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    • Injection Drug Use
This lack of available treatment alternatives on the island has contributed to the "relocation" or "exporting" of injectable drug users to the continental U.S. in search of treatment, that sometimes resemble situations comparable to human... more
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      Puerto RicoHarm ReductionDrug Treatment CourtDrug Courts
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      Injection Drug UseHeroin
Women who inject drugs (IDU) are at elevated risk for drug-related harms. While there has been growing interest in first injecting experiences of IDU, less attention has been given to broader socio-cultural, structural and environmental... more
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      Harm ReductionDrug abuse and addictionNursing ResearchAddiction Behaviour
Background: Gender, race, class, and sexuality create a unique set of requirements for addressing HIV risk among homeless and marginally housed (HMH) women. Though studies have recommended both individual and structural prevention... more
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      HomelessnessWomenEvaluationQualitative Research
Отчёт «Исследования НП «ЭСВЕРО» в 2011 году» в рамках программы «Расширение доступа к профилактике и лечению ВИЧ путём развития услуг в сфере ВИЧ для потребителей инъекционных наркотиков в Российской Федерации», поддержанной Глобальным... more
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      Health PsychologyInjection Drug Use
A PhD studentship is available for UK and EU citizens only. The studentship will attract an annual tax-free stipend of £14,777 for up to 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress and will cover the UK/EU tuition fees. You should hold a... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyMedical SociologyHealth Psychology
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      Research EthicsInjection Drug Use
Background: Policy and programming for people who inject drugs (PWID) in South Africa is limited by the scarcity of epidemiological data. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey among 450 PWID (362 males and 88 females) from five... more
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      HIV/AIDSInjection Drug Use
Background: Despite growing implementation of harm reduction programs internationally, unsafe injecting practices remain common among injection drug users (IDU). In response, nursing interventions such as safer injection education (SIE)... more
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      NursingInfectious disease epidemiologyPopulation HealthPatient education
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of transitioning from non-injection heroin use to injection drug use on sexual risk behavior. Non-injecting heroin users age 16–30 were enrolled from 2002 to 2005, and were... more
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      HIV/AIDS AND Risky behaviorsInjection Drug UseInitiation to Injection Drug Use
Since 2013, North America has experienced a sharp increase in unintentional fatal overdoses: fentanyl, and its analogues, are believed to be primarily responsible. Currently, the most practical means for people who use drugs (PWUD) to... more
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      Injection Drug UseFentanyl
Background: Blood contained in needles and injection equipment has been identified as a vector for HIV and HCV transmission among people who inject drugs (PWID). Yet, there is often a wide discrepancy in prevalence for both viruses. While... more
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      HIV/AIDSPuerto RicoHepatitis CInjection Drug Use
Цель и задачи исследования Цель исследования – оценка роли группы потребителей инъекционных наркотиков (ПИН) в распространении эпидемии ВИЧ-инфекции в городах Абакан, Барнаул, Волгоград, Набережные Челны и Пермь и прогноз дальнейшего... more
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      EpidemiologyDrugs And AddictionHIV/AIDSHepatitis C
Background: The War on Drugs has raised the incarceration rates of racial minorities for non-violent drug-related crimes, profoundly stigmatized drug users, and redirected resources from drug prevention and treatment to militarizing... more
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      HIV/AIDSPuerto RicoWar on DrugsImmunopathogenesis of HIV/HCV/HBV
Background and Aims Chronic skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) among people who inject drugs (PWID) can lead to AA amyloidosis: a serious, yet neglected, multi‐organ disease. We aim to synthesize findings on the epidemiology, risk... more
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      Injection Drug UseAmyloidosis
Background: Women who inject drugs (WWID) are at heightened risk for HIV due to biological, behavioral, and structural factors. Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) could aid in HIV prevention for WWID. However, little is known about WWID... more
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      Sex and GenderSocial NetworksSexual and Reproductive HealthHIV/AIDS
Background: This paper explores injection drug users' (IDUs) relationships with non-drug using family members in order to understand the potential opportunities for, and challenges to, having these family members provide harm reduction... more
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      Health PromotionMental HealthResilienceFamily
This study demonstrates an ethnographically critically informed process evaluation of piloting an HIV intervention program targeting injection drug users. The authors used systematic ethnographic methods to identify and evaluate the... more
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      NursingSocial WorkInformation ProcessingDrug Use
Корнилова М.С., Ерицян К.Ю., Акулова М.В., Одинокова В.А. Сравнение поведенческих рисков и распространенности ВИЧ-инфекции в группе лиц, употребляющих наркотики инъекционно, в зависимости от типа наркотика//Сборник тезисов Пятой... more
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      HIV/AIDSRussiaHIV/AIDS AND Risky behaviorsInjection Drug Use
Статията представя резултати от проучване на знанията и поведението на инжекционно употребяващи наркотици относно туберколозата, и бариерите за достъп до здравни услуги. Проучването е проведено в рамките на проект „Овластяване на публично... more
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      Tuberculosis and Infectious DiseaseAccess to health servicesSocial Work ResearchHIV and AIDS: prevention, care, ARV adherence
Peer interventions are likely to take on a growing importance among initiatives aimed at the prevention of HIV transmission. The success of such interventions rests upon the participation of the individuals and groups concerned. Yet, few... more
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      HIV/AIDSSex WorkPublic HealthQuebec
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      Substance UseMsm, Hiv, Gay and Bisexual MenInjection Drug UseCrystal Methamphetamine
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication that prevents HIV acquisition, yet PrEP uptake has been low among people who inject drugs. Stigma has been identified as a fundamental driver of population health and may be a significant... more
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      Rural SociologyStigmaHIV/AIDSHIV Prevention
Objective: To explore the process of initiation to injection drug use from the point of view of initiators. Methods: Semi-structured, in-depth qualitative interviews were conducted at a harm reduction program in Toronto, Canada. Twenty... more
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      Injection Drug UseInitiation to Injection Drug Use
In the United States, political and social environments have shaped public health response to injecting drug use, and New York City represents a salient example. The history of " harm reduction " in New York City is characterized within... more
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      Injecting Drug UseHIV, Injecting Drug Use and Harm ReductionInjection Drug UseNeedle and Syringe Exchange
Background—Injection drug use (IDU) is a primary vector for blood-borne infections. Awareness of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection status may affect risky injection behaviors. This study determines the prevalence of risky injection... more
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      Hepatitis CAlcoholismInjection Drug UseNeedle Sharing
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      DepressionHIV/AIDSGender and SexualityRisk factors
Background: People who inject drugs (PWID) are at high risk of contracting and transmitting and hepatitis C virus (HCV). While accurate screening tests and effective treatment are increasingly available, prior research indicates that many... more
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      Health DisparitiesHealth Belief ModelHepatitis CHealth beliefs & behaviour
Early onset of alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use is an indicator of later substance use problems in adulthood such as alcohol or other drug dependence. This paper seeks to address the association between early onset alcohol,... more
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      Young PeopleDrug UseCocaineCocaine Addiction
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication that prevents HIV acquisition, yet PrEP uptake has been low among people who inject drugs. Stigma has been identified as a fundamental driver of population health and may be a significant... more
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      StigmaHIV/AIDSHIV / AIDS treatmentInjection Drug Use
Injection drug user can be the gateway of various disease transmission such as hepatitis andHIV - AIDS. Many of injection drug users did therapy, but in fact there are still users who return to usedrug called recurrence or relapse. An... more
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      Health PromotionSocial Determinants of HealthHealth EducationCoping
Chronic skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) among people who inject drugs (PWID) can lead to AA-amyloidosis: a serious, yet neglected, multi-organ disease. We aim to synthesise findings on the epidemiology, risk factors, clinical... more
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      AddictionInjection Drug UseAmyloidosisPsychology and Cognitive Sciences
Background: Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to reduce the risk of HIV was approved in 2012 and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in 2005. We report the differences in awareness of PrEP/PEP and factors associated with awareness by examining... more
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      Social NetworksHIV/AIDSHIV/AIDS policyHIV
An epidemiological cohort study of injection drug users in Montreal documented a significant statistical association between HIV seroconversion and needle exchange patronage from 1989 to 1995. The polemics generated by this... more
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      HIV/AIDSCocaine AddictionInjection Drug Use
Bringing quantitative and qualitative methodologies and perspectives into a collaborative dialog among cross-disciplinary researchers highlights the fact that clinical practice must go beyond simple racial or cultural categories. A... more
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      Heroin DependenceInjection Drug Use
Background Studies of individuals in treatment for substance use have found high rates of psychiatric disorders, however little is known about the mental health of drug users not in treatment. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of... more
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      Mental HealthMental Health and Substance Use ComorbiditiesInjection Drug Use
Since the 1980s, the landscape of illegal drug use has changed in Morocco. This has come about through the introduction of new drugs and new modes of consumption. Morocco's geographical position has actively contributed to facilitating... more
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      Drugs And AddictionDrug UseAddiction BehaviourHeroin Dependence
Background. People who inject drugs (PWID) and have mental health conditions, such as major depression, an anxiety disorder, or antisocial or borderline personality disorder, may have elevated risk for HIV/HCV infection. This study... more
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      PsychologyAnxiety DisordersMental HealthBorderline Personality Disorder
Background-Studies of individuals in treatment for substance use have found high rates of psychiatric disorders, however little is known about the mental health of drug users not in treatment. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of... more
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      Mental HealthAdolescentComorbidityChicago
Since 2013, North America has experienced a sharp increase in unintentional fatal overdoses: fentanyl, and its analogues, are believed to be primarily responsible. Currently, the most practical means for people who use drugs (PWUD) to... more
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      Drug PolicyInjection Drug UseFentanylPsychology and Cognitive Sciences
Distinct physical and chemical types of street heroin exist worldwide, but their impact on behavior and disease acquisition is not well understood or documented. This article presents a hypothesis to explain the unequal diffusion of HIV... more
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      HIV PreventionInjection Drug UseHeroin
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      HIV testingMost-At Risk Populations and HIVInjection Drug Use
Bringing quantitative and qualitative methodologies and perspectives into a collaborative dialog among cross-disciplinary researchers highlights the fact that clinical practice must go beyond simple racial or cultural categories. A... more
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      Qualitative methodologyCultural CompetenceHealth DisparitiesSocialization
Early onset of alcohol, marijuana, and cigarette use is an indicator of later substance use problems in adulthood such as alcohol or other drug dependence. This paper seeks to address the association between early onset alcohol,... more
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      PsychologyAdolescentYoung PeopleDrug Use
Objectives: To evaluate whether a behavioral intervention, which taught peer education skills, could reduce injection and sexual risk behaviors associated with primary HIV and hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) among young injection drug... more
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      Health EducationTreatment OutcomeAdolescentHepatitis C
Aims This study conducted a secondary analysis to examine injection cessation and decreasing frequency of injection during a multi-site randomized controlled HIV prevention intervention trial that sought to reduce sexual and injection... more
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      HIV PreventionInjection Drug Use
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      Political EconomyEnvironmental HealthPublic HealthDrug Addiction