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Bitkilerin gayet zeki olduğu ve iletişim kurabildiği bir gezegen hayal edin. Bu hayali gezegende bitkiler kendi aralarında bilgi alışverişi yapabiliyor. Köklerinden en tepesindeki yaprağa kadar her türlü bilgiyi aktarabiliyor. Çevresinde... more
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      BotanyArtificial IntelligencePlant EcologyEmotional intelligence
Les écrits médicaux de Hildegarde de Bingen (†1179) sont aujourd'hui l'objet d'une attention redoublée, de la part des chercheurs comme de celle du grand public, de plus en plus nombreux, dans différents pays, à les redécouvrir avec... more
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      BotanyManuscript StudiesNatural ScienceMedieval Germany
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    • History of Plant
A species of Capparaceae family, Caper is a thorny, creeping shrub which has extensive roots. The plant, which grows under the conditions of Mediterranean Climate, is one of the cultivated plants used for food, cosmetics and medical... more
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      Roman HistoryMediterranean archaeologyHistory of Garden PlantsHistory of Plant
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      History of MedicineAncient Greek ReligionAncient myth and religionAncient Medicine
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      BotanyEvolutionary BiologySystematics (Taxonomy)Plant Ecology
Bu çalışmada, Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi'nde göz hastalıklarının tedavisinde kullanılan tıbbi bitkiler ele alınmıştır. Söz konusu bitkiler, sıvı veya merhem şeklinde hazırlanan ilaçların içerisinde ana malzeme olarak kullanılmış ve göz... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory of Plant
As a member species of family Lamiaceae, the chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus L.) grows in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions where the Mediterranean climate prevails and it has had an important place among plants with a wide range of... more
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      Ancient HistoryEthnobotanyMedicinal PlantsHerbal Medicine
Broomcorn millet is one of the most important plants species in pre-history. It was first domesticated in China and subsequently spread across Eurasia becoming a significant staple crop. For a long time, the arrival of millet into Europe... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceIsotopic Analysis
Konferensen och denna konferensrapport är finansierad med hjälp av medel från Region Skånes miljövårdsfond. Hållbar Utveckling Skånes nätverk Det gröna kulturarvet Konferensrapporten ingår i SLUs rapportserie: Landskapsarkitektur Trädgård... more
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      Landscape History And ConservationLandscape HistoryLandscape HistoryGarden Archaeology
Konferensen och denna konferensrapport är finansierad med hjälp av medel från Region Skånes miljövårdsfond. Hållbar Utveckling Skånes nätverk Det gröna kulturarvet Konferensrapporten ingår i SLUs rapportserie: Landskapsarkitektur Trädgård... more
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      Garden ArchaeologyGarden Archaeology & HistoryArcheology of GardensPlant History
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      HistoryCultural HistoryBotanyLandscape Ecology
Broomcorn millet is one of the most important plants species in pre-history. It was first domesticated in China and subsequently spread across Eurasia becoming a significant staple crop. For a long time, the arrival of millet into Europe... more
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      Isotopic AnalysisMortuary archaeologyMortuary PracticesCollective Burials
Abstract Broomcorn millet is one of the most important plants species in pre-history. It was first domesticated in China and subsequently spread across Eurasia becoming a significant staple crop. For a long time, the arrival of millet... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological Science
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceIsotopic Analysis
Book review of: Dr Adam Maurizio, Histoire de l’alimentation végétale. Depuis la Préhistoire jusqu'à nos jours, translated from German into French by Ferdinand Gidon, Introduction et commentary by Michel Chauvet, Preface by Claude Aubert,... more
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      Food CrisesFermented foodHistory of PlantFood and foodstuffs products
Broomcorn millet is one of the most important plants species in pre-history. It was first domesticated in China and subsequently spread across Eurasia becoming a significant staple crop. For a long time, the arrival of millet into Europe... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological ScienceIsotopic Analysis
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      BotanyManuscript StudiesNatural ScienceMedieval Germany