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      Alternative EducationEducation PolicyHome EducationHome Education Regulation
From the perspective of alternative education philosophies, compulsory schooling seems ridiculous. Firstly there are the human and children's rights issues. The lack of care for the dignity of the person, the physical violence, the... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyEducational LeadershipAlternative Education
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      Science EducationHomeschoolingHome Education RegulationHome-based Education
This paper presents a unique summary of Australian research on home education, and an evaluation of current regulation in an Australian context. It begins with the recognition that home education is a legal alternative to school education... more
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      Human RightsHome EducationHome Education RegulationLaw Education
This is the Decision of the then European Commission on Human Rights (now European Court of Human Rights) regarding the complaint made by Renata Leuffen against Germany to refuse to allow her to educate her son Danny at home from 1992.... more
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      Social ChangeEducationHome SchoolingCritical Pedagogy
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      EducationHome EducationHome Education RegulationBuilding Educational Partnerships Between Home and School
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      Educational LeadershipAlternative EducationRegulation And GovernanceGovernance
This paper presents a unique summary of Australian research on home education, and an evaluation of current regulation in an Australian context. It begins with the recognition that home education is a legal alternative to school education... more
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      Home EducationHome Education Regulation
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      Human RightsHome EducationHome Education RegulationLaw Education
Tous droits réservés © Association canadienne d'éducation de langue française, 2012 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique... more
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      Educational LeadershipAlternative EducationRegulation And GovernancePolitical Science
The Berlin conference was international statement of solidarity and advocacy for the families coming from the countries in which the freedom of choice of education is brutally violated. Berlińska konferencja była międzynarodowym gestem... more
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      Home SchoolingHome EducationHomeschoolingFreedom in Education
The article analyses some particular aspects of homeschooling as they relate to the manner in which this practice is regarded both in Spain and several other countries. As time goes by, advancements in homeschooling and this fact leads us... more
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      HomeschoolingHome Education RegulationHome-based Education
In Quebec (Canada), a new normative framework and the COVID-19 pandemic have precipitated the hiring, by the ministry of education, of at least a hundred new resource persons to monitor home education. According to international writings,... more
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      Home EducationHomeschoolingHome Education RegulationSupervisors
Świat polaryzuje się względem wolności w praktykowaniu edukacji domowej. W czasie, gdy w niektórych krajach rodziny zainteresowane taką właśnie formą kształcenia swoich dzieci bez przeszkód i z dużym powodzeniem ją realizują, w innych... more
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      Home EducationHomeschoolingFreedom in EducationHome Education Regulation
In Quebec (Canada), a new normative framework and the COVID-19 pandemic have precipitated the hiring, by the ministry of education, of at least a hundred new resource persons to monitor home education. According to international writings,... more
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      Home EducationSchool ChoiceHomeschoolingHome Education Regulation
L'éducation à domicile est une option éducative marginale, quoique légale et présente à travers le monde. Au Québec, jusqu'ici, aucune étude approfondie n'avait décrit cette pratique et la population des familles concernées était... more
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      Educational LeadershipAlternative EducationHome EducationHome Education Regulation