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      Cultural HistoryHistory of the BookQur'anic StudiesQuranic Studies
SUMMARY: This article focuses on the ethics manifest in the correspondence of Ibn 'Abbād of Ronda (d. 792/1390), particularly the theme of adab. The essay situates Ibn 'Abbād within Ṣūfī discourse on adab and within Islamic ethics... more
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      North Africa StudiesIslamic PhilosophyIslamic StudiesSufism
Thirty seven copies of the Qur’ān and of tafsīr literature have come down to us, eleven of these manuscripts are translation into Aljamia. They had been hidden in a house of the Almonacid de la Sierra village (Aragon) with no more than... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesMoriscos
La comunidad morisca aragonesa contaba con un número desconocido de copistas, iluminadores, y correctores de manuscritos; manuscritos que, en su mayor parte, se nos transmiten a través de un peculiar sistema lingüístico: romance escrito... more
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      CodicologyAl-AndalusMoriscosArabic Manuscripts from Andalus
Circulaciones mudéjares y moriscas: redes de contacto y representaciones Edición: Alice Kadri; Yolanda Moreno Moreno; Ana Echevarría Arsuaga , 2018, pp. 93-125. En mi Tésis Doctoral se incluye este texto. Ver:... more
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      PilgrimageMoriscosMudejaresIslamic Manuscripts
MONTANER, Alberto, «La edición de textos aljamiados: Balance de un decenio (1994-2004)», Romance Philology, vol. LIX: núm. 2 (Spring 2006) [= special issue on Romania Mediterranea, 2007], pp. 343-371.
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      Textual ScholarshipTextual CriticismMoriscosMedieval Spanish Literature
Among the Arabic and Aljamiado manuscripts found in Almonacid de la Sierra (nowadays in the TNT library of the CCHS-CSIC in Madrid), there are two copies of the translation into Aljamia of the muḥtaṣar-tafsīr of Ibn Abī Zamanīn of the... more
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      EcdoticsTafsirAljamiado TextsArabic/Persian Manuscripts, codicology, Islamic philosophy, early Islamic history and thoughts
Çūrat algāsiat (45v-47r) Çūrat alfağr (47r-49v) [Çūrat yā '-çīn] (50r-61v) Çūrat almulk (61v-66v) Çūrat c amma (66v-70r) Çūrat a l nāzi c at (70r-73v) Çūrat c abaça 21. [Rogaria de la setena] (74r-80r) 22. Este es el pergüeno đel-a ala... more
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      Aljamiado TextsAljamiado ManuscriptsIslamic Literature in Spanish and AljamiadoAljamiado Texts, Moriscos, Al-Andalus and Islamic Studies
en Al-Andalus-Maghreb, 16 (2009), pp. 89-113
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      MoriscosMudejaresAljamiado TextsIslamic Literature in Spanish and Aljamiado
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      MoriscosAljamiado TextsIslamic Literature in Spanish and Aljamiado
Al-Jadir dreams are a unique prove of how the moorish people conserves in their written texts a memory of the sufi tradition. Here I explore the symbols that sufi texts share with moorish manuscripts.
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      Aljamiado TextsIslamic Literature in Spanish and AljamiadoAljamiado Texts, Moriscos, Al-Andalus and Islamic Studies
This paper examines the viability of memetics for approaching Aljamiado-Morisco writing, as well as its potential for conceptualizing the transmission of ideas and culture across the Hispano-Muslim communities that produced and consumed... more
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      Cultural Transmission (Evolutionary Biology)Memetics (Literature)MoriscosAljamiado Texts
Les manuscrits complets produits, copiés et/ou transmis par les Mudéjares et les Morisques, de même que les fragments et documents qui ont été employés dans les ais de reliures qui leur ont appartenu, constituent des témoins uniques pour... more
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      MoriscosCodicology of medieval manuscriptsArabic ManuscriptsAljamiado Texts
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    • Islamic Literature in Spanish and Aljamiado
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      Aljamiado TextsIslamic Literature in Spanish and Aljamiado
The Aljamiado-Morisco literature consists mainly of religious writings produced mostly in the 15th and the 16th centuries by a cryptic Iberian Muslim community. With twenty seven codices known up to this date, the Koranic translations are... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsArabic Corpus LinguisticsArabic Manuscripts
In the present paper we look into the different ways in which one of the Arabic modalities of proximity, viz. kāda, is rendered in Hispanic Qur´anic translations ranging from the 16th century and up to the early 17th one. The analysis is... more
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      Manuscript StudiesSpanish LinguisticsArabic Corpus LinguisticsArabic Manuscripts
This paper provides an account of the phonetic transformations of the Arabisms in Morisco manuscripts dated back to the 16th century and the first decade of the 17th one, by analysing various translations and transcriptions of the Qur’an.... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsManuscript StudiesCorpus LinguisticsSpanish Linguistics
A corrected and continually updated bibliography (MLA format) of studies relating to Aljamiado language and literature arranged in reverse chronological order from 2021 to 1827.
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      MoriscosAljamiado TextsAljamiadoAljamiado Manuscripts
Among the diverse and usually rather carelessly produced Morisco handwritten manuscripts we find twin copies of the “Morisco Qurʾān”, dating from the end of the sixteenth century. Each is made up of a series of gatherings, the remains of... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesCodicologyOttoman StudiesMoriscos
This is a bibliography (MLA format) of studies relating to Aljamiado language and literature divided into thematic sections and spanning the years 1827-2021. It is being continually corrected and updated.
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      MoriscosAljamiado TextsAljamiadoAljamiado Manuscripts
Paronomasia, used as a grammatical device, is a construction much favoured in Semitic languages. It comes as no surprise to encounter such structures in calque languages. However, considering that those translations are very literal, it’s... more
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      Corpus LinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsArabic Corpus LinguisticsArabic Manuscripts
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      Aljamiado TextsAljamiado ManuscriptsIslamic Literature in Spanish and AljamiadoAljamiado Texts, Moriscos, Al-Andalus and Islamic Studies
As opposed to its earlier counterparts written in Aljamiado – i.e. Romance transcribed in Arabic letters –, the late Morisco Ms. 235 (Toledo, Biblioteca de Castilla-La Mancha) was copied in Latin script. Produced in early 17th century, in... more
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      Manuscript StudiesQuranic StudiesSpanish LinguisticsArabic Corpus Linguistics
This contribution intends first to trace the conceptual framework of the Islamic apocalyptic (the minor and major signs, the Daǧǧāl or Antichrist, the trumpet, the bridge, the intercession of the Prophet, the Uprising, the Resurrection,... more
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      Islamic StudiesAljamiado TextsAljamiadoAljamiado Manuscripts
This contribution intends first to trace the conceptual framework of the Islamic apocalyptic (the minor and major signs, the Daǧǧāl or Antichrist, the trumpet, the bridge, the intercession of the Prophet, the Uprising, the Resurrection,... more
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      Aljamiado TextsAljamiadoAljamiado ManuscriptsIslamic Literature in Spanish and Aljamiado