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The volume represents an attempt of a complex study of the politogenetic processes in their regional and temporary variety. The authors hope that their survey can and should also promote a better understanding of the general tendencies... more
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      Social TheoryAnthropologyHistorical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
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      Horse cultureHsiung-nu HistoryHsiung-nu Archeology
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      Hsiung-nu HistoryHsiung-nu ArcheologyTürk TarihiTürk Tarihi Ve Kültürü
T he interrelationships of the Xiongnu and Yuezhi nomads of Central Asia as early as the 4 th -2 nd centuries BCE were quite dramatic. They remained complex in subsequent centuries as well, judging from written sources and the nature of... more
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      TextilesHistory of CostumeHistory of TextilesCostume and Identity
A HSIUNG-NU CITY ON THE SHORELINE OF BAIKAL LAKE The basic needs of human has never been changed since he first set foot on earth. Nutrition and shelter needs are the most important ones of these needs. Humankind that made... more
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      Hsiung-nu HistoryHsiung-nu Archeologyİslamiyet öncesi Türk Tarihiİslamiyet Öncesi Türk Kültürü
The paper explores a unique phalera (horse brass) found in Noin-Ula Barrow-mound no. 20 (Northern Mongolia). The form and the decoration of the medallion, its style and composition of the scene (depicting a satyr chasing a Maenad, a... more
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      Hellenistic HistorySilk Road StudiesMetalwork (Archaeology)Chinese archaeology
The paper explores a unique phalera (horse brass) found in Noin-Ula Barrow No. 20 (Northern Mongolia). The form and decoration of the medallion, its style and the composition of the scene (depicting a satyr chasing a maenad – a subject... more
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      Hellenistic HistorySilk Road StudiesMetalwork (Archaeology)Chinese archaeology
Çin yıllıklarında Hunlar'ın kurduğu Hsia Devleti başkentinin görkemi ve güzellikleri uzun uzadıya anlatılır. T'ung-wan Ch'eng adını taşıyan bu Hun başkenti nihayet Çinli arkeologlar tarafından tespit edildi ve dünyaya duyuruldu. Çin Halk... more
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    • Hsiung-nu Archeology