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My work grows out of, and is a contribution to, the International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group. This is a heterogenous group of teachers, scientists, educators, historians, mathematicians, philosophers of education and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSCIENCE TEACHINGInterchange
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      Adult learningInterchange
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      Teacher EducationInterchange
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This paper is delimited to an exploration of three representations from the field of pedagogical ethics. I focus on the ethics of background beliefs, guiding rules and principles, and dilemma managing together with their contested... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsNarrative AnalysisInterchange
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      High SchoolInterchangeControl Group
There is an increasing interest in the role of emotions in education. The concept of "emotional intelligence" is an example. There are various discourses being developed in education about the importance of emotions. One such emerging... more
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      Emotional intelligenceEducational PhilosophyInterchange
A four-level taxonomy is proposed for categorizing the ways in which literacy is defined operationally in education. The four levels—performative, functional, informational, epistemic—are distinguished in terms of conceptualizations of... more
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      Language AcquisitionCognitive developmentEarly Childhood EducationClassification
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      Social StudiesCurriculumSocial DevelopmentInterchange
In 1963, R.S. Peters claimed that he was unable to unearth any previous attempts to demarcate the concept of education, and so he took up this task. I argue that Peters is instead analysing the concept of liberal education, and uncover... more
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INTRODUCTION education as his starting point. But he then goes on to argue forcefully that the methods of the sciences and the humanities cannot be seen as everywhere separate and complementary. In fact, at a deeper level, Keeves argues,... more
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      Educational ResearchResearch ParadigmQualitative ResearchScientific methodology
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      Educational PhilosophyInterchange
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      Resource AllocationEducational AssessmentInterchange
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The notion of imagination is central to our contemporary western conception of and valuing of art. Yet the conception of imagination upon which this valuing rests is based on certain assumptions about art-making and about persons.... more
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      Art HistoryCreativityImaginationArt Education
This is a song ofcircumsision from Mukanda, a Ndembu ritual that expresses the complete reversal of the natural order. This is a ritual that takes male children from women and gives them to men. Creatures are displaced from their natural... more
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      Political ScienceInterchange
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      InterchangeTRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY ENGINEERINGRoad IntersectionAdamson University
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      Cognitive ScienceSCIENCE TEACHINGInterchangeEducational Philosophy and Theory
In attempting to explain the relationship between reader and text, theorists have alternated focus upon either the reader or the text, to clarify and validate perspectives on epistemological problems of hermeneutics—or interpretation—as... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyInterchange
The number of people living in Canada of Caribbean heritage has increased substantially over the past forty years. This paper examines aspects of Caribbean culture and Caribbean education culture to explore if Caribbean Canadians can... more
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      Educational PhilosophyInterchange
The island of Jamaica has its roots implanted in two main directions --Africa, reflected in the predominantly black population descended from African slaves, and England, from whom it inherited a psychological orientation toward... more
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      Social ChangeDemographySocial StructureInterchange
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This researchpaper investigates the relationship between characteristics of public schools and student alienation from schools. As hypothesized, custodialism in pupil control orientation and some aspects of school climate were related to... more
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      Research PaperInterchange
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      Cognitive ScienceInterchangeEducational Philosophy and Theory
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      Religious EducationEducational PhilosophySciencesTeaching Methods
In this paper, I attempt to reconceptualize validity within the context of openly ideological research.~ The usefulness of this reconceptualization is tested by applying it to examples from three explicitly value-based research programs:... more
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Could anyone reasonably oppose the idea that quality and excellence are essential to the university? However unlikely it seems, that is exactly what we would like to do in this article: we would like to reject the demand for quality and... more
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      Quality AssuranceInterchange
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      Social ChangeSocializationDivision of laborEducational Philosophy
The teaching of foundations courses, and in particular philosophy of education, is frequently under siege in teacher education programs across Canada, as these programs struggle to meet other demands on student teachers. This article... more
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      Teacher EducationPhilosophy of EducationValuesCritical Thinking
Assessment of students' learning in school is deeply implicated in teaching for social justice. Yet classroom assessment is neglected relative to other aspects of curriculum and pedagogy in the literature on teaching for social justice.... more
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      Critical PedagogyLearning and TeachingSocial JusticeProfessional Development
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      Political ScienceInterchange
The Shadow of the Crisis As I begin writing this, the words of the noted sociologist Manuel Castells keep pressing upon me. "The shadow of the crisis spreads over the world." The images he brings to mind provide some of the driving force... more
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      SociologyLabor EconomicsEducational PhilosophySocial Class
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Language and culture are now deemed to be co-constitutive; hence English language teaching (ELT) textbooks should incorporate cultural aspects and promote intercultural competence. However, careful decisions should be made as regards to... more
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      CultureBiasIntercultural CompetenceTextbooks
The question "Are all geniuses infant prodigies?" has in it all the attractions of glamor, scholarship, and interdisciplinary studies. It is not the focus of discus-sion in this essay. Not that attractive questions are... more
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Although Whitehead himself, in Process and Reality, appears to maintain a correspondence theory of truth, at various points he also appears to hold that truth is a function of the process under consideration. This suggestion is considered... more
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Wisdom has been a topic of religion and philosophy since the dawning of human civilization. But only during the last two or three decades wisdom has become a topic of empirical research in developmental psychology, adult and old age... more
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      ReligionDevelopmental PsychologyPhilosophyEmotional intelligence
Can we define indoctrination? Can we provide paradigm cases of indoctrination?  I argue that there is still work to be done in defining indoctrination.
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      PhilosophyReligious EducationTeaching MethodsConcept Formation
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      Critical TheoryEducational ResearchEmpowermentPower
The idea of comparing Whitehead with Bion was born when I first met Whitehead's idea, "the fallacy of misplaced concreteness" (FMC), and felt immediately that I knew it from my knowledge of Bion's work. The paper begins by indicating some... more
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      EmotionProcessCommon GroundUnconscious
In 1923, R.A. Millikan was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the elementary charge of electricity and on the photoelectric effect. Recently, historical research had a focus on Millikan's publication practice, as well as... more
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      InterchangeRole Models
How do technologies affect the human senses, the conduct of human activity, and, more generally, the manner in which people perceive the world around them? The impress that technologies such as schools and hospitals leave on human... more
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ABSTRACT: On the basis of insights provided by Whitehead and John Cobb, I show how the People's Free University of Saskatchewan (PFU) is a working model of free, open, community-based education that embodies several characteristics... more
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      Philosophy of EducationEducational PhilosophyInterchange
1. Introduction 2. Chicago School Reform and Its Political, Economic, and Cultural Context 3. Accountability, Social Differentiation, and Racialized Social Control 4. "Like a Hammer Just Knocking Them Down" - Regulation African... more
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      Political ScienceInterchange