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This article analyzes key factors affecting transboundary water cooperation in the Brahmaputra River basin at multiple scales. The analysis of multi-track diplomacy reaffirms the potential of actor-inclusive approaches, arguing for a need... more
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      Hydro-DiplomacyInternational River LawWater DiplomacyInternational river basins
The author argues in this paper that, in spite of the past performance and the lack of a permanent agreement among the riparians of the Euphrates-Tigris System, there is hope and reason for optimism for a mutually beneficial framework.... more
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      Conflict ResolutionSustainable Water Resources ManagementTransboundary Water ManagementInternational river basins
136 LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY OF BILATERAL RIVER AGREEMENTS by Ashok Swain Water tables are falling increasingly on every continent. Many developing countries in Asia and Africa already face serious problems in meeting rapidly increasing... more
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      International River LawInternational river basinsInternational River
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      Nile River BasinInternational River LawInternational Relations and Environmental Security: Conflict or Cooperation?Contrasting the Cases of the Maritza-Evros-Meric and Mekong Transboundary RiversInternational river basins
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      Indo-Pakistani relationsKashmirInternational River LawGlobal peace, Kashmir conflict and Indo-Pak relations
Монография посвящена проблемам рационального использования и охраны водных ресурсов бассейна самой южной реки Дагестана и России – р. Самур. Рассматриваются наиболее характерные тенденции социально-экономического и экологического развития... more
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      Landscape EcologyPolitical SociologyPlant EcologyMarine Ecology
International basins are divided into sub-basins that can be managed at the international, national and local levels, separately or together. Regarding the international level, many actors, beyond the States, participate in water... more
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      International RelationsWater resourcesMulti-level governanceIntegrated Water Resources Management
BA Honours Thesis for Politics Department, Bates College, 2012. Abstract: In 1947 India and Pakistan, sworn enemies on all fronts, managed to settle a water dispute on the Indus Basin eventually signing one of the most successful treaties... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryInterstate and Intrastate WarPakistan
This chapter examines the international and domestic costs of noncooperation among and within the countries comprising the Indus basin. Its focus is on all four of the co-riparian basin states, but India and Pakistan receive special... more
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      International River LawIndia-Pakistan RelationsIndus RiverKashmir Conflict
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      Community DevelopmentWater resourcesWater and wastewater treatmentSustainable Water Resources Management