Most cited papers in Hydroelectricity
Representative Life-Cycle Inventories (LCIs) are essential for Life-Cycle Assessments (LCAs) quality and readiness. Because energy is such an important element of LCAs, appropriate LCIs on energy are crucial, and due to the prevalence of... more
The pump storage technique allows the use of cheap thermal electricity at periods of low demand to restore water resources that can be used to generate electricity at periods of peak demand. When the thermal plant and the hydro plant are... more
The Lower Sesan 2 (LS2) Hydropower Project in northeastern Cambodia is presently under construction. As the largest dam to ever be built in Cambodia, it is expected to cause serious and widespread environmental and social impacts. This... more
Hydropower is the most advanced and mature renewable energy technology and provides some level of electricity generation in many countries worldwide. As hydropower does not consume or pollute the water it uses to generate power, it leaves... more
Introduction: the effects on human health of environmental changes brought about by the installation of a hydroelectric power plant may be physical or mental. Objective: to identify health impacts from the implementation of the Foz do... more
The purpose of this work is to develop and evaluate a mathematical model for the process of hydrogen production in Venezuela, via electrolysis and using hydroelectricity, with a view to using it as an energy vector in rural sectors of the... more
The coming of electricity to rural America in the interwar period seemed to offer prospects not just for economic development but also for remaking lives and for social transformation. This paper deals with the expression of such ideas... more
La technique de simulation des grandeséchelles (SGE) est utilisée pour simuler l'écoulement dans un aspirateur de centrale hydrauliqueà différents points de fonctionnement. La complexité de la géométrie et le haut nombre de Reynolds de... more
Investment in an energy project has several economic effects. Green accounting is a method of evaluating the effects attributable to nature and using the values for policy evaluation or to make net national product (NNP) a more... more
La evolución de la energía hidroeléctrica en España en las últimas décadas ha sido siempre creciente, aunque la participación de ésta en el total de eléctrica producida ha ido disminuyendo. Las modernas tecnologías de regulación y control... more
The sustainable hydropower development program, launched by the Turkish state in early 2000s, has not only privatized rivers, by transferring the use rights of the stream flow to private companies, but also the hydropower sector by... more
Underinvestment, low levels of electricity access, natural disasters, topography and hydrology make Nepal's electricity crisis akin to 'peeling a pickle': difficult to pin down and hard to manage. Based primarily on the perceptions of a... more
We study the viability of the development in Venezuela of a Hydroelectricity/Hydrogen Energy System, HHES, conducted by means of the construction and manipulation of a mathematical model for each energy system component: Transformation,... more
For every successful megaproject, there are dozens that have failed to launch, left as paper remains, imaginary geographies of development and enterprise. Although most scholarly attention focuses understandably on the projects which have... more
The paper reviews the economic incentives for the development of renewable energy sources (RES) in Italy, in particular the hydroelectricity. The review addresses the impacts of the hydropower development incentivised by the Green Energy... more
Over the past years, hydropower model and control were largely based on classical and linear transfer function, this was motivated by the available control system design techniques that were available and the desire to simplify the design... more
Le projet de Tenosique-Boca del Cerro consiste en un important complexe de barrages qui viendrait mettre en valeur le potentiel hydroélectrique de l'Usumacinta, sixième fleuve latino-américain en terme de débit, et berceau de la... more
Each winter, ice forms on rivers, streams, and navigable waterways, causing many problems through its effects on the operation of hydraulic control structures, locks and dams, hydropower plants, and water intakes. Ice covers increase... more
This paper presents how land occupation patterns along an Amazonian river, called Tocantins, have changed since the launching of big Brazilian national projects during the 1960s, particularly after the building of Tucurui Dam, and how... more
In the 1950s Canada and the United States, along with Ontario and New York State (and their respective power entities), completed two hydro-electric developments: the International Niagara Control Works and the St. Lawrence Seaway and... more
Rivers in the northern United States, including those within the boundaries of the St. Louis District, are subject to ice events that delay or stop navigation (Fig. 1); damage riverine structures such as locks, dams, bridges, dikes,... more
The renewable generation is one of the fast growing power system .Whereas the world is facing the challenge of effectively exploiting and utilizing renewable energy resources, not only to meet the increasing energy demand, but also to... more
Laos, which in many respects is Thailand's most important neighbor, contributes greatly to its electricity security. More than 50 percent of the electricity in northeastern Thailand comes from Laos. Thus, electricity has become the main... more
The flow duration curve (FDC) of a riveris one of the important parameters for the hydrological investigation of hydroelectric plants. Computation of the hydroelectric plant capacity and power production requires the determination of... more
The Great Depression in Puerto Rico was marked by interconnected infrastructural, environmental, and sociioeconomic crises caued by the global economic contraction and two devastating natural disasters, the San Felipe and San Ciprian... more
In this work, meshless method is used to investigate the 3D interaction of fully nonlinear water waves with floating plate over general bathymetry with considering large deflection plate theory. We considered the B-spline basis functions... more