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      Latin American StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryCourts and Elites (History)History of Law
Alberto MONTANER, «Acusar y defender en la Edad Media: Una aproximación conceptual», en Historia de la abogacía española [ISBN 978-84-9059-666-1], dir. Santiago Muñoz Machado, Madrid, Thomson-Reuters-Aranzadi, 2015, vol. I [ISBN... more
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      Legal ProfessionMedieval StudiesLegal HistoryLegal Theory
La storiografi a recente ha profondamente rivisto alcuni consolidati stereotipi della storia politica e istituzionale veronese del tardo medioevo, e un aspetto importante di questa revisione è stata la "rilettura" del quindicennio di... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLegal HistoryEuropean Legal History
The legal profession and oratory have always been inextricably linked. The Napoleonic ruling class was firmly convinced of this when they opened the Scuola di eloquenza pratica legale (a school of oratory for the legal profession), which... more
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      Legal ProfessionHistory of Lawyers
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. La situazione di partenza e i tentativi di riforma della normativa fallimentare. -2. Processi lombardi e diritto fallimentare setteottocentesco. Le vicissitudini del concorso di un sacerdote milanese. -3. Fallimenti... more
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    • History of Lawyers
As a way of »performing the law«, courtroom speeches have been a fundamental component of the legal ritual and a basic component of lawyers’ identities in many countries with civil law traditions: lawyers have presented themselves and... more
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      Law and EmotionsEloquenceCourtroom InteractionHistory of Lawyers