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Quai du Grognon, Quai des Chasseurs Ardennais, Quai de Meuse, à Namur. Amarrées à ces quais, des péniches : le Mary, l’Orly ou le Nana. Jadis, elles ont rallié Liège à Charleroi, les cales chargées de sable ou de houblon. A présent, elles... more
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      Urban StudiesCultural MemoryMotilityInland Waterways
Este libro consiste de algunos ensayos que tratan de los campesinos queretanos que están inmersos en los procesos que están transformando la sociedad rural mexicana. Los autores creen que el lector de estos ensayos obtendrá una visión... more
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      Social ChangeSocial AnthropologyGlobalizationRural Development
This call for paper aims to bring together historians and social scientists of different hues who study the factory in a historical perspective to discuss new research focused on the factory as a unit of analysis. The focus is on thematic... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabor History (Business)Industrial RelationsLabor History (U.S. history)
Las transformaciones urbanas van siempre acompañadas de polémicas, ya que el sentido y la direccionalidad de los cambios nunca colman los intereses de todos los sectores sociales, especialmente en las grandes urbes, caracterizadas por una... more
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      Urban AnthropologyGlobal CitizenshipCreative CitiesIndustrial and Urban Anthropology
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      EthnographyJapanese Management SystemCross-Cultural ManagementIndustrial and Urban Anthropology
It is an interesting time to write about factories. The once very popular industrial workplace has lost its charm for labour historians with the geographical and thematic broadening of the field. As theoretical interventions encompassing... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsIndustrial RelationsLabor History (U.S. history)Labour history
Despite many calls to bring anthropology and history closer to each other in the past, interdisciplinary research symposia happen rarely. This workshop on “re-articulating the factory as an object of study” has addressed this paucity of... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsAnthropologyIndustrial RelationsSocial and Cultural Anthropology
This workshop aims to bring together historians and anthropologists to discuss new research that chooses the factory as a unit of analysis. The focus is on inquiring new methodological and epistemological perspectives on the subject in... more
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      Labour historyLabor History (History)Work and LabourLabor History and Studies
This workshop aims to bring together historians and anthropologists to discuss new research that chooses the factory as a unit of analysis. The focus is on inquiring new methodological and epistemological perspectives on the subject in... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabor History (U.S. history)Labor History (History)Labor History and Studies
The Fourth Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN) will take place, from 30 August to 3 September 2021, in Vienna, at Vienna University.

The deadline for abstract submission is 25 September 2020.
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      Working ClassesLabor History (U.S. history)Labour historyLabor History (History)
"This thesis considers local residents’ perceptions of Cornish mining landscapes, with a particular focus on tin and copper mining. The aim of the thesis is to better understand the changing economic, political and cultural values which... more
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      Cultural GeographyAnthropology of TourismHistorical ArchaeologyPublic Archaeology
O estudo antropológico da indústria e do perigo não constitui uma usurpação do terreno doutras disciplinas, mas uma demarche socialmente pertinente e com potencialidades heurísticas específicas. Torna-se necessário desconstruir o conceito... more
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      AnthropologyRisk/Uncertainty and GlobalityOil RefiningPortugal
This workshop creates the space for an interdisciplinary conversation between historians and anthropologists on the factory and “factory-like” workplaces. It brings together scholars who, through an historical or anthropological approach,... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsLabor History (Business)AnthropologyLabor History (U.S. history)
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      Risk ManagementMiningAnthropology of WorkQuébec Studies
Com base numa pesquisa antropológica inovadora, este livro mostra-nos o que é trabalhar na refinaria de Sines e os complexos factores sociais que, nessa fábrica, potenciam ou limitam os perigos de origem tecnológica. Se estes são... more
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      AnthropologyRisk ManagementRisk/Uncertainty and GlobalityPortugal