History of Socialist Economies
Recent papers in History of Socialist Economies
This article looks at the evolution of educational stocks during communism from a systemic and diachronic perspective. Using census data collected in 1956, 1966, 1977 and 1992, the assessment of quantitative gains focuses both on the... more
En esta obra analizaremos las posiciones teóricas y políticas de Otto Bauer (intelectual austríaco, miembro del Partido Social Demócrata de Austria y de la escuela llamada Austro-marxista) sobre la teoría de las crisis y la cuestión del... more
A Kádár-korszak gyári munkásaival foglalkozó történeti munkák leginkább egyes üzemeken vagy egy-egy településen keresztül mutatták be és elemezték a dolgozók hétköznapjait (Horváth 2004, Bartha 2009, Horváth et al. 2003. Az alábbi... more
International Conference Marx's Capital after 150 Years: Critique and Alternative to Capitalism May 24-26, 2017, The Marx Collegium - York University, Toronto Conference Program: http://www.marxcollegium.org After the eruption of the... more
IZVLEČEK Članek se posveča ekonomski plati mednarodnih odnosov, ki jih je SR Slovenija gojila po sprejetju nove jugoslovanske ustave leta 1974. Upoštevajoč dejstvo, da so bili formalni nosilec mednarodnega sodelovanja podjetja in... more
U radu se razmatraju refleksije promena idejno-političkih okvira, ekonomskih odnosa i spoljnopolitičke orijentacije na regulisanje bankarskog sistema u Jugoslaviji od uvođenja socijalizma do stvaranja socijalističke tržišne privrede.... more
This study looks at differences in product quality and innovation of dairy enterprises in Soviet Estonia and the Leningrad Oblast from 1960-1985. It uses local enterprise reports along with information from central ministries and articles... more
This article explores the relationship between Chinese officials and Western European industrialists, revealing that in the second half of the 1950s, there already was a specific Western European interest to cater to China's high market... more