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UN bodies have increasingly emphasized the need to improve the political participation of indigenous peoples. This book proposes a composite right to political participation of indigenous peoples, identifies its recognition in... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesPolitical ParticipationParticipatory Research
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesBolivian studiesLegal Pluralism
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      Legal PluralismPluralismo JurídicoZapatismoIndigenous Autonomy
En este trabajo se analiza una de las muchas experiencias autonómicas presentes hoy día en el territorio mexicano: el Sistema de Seguridad, Justicia y Reeducación Comunitaria de la Costa Chica y Montaña de Guerrero, mejor conocido por el... more
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      Legal AnthropologyIndigenous Peoples RightsMexico (Anthropology)Antropología Social
Dinerstein offers a much-needed critical review of the concept and practice of autonomy. Defining autonomy as either revolutionary or ineffective vis-à-vis the state does not fully grasp the commitment of Latin American movements to the... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesHopeArgentina
If the 1952 National Revolution sought the wide incorporation of indigenous majority through their cultural assimilation and the process of building inclusive mestizo nation, the new project is based on the concept of the Plurinational... more
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      Indigenous StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsBolivian studiesIndigenous Politics
Hasta ahora, la mayor parte de los análisis sobre la lucha de los pueblos originarios por las autonomías políticas se han enfocado predominantemente en explicar sus orígenes y demandas, resaltando las características de las organizaciones... more
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      Indigenous PeoplesMovimientos socialesIndigenous AutonomyMovimientos Socioterritoriales
The current epoch of ‘‘globalization,’’ in which European-American political and economic forms are exported and used to dominate other areas of the world, is not a new phenomenon. Forcible expansion of an intercontinental system based on... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyColonialismCultural EntanglementIndigenous Autonomy
En las últimas décadas los movimientos indígenas de Latinoamérica han reivindicado ante la sociedad y los Estados el reconocimiento de sus derechos como colectividades y han demandado inclusión en la estructura estatal y en la... more
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      Bolivian studiesBoliviaTerritorios indigenasIndigenous Autonomy
Carlos Montemayor, Prólogo: "Este libro, Otras Geografías. Experiencias de autonomías indígenas en México, de Giovanna Gasparello y Jaime Quintana Guerrero, es un valioso encuentro y recuento con aspectos viejos y novísimos de realidades... more
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      AnthropologyIndigenous StudiesCentral America and MexicoIndigenous Politics
This article focuses on the interplay between shifting regulatory practices of the Mexican neoliberal state and attempts to destabilize them by Zapatista civilian support bases, as they enact practices of autonomy, particularly through... more
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      Latin American StudiesLegal AnthropologyIndigenous Social MovementsZapatismo
L'articolo analizza la situazione di violenza strutturale, politica e culturale che vive il Messico odierno, raccontando diverse esperienze di autorganizzazione ed autonomia che rappresentano risposte positive a tale contesto violento.
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      AnthropologyPeace and Conflict StudiesViolenceHuman Rights
In December 2009, Charazani was one of eleven municipalities in Bolivia to vote in local referendums to begin a process of becoming in an indigenous autonomy or Autonomía Indígena Originario Campesina (AIOC). My research studied how the... more
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      BoliviaIndigenous AutonomyEthnicity and ClassIndigenous Autonomies, Juridical Pluralism, Plurinational State
This article examines a single large outdoor fire pit (Feature 5) from the ca. 1715–1754 Seneca Iroquois Townley-Read site, exploring the untidy intersection of contemporary gender theory, archaeological remains (encompassing artifacts,... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyGender ArchaeologyFur Trade StudiesHaudenosaunee Studies
Abstract In Mexico, conflict among the state, drug cartels and the extractive industry over control of territory and the (legal and illegal) economy has brought about a humanitarian crisis. Indigenous communities suffer new and old forms... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceIndigenous PeoplesMexico
Following a series of profound conflicts in the early 21st century, Bolivia became the world’s first pluri-national state in 2009. The idea of the pluri-national state goes beyond the (uni-)national state; imagining a state that allows... more
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      MulticulturalismBolivian studiesState TheoryBolivia
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsZapatismoIndigenous Autonomy
Recent anthropological work demonstrates rising concern for understanding group-level autonomy, particularly the maintenance of opposition to expanding states and economic systems. Archaeologists are well poised to contribute to this... more
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      Historical ArchaeologySovereigntyHaudenosaunee StudiesCultural Entanglement
Abstract From 1960s onwards, liberal multiculturalism – from Iris M. Young's notion of a ‘differentiated citizenship’ or what Rodolfo Stavenhagen terms ‘internal self-determination’ to Will Kymlicka's multicultural citizenship and... more
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      Social MovementsNative American StudiesLatin American StudiesPhilosophy
Over the past fifteen years, archaeologists who study Indigenous peoples impacted by post-1415 European expansion1 have engaged in an increasingly sophisticated debate over the theoretical models used to frame and characterize... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyColonialismVantage PointCultural Entanglement
Este breve escrito propone una rápida mirada de algunos procesos socioterritoriales de resistencia, construcción y disputa por las autonomías indígenas en Bolivia y México, en el marco de las discusiones en torno a las recientes... more
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    • Indigenous Autonomy
Esta investigación analiza el proyecto de autonomía indígena zapatista como una forma de construcción de una paz híbrida y subalterna sin el estado en los territorios rebeldes de Chiapas, México. El estudio parte de la siguiente pregunta... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesIndigenous PeoplesSubaltern StudiesMexico
Orlando Aragón documenta la emergencia de autogobiernos indígenas en Michoacán cuya creación expresa una ruta singular hacia la autonomía vía la judicialización de las luchas indígenas, y un tipo de “constitucionalismo comunitario” de... more
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      Indigenous MovementsIndigenous Peoples RightsDerechos HumanosAntropología y Sociología Jurídica
Formation of Indigenous First Peoples and Peasant Autonomies in Bolivia: A Precarious Process The goal of the article is to explore the obstacles to the process of the creation of Indigenous First Peoples and Peasant Autonomies (AIOC –... more
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      BoliviaIndigenous PeoplesIndigenous Autonomy
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      MestizajeZapatismoIndigenous AutonomyMovimento Zapatista
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsDecolonizationZapatismoIndigenous Autonomy
Este libro relata cómo los indígenas de la Selva Lacandona enfrentan las violencias que viven y, en el ejercicio de su autonomía, construyen día tras día un sistema de justicia que se basa en la conciliación y la reeducación. Asimismo,... more
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      Legal AnthropologyIndigenous rightsStructural ViolenceIndigenous Justice
El Sistema de Seguridad y Justicia Comunitaria-Policía Comunitaria de Guerrero es una institución autónoma que mantiene la seguridad e imparte justicia en un contexto históricamente violento y discriminatorio hacia los indígenas. Muchos... more
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      AnthropologyPoliticsSocial JusticeIndigenous Peoples Rights
El 6 de julio de 2007 se celebró el Segundo Encuentro de los Pueblos Zapatistas con los Pueblos del Mundo, un encuentro que sobresale frente a la docena de encuentros realizados en territorio zapatista desde 1994 porque los representantes... more
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      HistoryIndigenous Peoples RightsZapatismoIndigenous Autonomy
Studies on territory in Latin America have noted that the trend of state recognition and devolution of Indigenous territorial rights, known as the territorial turn, has created new spatial configurations that are compatible within... more
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      Indigenous AutonomyPeruvian AmazonIndigenous TerritoryTerritory and Territoriality Studies
Since the late 1980s, forms of Indigenous self-government were introduced in the constitutions of five Latin American countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Nicaragua). The two Andean countries, Bolivia and Ecuador, have... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesIndigenous PoliticsIndigenous Peoples Rights
This paper focuses on the demands for autonomy of the Kogui, Arhuaco, Wiwa and Kankwamo peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta with regard to control over their territories, self-determination, indigenous legal jurisdiction,... more
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      Indigenous politics, anthropology of the state, territorialityIndigenous Autonomy
Boletín nº4 del Grupo de Trabajo "Pueblos indígenas, autonomías y derechos colectivos", del Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). Organizadores: Waldo Lao & Fábio M. Alkmin. Dezembro de 2021. ISBN 978-987-813-064-4
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      Human GeographyIndigenous MovementsAutonomiaEstudos latino-americanos
Este texto reflexiona sobre los medios de comunicación de y para los pueblos indígenas, en particular las radios establecidas y operadas por organizaciones y pueblos indígenas. A partir de la valoración de algunas radios en Guerrero y... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous PeoplesIndigenous Communication Theory
Mexico is currently subject to generalized violence due to conflicts between drug cartels , the state, and resource-extraction companies jostling for territorial and economic control. In 2011 and in this context, the inhabitants of the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflict ResolutionIndigenous Peoples RightsMexico
Este capítulo propone reflexionar sobre las autonomías indígenas en Bolivia desde las ciencias sociales, y con las pretensiones más generales o universales que pueden ser de utilidad analítico-teórica en toda la región latinoamericana. La... more
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      Bolivian studiesBoliviaIndigenous Peoples RightsEstado Plurinacional
This article examines the legacy of 1990s’ neoliberal decentralization reform in shaping an indigenous autonomy project in Bolivia. It focuses on the municipality of Charazani, which is in the process of becoming an Indigenous Autonomy,... more
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      Bolivian studiesBoliviaIndigenous AutonomyKallawayas
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      Political AnthropologyTerritorialityAnthropologie politiqueAmazon
Fine-grained attention to the material conditions of indigenous daily lives over time reveals myriad changes completely incapable of being explained by models such as "traditional sameness" or "acculturative change." Haudenosaunee... more
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      Culture ChangeHaudenosaunee StudiesIndigenous AutonomyArchaeology of Colonialism
El Municipio Autónomo de San Juan Copala, ubicado en el estado de Oaxaca e integrado por comunidades indígenas triqui, representa una de las muchas y diversas formas en que los pueblos indígenas de México están construyendo su derecho... more
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      ViolenceMexico HistoryIndigenous Peoples RightsMexico
This article discusses application of indicators of well-being in indigenous societies of the Colombian Amazon, addressing benefits and potential drawbacks of indigenous peoples' participation in developing indicators. Following a social... more
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      Indigenous AutonomyPublic Policy
Jonathan Alderman and Alexandra Tomaselli, “Indigenous Originary Peasant
Autonomy (Autonomía Indígena Originaria Campesina) in Bolivia”, Online Compendium Autonomy
Arrangements in the World, October 2020, at
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      Bolivian studiesBoliviaIndigenous PeoplesAndes
Abstract In 2011 the inhabitants of Cherán, an indigenous municipality of Michoacán, Mexico, matched the criminal group responsible for kidnapping, extortion and illegal felling of the wood in the communal territory. Crossing... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesViolenceEstudios sobre Violencia y ConflictoPurépechas
"Sabrina Melenotte, “L’autonomie zapatiste : quelle gouvernance?.” 1. Vers une première définition théorique de la notion de gouvernance 2. Du Conseil autonome de San Pedro Polhó au Conseil de bonne gouvernance du Caracol d’Oventik... more
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      GouvernanceZapatismoIndigenous Autonomy
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      Indigenous PoliticsBoliviaDecentralizationEstado Plurinacional
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      Political AnthropologyRitualPoliticsAffect/Emotion
Presentación de la investigación:
Autonomía indígena: construcción de espacios de paz en contextos de violencia
Jueves 21 de abril 2016, 11 hrs., Fac. Filosofía, Universidad Muchoacana S. Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia.
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      AnthropologyViolenceIndigenous Autonomy
Archaeologists studying American Indian peoples impacted by the post-1500 European expansion have been slow to acknowledge that in many situations, the political-economic power of Indian groups was equal to or even greater than that of... more
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      ColonialismIroquoian ArchaeologyHaudenosaunee StudiesCultural Entanglement
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      Rights of Indigenous PeoplesIndigenous Peoples RightsIndigenous rightsSámi Studies