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Naturally fractured reservoirs are the most significant target for horizontal wells in the U. S. While most of the horizontal wells drilled to exploit naturally fractured reservoirs are not logged. substantial useful information can be... more
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      PetrophysicsOil and gasHorizontal WellsNaturally fractured reservoirs
So called "water-fracs" have obtained excellent results in the Austin Chalk formation of Giddings field. This inexpensive treatment uses high volumes of water but no proppant. The reasons the treatment is successful include imbibition,... more
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      Oil and gasHydraulic FracturingHorizontal Wells
Economic production from tight-oil formations requires the same hydraulic fracturing techniques used during production of shale gas, and the same horizontal well technology is often used. Tight-oil formations are heterogeneous and greatly... more
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    • Horizontal Wells
Nowadays, the bigger portion of produced oil and gas come from conventional resources all over the globe and these resources are being depleted in a severe manner. Over the past decade, the combination of horizontal drilling and hydraulic... more
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      Hydraulic FracturingHorizontal WellsPressure Transient AnalysisShale gas
Gas condensate reservoirs in Niger Delta and around the world are becoming increasingly important as a result of additional liquid recovery and increasing demand for light oil and natural gas. During reservoir depletion liquid condense... more
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      Horizontal WellsGas Condensate Reservoirs
This paper aims to review some of the widely used conventional and other contemporary Inflow & Productivity models that exist for Horizontal wells, and comment on their limitations by drawing on the experiences of other author's critiques... more
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      PetrophysicsPetroleumReservoir EngineeringPetroleum geology
Horizontal wells have been applied in many types of reservoir conditions with a variety of applications. The most successful of these has been exploiting the very large horizontal permeability anisotropies associated with naturally... more
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      PetrophysicsReservoir CharacterizationHorizontal WellsWell Logging
Various methods of geological steering are described for horizontal wells using data from cuttings and MWD/LWD tools
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      Horizontal WellsHorizontal Directional DrillingGeosteering
A horizontal well with a non-linear trajectory is fundamentally an intricate system, and determination of its inflow productivity index using numerical simulation is computationally challenging. This work presents an approach that is more... more
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      Horizontal WellsProductivity index of horizontal well
With the advent of the improvised technologies in the world of Oil and Gas, the drilling and mining activities could reach the extent of High Pressure High Temperature Wells which are flowing under undue high pressure and temperature.... more
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      NanotechnologyHorizontal WellsHPHTIaeme Ijaret
With the growth of oil and gas resource demand, the hydro-oscillator is widely used to enhance the Rate of penetration (ROP) and improve the efficacy in drilling various wells. The vibration model is the key issue of dynamics analysis and... more
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      VibrationsHorizontal WellsMechanical VibrationsDrilling
La conificación de agua puede ser prevenida mediante la implementación de pozos horizontales, que en diferencia de los pozos verticales, ocasionan una menor caída de presión en el yacimiento al aumentar el área disponible al flujo del... more
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    • Horizontal Wells
Water coning is a serious issue for the oil and gas industry. This poses a big concern regarding the costs that to be incurred for separation and equipment capacity. Coning is the production of an unwanted phase with a desired phase. Over... more
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      Horizontal WellsBreakthrough time
TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. Abstract The application of horizontal wells has increased tremendously with significant and positive results in the United States over the past decade. The pace of horizontal drilling (for oil)... more
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    • Horizontal Wells
Wells are excavations into the earth for developing groundwater, oil, brine, gas, and engineering geology operations. Water wells are dug, driven, bored, or drilled into the saturated zone of water-bearing formations (aquifers) to extract... more
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      Environmental EngineeringHorizontal WellsH. G. WellsWells Turbine
Mineral deeds present a list of perennial interpretative problems, which create uncertainty about ownership rights in mineral estates and the proceeds from the sale of oil and gas production. Consequently, the following issues arise: (1)... more
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      MineralsSupreme CourtHorizontal WellsMarcellus Shale
Unconventional resources are defined to include coal-bed methane (CBM), tight gas and source rock-(often shale) based reservoirs. Tight gas and CBM have not been " unconventional " in the United States and Canada for more than a decade... more
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      Oil and gasHorizontal WellsUnconventional oil and gas
SPE 22704 Horizontal wells have been applied in many types of reservoir conditions with a variety of applications. The most successful of these has been exploiting the very large horizontal permeability anisotropies associated with... more
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      PetrophysicsOil and gasHorizontal WellsNaturally fractured reservoirs
With the growth of oil and gas resource demand, the hydro-oscillator is widely used to enhance the Rate of penetration (ROP) and improve the efficacy in drilling various wells. The vibration model is the key issue of dynamics analysis and... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsVibrationsVibration
The demand of multistory Building is increases day by day. The residential plus commercial building predominantly used for the need of large span. The large span is needed for Flat slab, Waffle slabs & ribbed slab stands as an excellent... more
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      Horizontal WellsSeismic response