Msm, Hiv, Gay and Bisexual Men
Recent papers in Msm, Hiv, Gay and Bisexual Men
In 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) changed their indefinite deferral policy towards donors who were men who had sex with men (MSM). I develop an empirical case for the current, revised MSM deferral policy and... more
Gift giving is the process by which an HIVpositive person purposely infects an HIV-negative person with HIV, usually with that person’s knowledge and consent. Little has been written about this HIV transmission practice. In this paper,... more
The concurrent use of recreational drugs and excessive sex has become more popular across the MSM community all around Europe, also Central and Eastern Europe. The unprecedented low price of and easy access to drugs, the general status of... more
Use of ‘party drugs’, a particular set of recreational drugs used in the context of ‘ChemSex’, is frequent among MSM living with HIV. A recently published observational study showed that more than half of HIV-infected MSM interviewed... more
Harter’s work is like a passport to a culture that I have dubbed “gay chauvinism,” when you felt that being gay, secret as it was, gave you a special insight into humanity that the non-gay world did not have. We were significant—and... more
Nursing Inquiry 2016; 23: 267–277 Breeding new forms of life: a critical reflection on extreme variances of bareback sex Many men who have sex with men (MSM) express feeling marginalized by discourses within public health and sexual... more
This is chapter one introducing the book. This book is an intimate journey into the experiences and insights of seventy-eight Australian women in relationships with bisexual men. The research, revelations, and reflections in this book... more
ในอดีต “ก้น” ถูกความเป็นชายจัดการและเบียดขับให้ไปอยู่เป็นคู่ตรงข้ามกับความเป็นชายโดยสิ้นเชิง ซึ่ง “ก้น” มักถูกนําไปเชื่อมโยงกับความเป็น “ฝ่ายรับ” และเป็นหน้าที่ของ “ฝ่ายรับ” ในการจัดการให้ “ก้น” มีคุณสมบัติแบบ “ก้นนิยม” หรือ “buttocksism”... more
Although clearly defined within communities that engage in chemsex, and although very commonly understood within gay communities, “chemsex” still has no universally agreed-upon academic definition. As an invited contributor to this... more
Masculinity is often determined by societies and cultures including economic structure, resulting in dividing people into two groups based on masculine traits such as strength, courage, especially in sexual activities through the penis.... more
Lugares públicos como el metro, parques, reservas ecológicas, baños o establecimientos nocturnos, tanto públicos como privados para ejercer el cruising, no están considerados ni reglamentados por las autoridades competentes, acrecentando... more
“This publication fills the gap between traditional theory driven research and practical HIV prevention and care achieved by highly qualified and committed community-based and led implementers. During my masters studies in Public Health... more
Felching (sucking or eating semen out of someone's anus) is a sexual behavior about which virtually nothing has been written in the scholarly literature, despite the fact that it appears to be a not-uncommon practice among certain... more
This petition argues that erotic comics are an important cultural record of the way in which diverse sexualities are understood and portrayed, and sexual fantasies explored. An Erotic Comics Anglophone Archive (ErotiCAA) will preserve... more
Les grandes enquêtes sur les hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec des hommes (HSH) en France, initiées par Michael Pollak et Marie-Ange Schiltz il y a trente ans dans la presse gay, ont introduit la consommation de drogues à partir de... more
This study looked at how four (4) types of informal and formal MSM groups: a text clan, social club, community-based (barangay) group, and nongovernment advocacy organization, are engaged in the local HIV response of Quezon City. It... more
This paper examines the ways in which HIV-related programmes for heterosexual Ugandans and also for men who have sex with men work to deny healthcare services to transgender people in Uganda. Contrary to current conventional wisdom, the... more
The public health response to chemsex, when understood objectively, is actually a simple model of multidisciplinary interventions. Unfortunately, however, you can’t remove the sex from chemsex; and where there is sex, there are moral and... more
Health issues of non-heterosexual men are not similar across the world. Health issues come with varying consequences to the lives of individuals when studying violations to the right to health. Health disparities exist in societies... more
In partnership with Roche and 56 Dean Street, this booklet was produced to aid clinicians who wish to better understand the contexts and language associated with ChemSex, to better inform their patients about the HIV/hepatitis C (HCV)... more
An article exploring the cultural issues within gay communities that contribute to ChemSex and poor sexual wellbeing.
The major studies on men who have sex with men (MSM) in France (which began with Michael Pollak and Marie-Ange Schiltz forty years ago in Gay Press) introduced the idea of drug use in 1997, just after highly effective antiretroviral... more
Програма розвитку Організації Об'єднаних Націй (ПРООН) є глобальною мережею ООН в галузі розвитку. ПРООН тісно співпрацює з усіма верствами суспільства, допомагаючи розбудові країн, спроможних протистояти кризам, розвивати та підтримувати... more
“Experiências e percepções sobre o uso de insumos de prevenção do HIV e outras ITS em homens que fazem sexo com homens" é um estudo que foi realizado na cidade de Maputo no período entre 2010 - 2012. A motivação do mesmo surgiu no âmbito... more
Between 1 June 2016 and 31 May 2017, 17 European Union (EU) and European Economic Area countries reported 4,096 cases associated with a multi-country hepatitis A (HA) outbreak. Molecular analysis identified three co-circulating hepatitis... more
Abstract Purpose: This paper examines the extent to which men who use the Internet to find other men for unprotected sex are aroused by semen. It also looks at the relationship between semen arousal and involvement in HIV risk practices,... more
Este trabalho visa considerar a importância do rosto dentro dos contatos realizados em aplicativos de homens que fazem sexo com homens e seus desdobramentos dentro do imaginário homossexual. Neste contexto, também é feita uma aproximação... more
An online tool for MSM reluctant or unable to attend ChemSex support services, or to assist healthcare providers who feel unskilled to support clients/patients with ChemSex behaviours. This is an online, interactive tool that can help an... more
In the anticipated post-2015 development agenda many Western governments, their development agencies and a range of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) seek to advance an integrated ‘sexual and reproductive health and rights’ (SRHR)... more
This article presents the "garnish" of the sex story into a product by the intermediary. Reviews of previous literature on the history of sexuality for the case in point MSM (Men who have sex with men) The author compare literature with... more
First of all, the author starts discussing any other issues in this article. The author discusses the components of the content that will include the definition of the meaning of the “MSM” (men who have sex with men) Then, for the... more
ChemSex; Odhran O'Donoghue discusses how physicians should approach the public health syndemic, in "Commentary", the membership magazine of the Royal College of Physicians.
Despite being at the cornerstone of current initiatives to curtail the spread of HIV, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) medication has been slow to proliferate among many "at risk" populations. This is true for men who have sex with other... more
This paper reviews basic HIV/AIDS stats and examines current risk communication theories and practices. Proposed action plan seeks to maximize risk comm protocols and encourage safer-sex practices among young men who have sex with men... more
Crystal methamphetamine (hereafter crystal) is associated with deleterious health outcomes, such as drug dependence and physical and mental health disorders. While some harms from crystal use can affect all users, there may be additional... more
Sexual health discourses have become a defining part of many gay men’s sex lives. These discourses have effectively linked gay identity to HIV/AIDS discourses through telling most gay men how to rationally have sex and how to routinely... more
BACKGROUND: The health and well-being of those sexual-minority men who are often behaviourally defined as men who have sex with men (MSM) is affected by a system of interlinked factors that interact on the structural, interpersonal, and... more