideas forman el curso de la historia” John Maynard Keynes Kenneth Joseph Arrow, falleció esta semana a los 95 años de edad en su casa de Palo Alto; California. Figura legendaria de las ciencias económicas por la influencia de sus... more
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      ShakespeareEconomiaCIENCIAS ECONOMICASKenneth Arrow
The article sets out to reconstruct the ongoing re-discussion of role of morality in the economic subsystem. Traditional dichotomies between selfishness and benevolence, individual and collective interest, equality and efficiency have... more
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      EconomicsWelfare EconomicsEthicsSocial Choice Theory
This paper considers in detail the ontological and normative presuppositions of the state-contingent approach to pricing commodities first introduced by Arrow (Le rôle des valeurs boursières pour la répartition la meilleure des risques.... more
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      FinanceSociology Of MarketsPhilosophy of ScienceAsset Pricing
A semiotic-anthropological analysis of the language ideologies underpinning the use of mathematics in Rational Choice.
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      Critical TheorySemioticsCultural StudiesSocial Theory
Most accounts of welfare aggregation in the tradition of Kenneth Arrow's and Amartya Sen's social-choice-theoretic frameworks represent the welfare of an individual in terms of a single welfare ordering or a single one-dimensional welfare... more
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      Mathematical EconomicsMicroeconomicsPublic EconomicsWelfare Economics
reconstruct a few themes of the early twentieth-century discussion that headed to the claim of a value-free character of economic theory and of the subsequent discussion that headed to a resumption of a rich discussion of economic ethics... more
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      Business EthicsApplied EthicsUtilitarianismAmartya Sen
Abstract This paper discusses the thesis that in Arrow's Possibility Theorem the dictator (merely) serves as a solution to the logical problem of aggregating preference while Machi-avelli's dictator, the Prince, has the... more
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      MachiavelliSocial ChoiceKenneth Arrow
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      MachiavelliSocial ChoiceKenneth Arrow