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      MelodramaWeimar GermanyImages of Motherhood in Literature and CultureNew Woman
It's one of the two Mother's Days here in Thailand. There's one that's celebrated by the rest of the world and there's another observed only by the Thais as it is the Queen's natal day. With the government declaring two days as holidays,... more
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      Creative WritingChildren and FamiliesRites of PassageEssays
In crime fiction, murder is a threat to society that must be neutralized and disposed of. In the case of serial killers, this is usually accomplished by depicting the killer as a unique aberration that can be neatly contained and removed.... more
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      Cultural StudiesCrime fictionMotherhood and Public DiscourseIdeologies of Motherhood
The book deals with various Russian and Soviet cultural texts (literature, film, and popular culture) from a comparative perspective and through the methodological frameworks of myth, class, and gender. These are observed through their... more
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      Russian LiteratureMemory StudiesCultural MemoryUrban Graffiti
cijena: 130,00 kn ISBN 978-953-175-694-5 naslovnica izleti u drugo.indd 1 28.5.2019. 15:22:05 Danijela Lugarić Vukas 4. 2. (Neo)mit o Medeji i (post)moderno majčinstvo: "nadspol" u romanu Medeja i njezina djeca Ljudmile Ulicke "Cijeli... more
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      Postmodern LiteratureIdeologies of MotherhoodImages of Motherhood in Literature and Culture
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      PsychoanalysisPsychoanalysis And LiteratureAnna Akhmatovaпсихоанализ
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryGender and SexualityCritical Social Theory
Escribía Jules Renard en su diario el día de la muerte de su padre: «No me reprocho no haberle querido lo bastante. Me reprocho no haberle comprendido» (98). La escritura de este subgénero novelesco también suele obedecer a una pulsión... more
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      Feminist TheoryWomen's LiteratureBiographyLiteratura de posguerra
Laments are in many cultures associated with women and motherhood. The biblical Book of Lamentations is analyzed to highlight the gestures and mimicry of lament performance expressed in the text. Midrashic texts related to Laments are... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreWomen's StudiesPerformance Studies
In my paper, I compare the typical female figures of different genres of folklore texts. The folkloric data is selected from the cultures of three fairly different geographical areas, the Southwest European Catalonia, the East European... more
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      Mongolian StudiesCentral Eurasian StudiesComparative mythologyWomen and Gender Studies
The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature and the influence of strong mother figures portrayed in the works of four African-American authoresses, focusing primarily on the profound impact these personas and their behaviors have... more
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      African American LiteratureWomanismToni MorrisonToni Morrison (Literature)
Миргород 2020, № 1 (15) С. 167-206 The article starts with a description of a mobilization technique which the author calls "the Agamemnon technique" based on provoking an affect through the family oriented culture codes and then... more
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      Historical AnthropologyVisual AnthropologySoviet FilmSoviet Visual Culture
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      Gender StudiesГендерные исследованияImages of Motherhood in Literature and CulturePostsocialist Cultural Studies
In Jewish culture, the figure of the mother has a prominent and important role, for “a Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew”. Even in popular culture, this figure has become a stereotype, representing a mother who overprotects her... more
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      English LiteratureJewish LiteratureImages of Motherhood in Literature and CultureFemale Characters
The paper considers some of the ways in which the female protagonists in a considerable number of works of fiction by 20th-century Canadian and American women writers are haunted, or “possessed,” by the deaths of their mothers. In the... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesSelf and IdentityWomen's Studies
"The collection of 23 essays provides an exciting snapshot of contemporary theorising on the maternal within psychoanalytic and social theory. The introduction serves as an excellent overview of this interdisciplinary field and its... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySociology of CulturePsychoanalysis
"The collection of 23 essays provides an exciting snapshot of contemporary theorising on the maternal within psychoanalytic and social theory. The introduction serves as an excellent overview of this interdisciplinary field and... more
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryGender and SexualityCritical Social Theory
"The collection of 23 essays provides an exciting snapshot of contemporary theorising on the maternal within psychoanalytic and social theory. The introduction serves as an excellent overview of this interdisciplinary field and... more
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryGender and SexualityCritical Social Theory
"The collection of 23 essays provides an exciting snapshot of contemporary theorising on the maternal within psychoanalytic and social theory. The introduction serves as an excellent overview of this interdisciplinary field and... more
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryGender and SexualityCritical Social Theory
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      MotherhoodMotherhood in MediaLiterary Representations of MotherhoodImages of Motherhood in Literature and Culture
"The collection of 23 essays provides an exciting snapshot of contemporary theorising on the maternal within psychoanalytic and social theory. The introduction serves as an excellent overview of this interdisciplinary field and... more
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      PsychoanalysisFeminist TheoryGender and SexualityCritical Social Theory
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      Italian LiteratureItalian women writersWomen and Gender StudiesLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea