Judicial protection
Recent papers in Judicial protection
This article underlines the role of courts in ensuring the protection of fundamental rights in the digital environment. In particular, the focus will be on the European and the US judicial dimension, looking at the right of freedom of... more
В статье рассматриваются некоторые аспекты унификации правил гражданского и административного судопроизводства на примере норм об отказе в принятии заявления. С доктринальных позиций исследуется проблема соотношения этих норм с задачами и... more
We demonstrate that the CJEU’s Achmea judgment has resulted in significantly more damage beyond the termination of intra-EU BITs. It made the application of EU law difficult, if not impossible. Indeed, it has opened the floodgate to... more
The authors of the article explore the digital rights management in judicial protection of intellectual property rights through the lens of civil law principles. The principle of protection of civil rights and interests is defined as one... more
This paper analyses how the European courts refrain from providing full judicial review of lists of terrorist suspects adopted under European law. In a second part, the paper demonstrates that judicial protection could be offered under... more
In the attempt to fight international terrorism, the European Union (EU) has begun to sanction individuals. Alarmingly, these sanctions are adopted in a judicial vacuum. The EU labels natural and legal persons as terrorists without... more
15 июня Министерство информации Республики Беларусь своим приказом № 233 ограничило доступ к интернет-ресурсу KYKY.org. В данной ситуации интересным является вопрос возможности обжалования решения Мининформа об ограничении доступа к... more
La distribución de asuntos entre secciones de órganos judiciales de un mismo orden jurisdiccional responde a unas normas de reparto. Pese a que se ha considerado que esta cuestión es de naturaleza gubernativa y no afecta al derecho... more
This introduction celebrates the career of Professor Laurence W. Gormley, who has been one of the key navigators of the EU Internal Market. In the narrative of European integration, the EU Internal Market has long played the role of the... more