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Since their massive military use in Afghanistan and Iraq, drone operations are expanding in scientific use and in civil use by private individuals who want the civil sky traffic to be open to a large variety of applications. This occurs... more
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      Risk ManagementDrones, Targeted Killing, Ethics of WarAir Crash InvestigationEconomic uses of Drones
ISO/IEC 27019 elektrik enerjisi, elektrik, gaz, yağ ve ısı üretimini, iletimini, depolanmasını ve dağıtımını kontrol etmek ve izlemek amaçlarıyla ve ilgili destek süreçlerinin kontrolü için, enerji tedarik kuruluşlarında kullanılan proses... more
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      IT GovernanceBilgi GüvenliğiISO/IEC 27001Scada Security
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    • ICT Risk Analisys
Abstrak PT. XYZ adalah perusahaan kontraktor dibidang konstruksi khususnya proyek pembuatan offshore platform dengan konsep EPC (engineering, construction, procurement). Berdasarkan jadwal dan perhitungan untuk proyek yang sama pada tahun... more
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      Contract Law - Commercial, Partnership, Procurement/Purchase, Sales, PSA, SPA, O & M, IPR, Licence, PPP, EPC, Investment/Share Purchase/PE Agreement, Property, Construction, Employment, NDA, Non-compete AgreementEPCManajemen RisikoICT Risk Analisys
In this report, we compile the current challenges and recommendations within the broad field of Risk Information Management in all disaster cycle phases with special emphasis on Research and Development needs and in respect to the vast... more
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      Framework for ICT Risk ManagementICT Risk Analisys
The aim of the project is to focus on automatic visualizations of industrial accidents causing environmental damages and potential risks to different kinds of surface water. It is one answer to the need for rapidly obtaining visualization... more
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      Water Quality ModelingRiver Basin ManagementQuantitative Methods for Risk analysisImpact of Urbanization on Rivers Water Quality