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Since Fermi asked his famous question, "Where is everybody?" it has been increasingly realised that the feasibility of interstellar colonisation has deep implications for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. In this paper, the... more
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      Astrosociology & Fermi ParadoxSETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)Interstellar FlightIntergalactic Travel
This model for the NetLogo system is an attempt to recreate the experiment of Frédéric Marin and Camille Beluffi from 2018 by means of ABM. The experiment deals with the questions of how to choose the initial crew of a spacecraft and how... more
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      Modeling and Simulation(Multi-) Agent TechnologyAgent-based modelingIntergalactic Travel
A quote attributed to Albert Einstein points out that intuition is the source of great ideas while mathematics is only intuition's faithful servant. Prior to being assaulted by equations, the two diagrams below immediately show a great... more
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      ElectronicsDark MatterTopologyDark Energy
This paper maps out a vision demonstrating how the development of outer space and its resources can change the course of human history to benefit all humankind, in direct, meaningful ways. This will include an explanation outlining how... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSpace SciencesInternational RelationsDevelopment Studies