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      Human Postural ControlPostureMusculoskeletal DisordersStudent Posture
Two experiments examined postural responses of 3-to 6-year-old children to visual informarion for oscillation. In Experiment 1, children saw oscillations of the surround, with these movements ranging in frequency between 0.2 and 0.8 Hz.... more
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      Perceptual DevelopmentHuman Motor BehaviorMotor DevelopmentPerception-Action
Balance is an important element of almost all sports activities and activity daily living (ADL). Balance can be measured based on individual postural control which consisted of static, semi-dynamic and dynamic. These aspects were... more
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      Sports InjuriesHuman Postural Control
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      Human Postural ControlMusculoskeletal DisordersAnatomi Fisiologi Manusia
When balance is exposed to perturbations, hand contacts are often used to assist postural control. We investigated the immediate and the transitionary effects of supportive hand contacts during continuous anteroposterior perturbations of... more
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      NeuromechanicsPostural ControlGait and BalanceHuman Postural Control
We investigated the effects of modified preprogrammed training mode Chase Trainer from Balance Trainer (BT3, HurLab, Tampere, Finland) on athlete who experienced unilateral Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS). Twenty-seven athletes with... more
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      Sports InjuriesHuman Postural Control
In general, athletes with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) were assumed to have less postural control ability compared to healthy athletes. However, this assumption was not validated in static postural control (SPC). Therefore, the SPC... more
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      Sports InjuriesHuman Postural Control
Full text: The approaches to determining the horizontal coordinates of the center of mass (CoM) applicablefor force plate are compared. The force plate for which only vertical forces are the measurements... more
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      BiophysicsMotion estimationHuman Postural ControlInverted Pendulum
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of neuromuscular control training on athlete with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS). Thirty six athletes (36) with PFPS (Age = 14.75 ± 1.20 years, height = 163 ± 9.03 cm, weight =... more
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      Sports InjuriesHuman Postural Control
Résumé Le présent article s' efforce de faire une synthèse des différents travaux liés au coût attentionnel du contrôle postural. Dans un contexte de double tâche, la mobilisation des ressources attentionnelles associées au contrôle... more
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      AttentionMotor ControlPostural ControlHuman Postural Control
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    • Human Postural Control
postural control system (haMI) but also to another population that is thought to experience postural control deficits (Oa).
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      Multiple sclerosisHuman Postural Control
Background: The dentist often have a contort position of the body in order to be able perform oral treatments. The literature considers that musculoskeletal disorders are one of the important health and safety problems facing dentists'... more
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      Human Postural ControlPosturePosture AssessmentBack Shape and Posture
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      Motor DevelopmentPerception-ActionMotor ControlLocomotion
The current pace of technological development in networks, computing power and displays, as well as improvements in human-system interfaces, enable the creation of services that are capable to elicit a sense of presence in the user. The... more
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      Measurement and EvaluationTelepresencePostural Control3D display & stereopsis
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      Motor DevelopmentPerception-ActionMotor ControlPostural Control
postural control system (haMI) but also to another population that is thought to experience postural control deficits (Oa).
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      Multiple sclerosisYoung AdultHuman Postural ControlPosture
Erognomic, body measeurement using REBA Method.
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      ErgonomyHuman Postural Controlergonomics REBA