Jewish Food and Foodways
Recent papers in Jewish Food and Foodways
Studying American Judaism through the lens of foodways challenges conventional divides between Judaism, the religion , and Jewishness, the culture, and points to fruitful avenues for studying lived religion and material culture in the... more
Drawing on two distinct bodies of Sephardi food writing-Anglophone cookbooks and the long-running recipe column in the Judeo-Spanish periodical Aki Yerushalayim-this paper explores the role of cuisine as a primary affiliative structure in... more
On the sanctification of East European foods served at the Chasidic Rebbe's Tish, or Shabbes table. Stranger than fiction, but this is not a Haskalah satire. The sources are all authentic Hasidic sources, including those explaining how... more
Classic Jewish Kabbalah tends to view the interactions and exchanges between the divine and human worlds as a sort of "cosmic re-cycling," particularly in its transformation of the traditional language of the Biblical sacrificial system.... more
Shulhan Shel Arba [" Four"], a short yet encyclopedic ethical manual by the popular thirteenth century Spanish Jewish Biblical exegete and kabbalist Rabbenu Bahya ben Asher, is as important a starting point for "the Jewish view" of eating... more
Over the last thirty years, Jewish studies scholars have turned increasing attention to food and meals in Jewish culture. These studies fall more or less into two different camps: (1) text-centered studies that focus on the authors’... more
"I Recognized the Holidays According to the Food" - Tradition and Memory Among the Jewish Community of Argentina The article focuses on the place of Jewish women in shaping the collective memory of the Jewish community in Argentina based... more
Kinga Király conducted interviews with ten North Transylvanian survivors who represent the last witnesses of a generation that is about to disappear and leave us with the question of what to remember and how. On reading the testimonies... more
What does Crisco have to do with Jewish history? What is ecokashrut? And why do so many Jews eat Chinese food on Christmas? This course explores Jewish life through the diverse history of Jewish foods. From New York deli to matzah ball... more
Over the last few years on Thursday evenings, the main streets of Bnei Brak, one of Israel’s largest haredi (ultra-Orthodox) cities, becomes a culinary meeting place. The Eastern European Jewish cuisine sustained by the haredi kitchen... more
A Reuben sandwich from Katz's Deli in New York. The sandwich, mixing milk and meat, is a staple of "kosher-style" delis. (Tamsin Slater/Flickr)
Abstract: This paper analyzes the stories of movement and displacement told through iconic Chinese and Jewish “ethnic” immigrant foods that have become part of American cuisine. Jewish and Chinese immigrant groups exemplify the American... more
Our insights into the neurological basis of synesthesia could help explain some of the creativity of painters, poets and novelists. According to one study, the condition is much more common in creative people than in the general... more
Despite the absence of a systematic presentation of Josephus’s views of the Jewish food laws, some of his views can be reconstructed through his retelling of the story of Daniel in A.J. 10.190–94. David Satran notes lexical connections... more