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      Synoptic GospelsAugustineThomas AquinasBede
... of Paris before being caught up in the sectarian politics of the Great Western Schism and hence ... Hohmann (2.25–30), 58: “Likewise, fourth, [visions may come] from a great number and ... Reformation (University Park: Penn State... more
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      Visual ResourcesArt Theory and CriticismJean GersonNicole Oresme
During the fifteenth century the organic body politic metaphor was gradually associated or superseded by a physiological paradigm built on the ancient humoral theory. The new body politic, based on humours rather than on organs,... more
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      Renaissance StudiesMetaphorFrench history and politicsSocial Mobility
This is the only English translation based on the recent critical edition by Daniel Hobbins. Another reliable translation (though based on an earlier edition) can be found in Craig Taylor's source volume "Joan of Arc: La Pucelle"... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval WomenMedieval France
Les réflexions médiévales sur la connaissance du vrai sont profondément ancrées dans la relecture du modèle de scientificité proposé par les Seconds analytiques d'Aristote. Néanmoins, ce modèle exigeant de scientificité est partiellement... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyJohn BuridanProbabilismJean Gerson
This article argues that despite an official royal ban on discussing solutions to the Great Western Schism (1378-1417) in France from 1381 to approximately 1392, conversation continued, employing new literary and rhetorical forms and new... more
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      ChristianityMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church History
San José es el esposo de María y el padre putativo de Jesucristo. En esta doble condición su posición en la Iglesia católica ha sido delicada: por una parte era necesario sostener la virginidad de María, pues esta idea estaba ligada a la... more
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      IconographySanta Teresa de ÁvilaJean GersonDevotio moderna
This article was the first step in my research that led to the 2015 book of the same title (U. of Pennsylvania Press). I analyze Ermine de Reims' (d. 1396) Visions, a text that was assembled by her confessor, the Augustinian friar Jean le... more
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      EucharistMedieval Devotional PracticeMedieval VisionsDiscernment of Spirits
The first part of this chapter shows that although certain aspects of the course of the disputations de quolibet were similar in Paris and in Prague, there were substantial differences between the two university events, including the... more
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      Intellectual HistoryMedieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
Se trata de una Conferencia en unas jornadas organizadas por la Academia de Historia y la Academia de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de Venezuela. El autor destaca como el constitucionalismo es el producto de la efervescencia de ideas... more
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      French RevolutionJesuit historyJohn WyclifCiencia Politica
Fray Diego Valadés, franciscano del siglo XVI, mestizo nacido en Tlaxcala, México. Publicó la Rhetorica Christiana, con grabados que muestran el trabajo de evangelización realizado en los pueblos de Mesoamericana, contiene la descripción... more
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      Jean Gerson's theology of mysticismSan Agustín de HiponaJean GersonMuralismo
Ogni discorso sul tema della discretio spirituum, come distinzione del vero dal falso, del bene dal male, della ispirazione divina da quella diabolica, non può non prendere le mosse dal corpus degli scritti di Jean Gerson, in cui il... more
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      HagiographyWomen's HistoryHistory and MemoryMedieval Latin Literature
The term "patron saint" is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as "[a] saint chosen or regarded as a protector of or intercessor for a person, place, occupation, etc." 1 And, indeed, searching for the term "patron saint" on Google,... more
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      HagiographyCult of SaintsSaints' CultsMedieval Church History
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      History of AstrologyAstral Magic, Medieval Astrology and MagicJean Gerson
Le riflessioni filosofiche di età rinascimentale assegnano alla facoltà dell’immaginazione un ruolo centrale, indagandone la natura, i poteri e i limiti. Il De imaginatione di Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola (1469-1533) rappresenta un... more
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      PhilosophyRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance Philosophy
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      Medieval Intellectual HistoryManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Jean Gerson
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      Nicholas of CusaCarthusiansJean GersonJan van Ruusbroec
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      Thomas AquinasEpistemology Of Religious ExperienceTheology of Thomas AquinasReligious Experience
in: Virtue Ethics for Women 1250-1500, ed. Karen Green and Constant Mews, New York/Berlin: Springer, 2011, pp. 81-98 In this paper I will briefly examine four key intellectual differences between Jean Gerson and Christine de Pizan which... more
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryMedieval French LiteratureChristine de Pizan
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      Epistemology17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyTheologyDemonology
Jean Gerson, chancellor of the University of Paris from 1395 to 1429, theologian, and conciliarist, has been the focus of much recent scholarship, especially regarding his reportedly hostile attitude toward women in his visionary... more
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      Medieval VisionariesJean Gerson
Sincere thanks to Dr. Mickey L. Mattox for his support in the production of this article.
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      Political PhilosophyAristotleHistorical TheologyVirtue Ethics
The article aims to analyze the meaning and the role of the notion of communis schola in the theological and ecclesiological thought of Jean Gerson (1363-1429), Chancellor of the University of Paris, schoolman influent in every... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval TheologyLate ScholasticismJean Gerson
Mit dem Begriff der moralischen Gewissheit wird im kirchlichen Recht die richterliche Überzeugung in einem Strafverfahren bezeichnet, dass eine Angeklagte bzw. ein Angeklagter schuldig sei, gleichermaßen die sich im Zivilverfahren... more
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      Criminal ProcedureAristotleLaw of evidenceProbability
Il "De papatu Romano Antichristo" di Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 – Londra 1608) è conservato nella Bodleian Library di Oxford (D’Orville 607, ff. 1r-95v) e rappresenta il più noto degli inediti del giurista di San Ginesio al quale,... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
Despite the fact that historians analyze emotions of classical antiquity, the term 'emotion' itself is a rather recent term that appears only in the fifteenth century. The 'invention' of the word 'emotion' is a French one, but it quickly... more
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      EmotionHistory Of EmotionsPhilosophy of the EmotionsFrench Political Philosophy
Die vorliegenden Übersetzungen bilden eine Ergänzung zur digitalen Edition der projektrelevanten Signaturengruppen aus dem Projekt "Making Mysticism. Mystische Bücher in der Bibliothek der Kartause Erfurt". Intendiert ist eine synoptische... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureChristian MysticismPseudo-DionysiusMedieval Mysticism
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      Medieval HistoryDante StudiesMedieval Ecclesiastical HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)
Round Table Gerson
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      ReligionLate Middle AgesHistory of ReligionReligion and Politics
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      PublishingMedieval HistoryHistory of the BookManuscript Studies
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      Fifteenth century historyMedieval SermonsCasuistryMedieval Preaching
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Conference "Late Medieval Hylomorphism: Matter and Form. 1300-1600", KU Leuven, 9-11 June 2022.
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval TheologyScholastic PhilosophyJean Gerson
This was a search for where the rationale for the English court of equity (run by the chancellor ) came from, as that rationale was given by Christopher St. German in the early 1500s. Special attention is made to Aristotle, Thomas... more
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      JurisprudenceAristotleHobbesPhilosophy Of Law
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      Power and Authority in the Middle AgesLate Medieval Religion, Monasticism and DevotionChristine de PizanMedieval Devotional Culture
Earl Jeffrey Richards, Liliane Dulac and Delphine Reix, "Creating New Political and Allegorical Forms of Discourse and the Meaning of the Word 'moral' in the works of Christine de Pizan," in: published in: Ton nom sera reluisant aprés toy... more
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      Medieval StudiesThomas AquinasAllegoryChristine de Pizan
"Christine de Pizan between Elite and Popular Cultures and the Legacy of Joseph Morawski (1888-1939)," published in: Ton nom sera reluisant aprés toy par longue memoire, Études sur Christine de Pizan, ed. Anna Loba, Poznań, Uniwersytet... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval French LiteratureProverbsWomen's Literature
Le sermon français sur la passion de Jean Gerson « Ad Deum vadit », se distingue par la place accordée à la figure de Marie aux côtés du christ. Au plan religieux, elle offre un modèle éthique genré en accord avec l'orthodoxie, ainsi... more
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      ChristianityRhetoricMedieval LiteraturePreaching
À l’aube du XVe siècle, dans le domaine de la littérature de dévotion en langue française, s’épanouit un motif constitué en genre, celui du « jardin spirituel ». Né de la rencontre d’une piété qui valorise l’exercice de la méditation... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesSpiritualityPoetics
Article "Etre pris par le temps à l'écrit : statut de l'oralité dans les sermons de Jean Gerson", actes du colloque L'Eloquence de la chaire, édité par C. Meli, G. Aubert, A. Heneveld, paru aux édition champions, paris 2018, p.91-106.
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      PredicationMedieval SermonsMiddle AgesJean Gerson
La plume et l'envol : une analyse stylistique de la Méditation sur l'Ascension de Jean Gerson Sous les dehors d'un opuscule de dévotion ascétique, la Méditation sur l'Ascension de Jean Gerson (1363-1429) est un texte hybride qui exploite... more
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      Histoire des idées et de la penséeJean GersonStylistique
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      PublishingMedieval HistoryHistory of the BookManuscript Studies
Porto (Portugal), 14-15 and 21.22 June 2021. SIEPM Colloquium, "Per cognitionem visualem. The Visualization of Cognitive and Natural Processes in the Middle Ages".
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval TheologyMystical TheologyJean Gerson
Abstract : La Francia assiste alla marcia trionfante della Pulzella e al realizzarsi dello “straordinario” nella storia, celebrato da Christine de Pizan nel suo ultimo Ditié colmo di esultanza. Di altro tenore i poemetti dei teologi... more
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      Christine de PizanJean Gerson
Dès les premiers temps du christianisme, l’explication des textes de référence et l’exhortation des fidèles à les mettre en pratique accompagnent la célébration des principaux actes cultuels. Cette prédication présente une ambivalence... more
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      Liturgical StudiesHistory of ReligionHistory of ChristianityMedieval Studies
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      Late Gothic PaintingJean GersonMaster Paul of LevočaGeiler von Kaysersberg
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      Medieval PhilosophyTheologyLate Middle AgesMedieval History
I'm currently revising the text and translation I did of Gerson's Anagogicum in my dissertation, as well as revising my analysis and argument about the text's central arguments and structure. I'm happy to share what I have privately, but... more
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      ApophaticismJean Gerson's theology of mysticismApophatic theologyJean Gerson
Position de thèse défendue en soutenance le 7 juillet 2017, L'Esthétique du faire croire, étude littéraire des sermons français et latins de Jean Gerson.
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      PredicationMedieval SermonsJean Gerson
Italian translation of a Gerson's pamphlet
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    • Jean Gerson