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29.03.2015 - IPI de Areado-MG
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      IgrejaIPIIgreja e Cultura DigitalIgreja Presbiteriana Do Brasil
The author broaches some of the history of non-cumulative taxation in Brazil, presenting the credit scheme adopted for the ICMS and IPI, and also indicates the existing differences between the Brazilian scheme and the one adopted in the... more
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      IPIIcmsDroit Fiscal & Droit Des Finances Publiques
Este artigo tem por objetivo abordar a inconstitucionalidade das regras que determinam o estorno dos créditos de ICMS e IPI, relativos as operações anteriores a produção dos livros, jornais, periódicos e o papel destinado a sua impressão.... more
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      Direito Tributário (Tax Law)IPIDireito Tributário BrasileiroIcms
Numerous editions of World Trade Organization (WTO) accords on trade-related intellectual property rights (TRIPS) are perceived in the pharmaceutical industry of India, although small and middle-sized pharmaceutical firms are... more
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      Central AsiaIndiaKyrgyzstanIPI
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      IPIdecision Procedure
Numerous editions of World Trade Organization (WTO) accords on trade-related intellectual property rights (TRIPS) are perceived in the pharmaceutical industry of India, although small and middle-sized pharmaceutical firms are... more
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