Recent papers in Interim
Alcohol-related harm is a substantial burden on the community in Australia and internationally, particularly harm related to risky drinking practices of young people in the night-time economy. This protocol paper describes a study that... more
The study of law and religion has exploded around the world. This article, prepared in celebration of the silver jubilee of the Ecclesiastical Law Society, traces the development of law and religion study in the United States. Despite its... more
Alcohol-related harm is a substantial burden on the community in Australia and internationally, particularly harm related to risky drinking practices of young people in the night-time economy. This protocol paper describes a study that... more
Table 8.22 Coefficient Estimates for One-Vehicle Choice Models Stata with random CS MNL with full CS NMNL with full CS Coeff t-stat Coeff t-stat Coeff t-stat Price(000)/Ln(Inc) -0.3224 -11.77 -0.4551 -515.45 -0.3414 -224.72 Coeff/ln(7.5)... more
The church of Sant’Omobono sits above one of the highest human occupation sequences in the city of Rome. Some 3.5 m of sediment lie between the earliest known Bronze Age occupation lens and the base of the foundations of the early 6th c.... more
Research for Action (RFA) is a Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization. We seek to use research as the basis for the improvement of educational opportunities and outcomes for traditionally underserved students. Our work is designed to... more
In the arbitration, just like in civil litigation, it may be necessary before the final merit award is rendered by the arbitral tribunal, the relations between the parties to be temporarily settled. The need for ordering interim measures... more
Increasingly archaeologists are opting for on-site examination, reinterment and insitu preservation of underwater cultural heritage sites as the first option in the management of sites at risk as opposed to the more traditional... more
Her research focus and teaching experience lie in the field of institutional theory and governance, European integration, and comparative politics with a focus on Western and Southern Europe. She mainly concentrates on questions of... more
Transverse prestressing is an attractive concept with substantial benefits in both economy and improved durability. This report summarizes a series of interrelated physical tests and computer analyses which were conducted to provide... more
This report describes four demonstration projects, funded from July 1989 to December 1990 in Oregon, on early identification and prevention of mental and emotional disorders in children. The intention of the projects was to find ways to... more
The School Finance Redesign Project (SFRP) encompasses research, policy analysis, and public engagement activities that examine how K-12 finance can be redesigned to better support student performance. The project addresses the basic... more