Jewish Museum Berlin
Recent papers in Jewish Museum Berlin
How does the architecture of a museum both achieve and undermine its purpose?
Light is an essential element for the sustenance of life. It aids vision and thus functionality to the living creatures. Along with the functional aspects of Light, there are psychological and spiritual connotations of light and its... more
Emptiness acts as a method of communication in itself; an unorthodox approach to the relaying of narrative, even by contemporary standards. The spaces entirely represent the history of Jews in Europe: ruptured, dark, disorienting, but... more
The paper presents matters of contemporary Jewish architecture in relation with the works of one of its most important creators – architect Daniel Libeskind. In times when identity, continuity of life and traditions, and community values... more
The present article attempts to analyse and interpret the structure of windows in the Jewish Museum in Berlin, designed by Daniel Libeskind and constructed in 1989–1999. Elongated, narrow, irregular window openings arranged at different... more
As a theoretician of history looking for avant-garde, unconventional, and non-or ahistorical approaches to and representations of the past, I was intrigued by Naomi Stead's comment on the Jewish Museum in Berlin designed by Daniel... more
This essay explores the relationship between the textual features of popular cultural artifacts pertaining to the Holocaust and the circumstances of their reception. Comparative cultural studies methods are deployed in analyzing a film,... more
Pieta as an Artistic response to the Holocaust in the Works of Jewish and Non-Jewish Female Artists The paper I would like to read out today was written on the basis of a chapter from my book about the Jewish Museum Berlin, which I wrote... more
Die Dokumentation der eigenen Sammlung fürs Publikum im WWW online zu stellen, bringt einige Herausforderungen mit sich, denn der Zweck der Sammlungsdokumentation ist zumeist Nachweis und Arbeitsgrundlage. Für die öffentliche Präsentation... more
Im Jahr 2005 hat das Jüdische Museum Berlin eine Befragung von Expertinnen und Experten zum Thema „digitale Medien und Museen in 10 Jahren“ zur Abschätzung von Trends und Perspektiven unternommen. Angesichts der langjährigen Erfahrungen... more
Vorrei organizzare l'intervento in questo modo: in una prima parte cercherò di delineare la concezione della memoria nell'Ebraismo in alcuni suoi tratti fondamentali. Nella seconda parte passerò dalla memoria in sé alle varie modalità... more
This exhibition catalog is produced in the context of METU Department of Architecture course "Arch524 Architecture and Different Modes of Representation" conducted by Prof. Dr. Ayşen Savaş, as part of an ongoing exhibition series:... more