Jain Art
Recent papers in Jain Art
Inscriptions form the most reliable source for the reconstruction of history. In the present paper the authors have discussed nine inscriptions, which were carved on the back side of the bronze images of Jaina Tirthankara. These... more
Part II Comparison Between Buddhist Stupa and Jain Temple ARCHITECTURE, Concept & Design There is no doubt but that the stupa (Pali: thupa; Sinalese; dagoba) is the most distinctive and suggestive symbol to have emerged from the Buddhist... more
Jain Hill temples-do they resemble the Temple Mountains of Angkor.
Here is a study of the Jain temples built on hills- both ancient and modern
Here is a study of the Jain temples built on hills- both ancient and modern
Book on Jain Art and Iconography
Jain Art through the ages
A study of the Bālagopālastuti, including the newly-discovered illustrated manuscript copy in the Wellcome Library. Several images from the Wellcome Library's Balagopalastuti manuscript can be viewed on the library's digitization... more
Большая часть людей, имеющих представление об индийском искусстве, несомненно, знакома с грандиозным храмом Кайласанатха в Эллоре, сверху донизу, словно огромная статуя, высеченным из массива скалы. Однако лишь немногие знают, что в этом... more
Lecture delivered on Wednesday, 11th December, 2019, at the Center for Archaeological Studies (CAS),
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka
Jain temple at Nagpur...Photo Essay
This paper deals with a short text which uses the Navakar mantra as answers to riddles of the prashnottara type.
Description of two sculptures, from Nagarjunakonda and from Rajasthan
Jainism emerged as one of the oldest and significant religions in the Indian subcontinent from at least the sixth century BCE(Jain and Fischer, 1978). It is a religion which is based on the doctrine of ahimsa or the non-harming of all... more
Long before the emergence of Jainism and Buddhism as heterodox opponents to orthodox Vedic excesses, the popular religious landscape of India had for millennia teemed with devotion to immanent powers of the waters, trees and animals. Of... more
Das Kultbild zeigt den Körperumriss des Jina und symbolisiert damit die befreite Seele (siddhapratima) des mythischen Religionsstifters der Jainareligion. Der Überlieferung zufolge ist der Jina nach seinem Tod zur Stätte der Erlösten... more
ENGLISH SUMMARY [Deutsche Zusammenfassung siehe unten/Abstract in German language see below]: The thesis is based on the research of Jain miniature paintings of the Kalpasūtra, dating 15th and 16th century. The manuscripts to which the... more
The neglected field of the Jaina heritage in Pakistan was revived in 2015-17 through a pilot study conducted by the CoJS of SOAS in collaboration with a research team of the Nusrat Jahan College (NJC) in Rabwah, with additional help of... more
Come disfare cose con le parole isfare cose con le parole isfare cose con le parole isfare cose con le parole "Io divorzio, io divorzio, io divorzio‰. Questa formula, prescritta dalla sharia 1 , è un chiaro esempio di come con le parole... more
A review of the exhibition Yoga: The Art of Transformation which was on show at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco Nov. 14, 2013—On Feb. 21, 2014. The show was devoted to the art of Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, and Sufism.
Among the earliest examples of Jain art and practice in Tamil Nadu are the rock-cut beds carved into the floors of natural caverns found across the state. Dating as early as the third and second centuries bce, these sites seem to... more
Eine durch Aussparung oder Andeutung vereinfachte Abbildungsweise ist bei Kunstobjekten verschiedener religiöser Traditionen zu beobachten und zielt auf die Sichtbarkeit religiöser Inhalte ohne assoziatives Beiwerk. Besonders deutlich... more
Within the Jain religion, certain Indian sites are believed to afford connection between the real and spiritual realms. Referred to as tīrtha, or ‘crossing-place’, these sacred sites are often associated with release from the cycle of... more
Abstract Jain tradition puts great emphasis on the renunciation. Whether renunciation and monkhood implied the absolute discarding of all attachments including the cloth formed the major point of the divide in the Jain tradition. Variety... more