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Obesity is associated with a reduction in fertility treatment success and increased risks to mother and child. Therefore guidelines of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RANZCOG) suggest... more
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      EthicsObesityIVFAssisted Reproductive Technologies
We critically examine the arguments presented against sex selection using preimplantation genetic diagnosis. We argue that sex selection should be available, at least within privately funded health care.
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      BioethicsMedical EthicsIVFSex Selection
First description of the onset of major gene expression in human embryos and the change from dependence on maternally inherited information in the egg.
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      Human DevelopmentIVFThe Use of Human Embryos in Research
There is a growing global demand for human eggs for the treatment of sub-fertile women and for stem cell-related research. This demand provokes concerns for the women providing the eggs, including their possible exploitation, whether they... more
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      SociologyStem CellsHealth LiteracyMedicine
Does the immune response to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection or the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine involve the ovarian follicle, and does it affect its function? SUMMARY ANSWER: We were able to demonstrate anti-severe acute... more
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      Gender StudiesSexual and Reproductive HealthNationalismIVF
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    • IVF
How to Improve the Success Rate of IUI
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      InfertilityPregnancyIVFMale Infertility
Background: The use of embryos in embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) has elicited ethical controversies as it entails the destruction of 5-day old human embryos to harvest stem cells. Objective: To explore the ethical positions of Islam,... more
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      ReligionBioethicsHuman Embryonic Stem CellsMedical Ethics
N. De Nutte, "Bijna 70 jaar spermadonorschap in België: een update", Het Vrije Woord 63, no. 4, pp. 74-77, 2018.
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      BioethicsReproduction20th century (History)IVF
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      Islamic LawBioethicsEmbryologyGene Therapy
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      MenopauseInfertilityIVFMale Infertility
The best book for those perplexed by the philosophical and ethical conundrums of genetics in the 21st century. (CHOICE) McGee develops a very powerful line of reasoning about genetic enhancement. (The Philadelphia Inquirer) He... more
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      InfertilityIVFOvulation InductionAnovulation
Eugenic selection of embryos is now possible by employing in vitro fertilization (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). While PGD is currently being employed for the purposes of detecting chromosomal abnormalities or inherited... more
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      GeneticsEthicsMedical EthicsIVF
Taming egg donors is a multi-sited ethnography of the egg donation industry in Spain. It elaborates the politics of decision-making, information, risk perception, labour, and selection that operate in the Spanish context. In this thesis,... more
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In 2001, a study made the startling discovery that in tests 46% of subjects were unable to separate the placebo effect from established antidepressants from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) database (Laughren 2001). This is a... more
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      Placebo EffectMedical AstrologyMeaning Response/Placebo EffectIVF
The genetics revolution that will transform our healthcare, the way we make babies, the nature of the babies we make, and ultimately our evolution as a species has already begun. It will arrive far sooner than most of us think and will... more
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Postmortem sperm retrieval (PMSR) is a procedure to procure sperm from a man who has been dead for a short period of time, or a man who has been declared dead by neurological criteria and is being kept alive artificially. Requests for... more
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      EthicsDecision MakingInternational LawReproduction
Enfanter, à n’importe quel prix ? L’histoire de l’insémination artificielle et de sa condamnation par l’Église catholique permet d’éclairer le débat actuel sur l’ouverture de l’assistance médicale à la procréation aux femmes seules et aux... more
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      Children and FamiliesGay And Lesbian StudiesNaturalistic FallacyIVF
Plants are sources of large amount of drugs comparising to different groups such as Antispasmodics, Emetics, Anticancer and Antibacterial etc. This present study reports three different solvents extracts and aqueous prepared from four... more
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      SaponinsAnimal GeneticsIVFPhytochemical
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      ReligionChristianFeminism and Social JusticeIVF
One of the most striking aspects of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) has been their rapid globalization, leading to the birth of more than five million “miracle babies” (Franklin, 2012) around the world. This global spread,... more
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      Medical SociologyMedical AnthropologyGlobalizationModern Turkey
Surrogacy and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a process by which an egg is fertilized by sperm outside the body in Vitro (‘in glass’), and then implanted in the same or another woman's uterus, with the intention of establishing a... more
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      Islamic LawConstitutional LawKenyaIVF
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      Women and Gender Issues in IslamIslamIVFAssisted Reproductive Technologies
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background: Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is increasingly used to quantify ovarian reserve, but it has not yet realized its full clinical potential in assisted reproduction technology. We investigated the possible benefits of using novel,... more
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    • IVF
The mitochondria of the oocyte are a prominent source of energy metabolism as well as mitochondrial DNA that will later populate the cells of the offspring. Recent discoveries provided new insight into the physiology of the mitochondria... more
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      EmbryologyMitochondriaOogenesisMitochondrial DNA
This peer-reviewed paper can be cited in APA style: Kirkman, L. (2010). The Good Sense about Surrogacy.Viewpoint (2), 20-24. "There are many ways to form a family, including surrogacy. Children and parents in families formed through... more
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      Torres Strait Islander HealthSurrogate MotheringIVFSurrogate Motherhood
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      HinduismMythologyKinship (Anthropology)Hindu Mythology
Recurrent implantation failure (RIF) is the name of a clinical condition coined following the widespread use of in-vitro fertilization (IVF), which has allowed compartmentalization of several different fertility treatments. Its definition... more
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      IVFRecurrent Implantation Failure
Several methods were suggested to try and predict the optimal endometrial
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      IVFEndometriumThin endometrium
To compare the outcome of IVF cycles in women receiving controlled ovarian stimulation with recFSH or recFSH plus low dose hCG.
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    • IVF
Based on research about the infertility experiences of women and demand for in vitro fertilisation treatment in Turkey, I observe in this paper the rhetorical strategies employed by childless women to bring meaning to their infertility... more
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      ReligionRhetoricIdentity (Culture)Anthropology of Reproduction
If Singapore has rapidly become known internationally for its work in recruiting large numbers of elite foreign scientists-or 'foreign talent' (FT) in Singapore's terms-there remains much to learn about the state's current biotech... more
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      Medical AnthropologySoutheast Asian StudiesHistory of MedicineStem Cells
Desire to have children and genome-editing: Ethical, legal and social aspects of genome- editing in in-vitro fertilisation

Research Retreat for PhD students and Early Career Researchers
10th – 14th of July 2017
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      BioethicsMedical EthicsMedical and Research ethicsCRISPR
L’Italia detiene uno dei tassi di natalità più bassi al mondo e infertilità e sterilità stanno diventando realtà sempre più diffuse. Dopo diversi tentativi infruttuosi, alcuni aspiranti genitori intraprendono la strada per avere un figlio... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesInfertilityIVF
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of hysteroscopic outpatient metroplasty in women with T-shaped uterus and primary reproductive failure. Study Design: Prospective cohort study including nulliparous women with primary unexplained... more
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      PsychologyBioethicsSexual and Reproductive HealthFamily Law
STUDY QUESTION: After controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) and IUI, is it clinically feasible to recover in vivo conceived and matured human blastocysts by uterine lavage from fertile women for preimplantation genetic testing for... more
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    • IVF
Anthropological literature on Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) has burgeoned in the forty years since IVF emerged as a potential solution to childlessness. A lexicon has consolidated, and key sets of debates have been identified.... more
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      GlobalizationSocial and Cultural AnthropologySTS (Anthropology)IVF
Browse our Introductory guide PDF on Infertility in Men & Women [Overview, approach and evaluation] by Eden Fertility Center. Sometimes infertility can be overwhelming. At Eden our goal is to inform and educate throughout the process of... more
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      Health SciencesFertilityHealthPublic Health
The history and responsibilities of the British Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority are described. Its establishment by law in 1990 and its duties of licensing clinics, issuing a Code of Practice, maintaining a Register of... more
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      IVFRegulation of lawyers
This study was conducted to assess the post thaw quality of Kundhi buffalo semen diluted in tris based diluents. After collection the ejaculates were pooled and checked for color, volume, pH, mass activity, progressive linear motility%... more
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      PCRIVFSementic WebBuffalo reproduction
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      Torres Strait Islander HealthSurrogate MotheringIVFSurrogacy
Introduction: To study the impact of biosimilars in assisted reproductive treatments, we performed a review of the literature. Biosimilars are a bioequivalent chemical drug referred to the original. Their production is strongly requested... more
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      Health SciencesHealthPublic HealthIVF
Who benefits from reproductive ageing?
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      Reproductive BiologyIVFAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesIVM/IVF/IVC
In Deutschland begeben sich immer mehr Paare mit unerfülltem Kinderwunsch in medizinische Behandlung. In einer ethnographischen Fallstudie untersucht Charlotte Ullrich auf Grundlage von teilnehmender Beobachtung, qualitativen Interviews... more
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      Medical SociologyEthnographyComputer NetworksSociology of the Body