History of Psychotherapy
Recent papers in History of Psychotherapy
Great efforts to create an ambience wherein trusted cultural values can be incorporated into the practices of western methods of psychotherapy have been raised in Korea as well as in other Asian countries. Despite the increasing body of... more
ABSTRACT ‒ The article describes the most important events that, in the 1960s and 1970s, contributed to the development of modern clinical psychology and psychotherapy in Italy. In a conference organised in Milan in 1952 by the most... more
The authors studied psychotherapeutic practices commonly used in managed care settings and the theories and rhetorical strategies that justify them to speculate about if or how the), are beginning to influence societ),wide understandings... more
This article presents a contextualized treatment of the current configuration of self, some of the pathologies that plague it, and the technologies that attempt to heal it. Of particular interest is the historical shift from the... more
Dalla cura dell’anima alla psicoanalisi, dall’ipnosi alle terapie cognitivo-comportamentali: in nove capitoli gli autori ricostruiscono la storia delle diverse forme di psicoterapia, fino alle odierne versioni basate sulle evidenze... more
В книге история психиатрии рассматривается через призму особого жанра медицинской литературы — патографии, или жизнеописания знаменитостей с точки зрения их болезней, мнимых или настоящих. В русской культуре писатель был фигурой особенно... more
This chapter reviews past and present debates about the therapeutic relationship in order to draw out the ethical implications of relational practices in psychotherapy. The thera peutic relationship has been understood differently across... more
This article investigates the changing justifications of one of the hallmarks of orthodox psychoanalytic practice, the neutral and abstinent stance of the psychoanalyst, during the middle decades of the 20th century. To call attention to... more
Daniel respected theory of infant development is critiqued from a social-constructionist perspective in order to demonstrate how decontextualized psychology theories inadvertantly perpetuate the political status quo. Self-invariants in... more
Zusammenfassung. Die Klinische Psychologie ist heute von der Verhaltenstherapie geprägt. Eine Erklärung für diese enge Verbindung liefert die These, dass die Verhaltenstherapie ein genuin psychologisches Verfahren sei: Sie stamme... more
The history of psychoanalysis has paid much attention to Melanie Klein’s personal trajectory —from Vienna to Budapest, Berlin and London— and to her “controversial discussions” with Anna Freud, in the 1940s (Grosskurth 1986; King and... more
Using some form of relationship between healer and suffer to relieve physical and/or mental distress is as old as human history. This paper looks at the prehistory of the “psychotherapeutic” relationship and some of the different... more
Malich, L. (2019). Kurt Höck oder der verordnete Aufstand des neurotischen Körpers. In A. Geisthövel & B. Hitzer (Eds.), Auf der Suche nach einer anderen Medizin: Psychosomatik im 20. Jahrhundert (pp. 300-312). Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
ix INTRODUCTION 1 Escaping the Straightjacket of Confinement: The History of TwentiethCentury Psychiatry 10 Histories of the Asylum 10 Deinstitutionalization 12 Between Shell Shock and “Euthanasia” 14 The Fluid Boundaries of Disciplines... more
Psychotherapists loyal to Single Orientation (SO) movements (such as cognitive–behavioral therapy [CBT], psycho-dynamics, Gestalt, etc.) are usually described in negative terms as having attitudes of superiority, contempt, and aversion... more
This work aims to start exploring a field of healthcare not properly inquired in Italian context: the experience of mental suffering and its healing for Chinese patients immigrants in Italy. Thus it will analyze the connections between... more
In 1960s France, behavior therapy attracted the attention of a group of isolated pioneers largely composed of psychiatrists and some experimental psychologists. At the beginning of the 1970s, after a discreet introduction, the development... more
En 1955 le psychiatre Henri Ey (1900-1977) publie sous sa direction un Traité de Psychiatrie dans la collection de l'Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale (EMC, Editions Techniques), rassemblant autour de lui plus d'une centaine de... more
This article presents the origins of Polish psychotherapy with a special focus on psychotherapy development in Krakow and at the Jagiellonian University. The history of Krakow psychotherapy starts with the foundation of the Psychiatry and... more
Today, drug dependence is often understood as a “brain disease” and as an indication for behavioral therapy. In this article, I trace the historical development of the notions of drug dependence as a neuronal and behavioral problem in the... more
The lessons learned from treating schizophrenics have induced therapists to employ their own personalities and subjective feelings as therapeutic tools. In the case of existential psychotherapy and family therapy, the treatment of... more
Two different but related developments played an important role in the history of psychologists in the fields of mental health care in Germany during the 20th century. The first development took place in the field of applied psychology,... more
The "Spanish Society of History of Psychology" (SEHP, http://sehp.org/wordpress/) organizes its XXIX Annual Symposium at Portucalense University (Porto, Portugal, http://www-en.upt.pt/) from 4 to 6 May 2016. The Organizing Committee... more
Recently, a friend and I were talking about our undergraduate years. Although we both hold the Ph.D. in psychology, and are long-time therapists (and he a psychoanalyst), in this conversation we discovered that we both graduated from our... more
Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie, 2002, 64, pp. 107-127
This article documents the lecture of the recipient of the DGGN’s bi-annual dissertation prize for the doctoral thesis ‘Curing the Soul of the Nation: Psychiatry, Society, and Psycho-Politics in the German-speaking Countries, 1918–1939’... more
This article will briefly explore some of the ways in which the past has been used as a means to talk about psychotherapy as a practice and as a profession, its impact on individuals and society, and the ethical debates at stake. It will... more
While almost forgotten today, Fischl Schneersohn (1887-1958) may be one of the most interesting figures in the history of the psy-disciplines in the twentieth century. What makes Schneersohn’s works unique is his combination of... more