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The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisLandscape EcologySociology
The existence of wetlands in central Biqā‘ has been reported by various textual sources ranging between the Hellenistic and Medieval periods. Intensive large-scale drainage work operated by the Mamluks in the 14th century C.E. has led to... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
Simandan D (2005) "New Ways in Geography" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/ West University Press, 230 pp. The first part of the volume - "Old Ways" - addresses the question whether geography as we know it is worth keeping. The... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologySocial Theory
Simandan D (2006) "Marginally Modern. Psychoanalysis and the deconstruction of inadequate communities" Arad, ‘Vasile Goldis’ University Press, 264 pp. The book aims to present a critical history of the process of modernisation in the... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisModern HistoryCultural History
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      HistoryCultural HistoryHuman GeographyLatin American Studies
The paper compares and contrasts the critical stance with the wise stance in human geography and offers three alternative models for conceptualizing the relationship between these two stances.
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisReligionIntellectual History
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Islam
Il volume raccoglie gli Atti (alternativamente in italiano, spagnolo, inglese e francese) del XX Simposio Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales / I Convegno Internazionale Italo-Spagnolo di Didattica delle Scienze Sociali... more
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      Teacher EducationCivic EducationGlobal CitizenshipEuropean Union Citizenship
El estudio de las catástrofes naturales: sequías, sismos, inundaciones, ha alcanzado particular relevancia en los últimos años, especialmente a partir de la combinación entre la ocurrencia de los fenómenos geológicos, hidrológicos y... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeClimate historyParaná
In Bamako, like in the majority of south of Saharan cities, there is a very fast demographic growth moving from 658 275 inhabitants in 1987 to 1 016 514 in 1998, then 1908104 in 2009 (INSAT, 2010). For a few decades, the town has been... more
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    • History and Geography
Le Indicazioni Nazionali del 2012 propongono una rinnovata idea di curricolo, che offra agli insegnanti una contestualizzazione ed un orientamento per la progettazione e per la pratica. Alla luce di tale ridefinizione, è possibile pensare... more
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      Curriculum DesignCurriculum StudiesTeacher TrainingHistory and Geography
Resulta indiscutible la influencia, e incluso en numerosas ocasiones el determinismo, que ejercen los factores geográficos sobre casi todos los aspectos de la vida humana, por ejemplo la forma en que se organiza cada sociedad en un... more
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      GeographyCultural GeographyHistorical GeographyCartography
The growth and specialization of Cuba’s economy since the end of the 18th Century and while slavery was maintained has been studied extensively, but there are perspectives that enjoy little research. One of them, important for its... more
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryGeographyEconomics
Revista de El Colegio de San Luis, año IV, núm. 8, 2014, El Colegio de San Luis, San Luis Potosí, pp. 96-127. ISSN: 2007-8846. (Índice de Revistas Mexicanas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica).
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      Historical GeographyCultural Historical GeographyHistory of geographyPress and media history
Capítulo quinto de la Tesis doctoral "La conflictividad social en la Galicia medieval (Siglos XIII-XV)" dedicado a la "Geografía de la Conflictividad" donde se estudian los principales focos conflictivos o "puntos calientes" a lo largo de... more
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      HistorySocial GeographyPeace and Conflict StudiesMedieval History
Algunas reflexiones en torno a las maneras en que se ha pensado la historia en relación a sus espacialidades, los lugares y las escalas. Para ello, nos apoyaremos en un marco histórico preciso: el período de las guerras de independencias... more
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      Latin American StudiesHistoria ArgentinaHistoria Regional y LocalHistoriografía
Estamos construidos sobre el tiempo y vivimos organizados por territorios. Constituyen factores incuestionables, pero hay que subrayar que tales soportes no explican nada si no se consideran los condicionantes de vida construidos por... more
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      GeographyIdentity (Culture)National IdentityHistorical and Cultural Geography, Landscape and Memory, Toponymy
O Campo de Santana forjou-se a partir do sagrado e foi palco de relevantes acontecimentos no século XVIII, no período Joanino, bem como na monarquia, culminando com a Proclamação da República, em 1889. Este artigo preocupa-se em analisar... more
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      Human GeographyHistorical GeographyHistoria UrbanaGeografía Histórica
The boundaries of historical research as much as the objects of study are shaped by contemporary concerns. The world of the historian encourages particular historical investigations, elevating some topics while obscuring or even actively... more
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      World HistoryGlobal HistoryMicrohistoryAustralian History
Territorio, enfermedad y población en la producción de la geografía tropical colombiana, Resumen La geografía imaginaria de Colombia se ha condensado en una serie de representaciones que simultáneamente enfatizan el carácter tropical de... more
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      Cultural HistoryColombian HistoryHealth HistoryAmazonian History
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      Legal HistoryLocalizationSpatial TurnSpace and time
This article outlines some connections between Counties Roscommon and Cork such with Sir Richard Boyle, Sir William Wilde, Viscount Doneraile, Earl of Kingston, Earl of Mount Cashell, Arthur Hyde and Douglas Hyde and Lord Castletown among... more
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      GenealogyHistory and GeographyRoscommonCounty Roscommon
Memoria y Sociedad. Revista de Historia, vol. XVI, núm. 33, 2012, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, pp. 154-169. ISSN: 0122-5197.
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      Historical GeographyHistory of ReligionHistory of ReligionsCultural Historical Geography
Redes. Revista de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, vol. XIX, núm. 36, 2013, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Quilmes, pp. 129-158. ISSN: 0328-3186.
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      Historical GeographyHistory of EducationGender HistoryCultural Historical Geography
O objetivo deste trabalho é estabelecer relações entre a História e a Geografia, demonstrando como o aspecto social e histórico determina e é determinado pelo espaço retratado. Tendo isso em mente, buscou-se aqui efetuar um estudo de... more
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      History and GeographyRecife
Este artigo que intenta fazer uma análise sobre a gestão territorial exercida pelo Estado Brasileiro no âmbito do setor energético, tendo em vista o Proálcool. Mostrando como as políticas públicas foram e são importantes para o... more
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    • History and Geography
“Próximo Oriente en la Antigüedad: Grecia, Egipto y Mesopotamia” es un juego didáctico de aula diseñado para el alumnado de 1º de ESO en la asignatura Geografía e Historia. Sobre un mapa que estaba en desuso con contenidos de las primeras... more
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      HistoryAncient HistorySocial SciencesAncient Near East
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      Human GeographyHistory of Ancient GeographyKnowledgeErosion
Lezioni seminariali ed esercitazioni: 26 aprile (14-18), 5 maggio (14-18), 10 maggio (14-18), 21 luglio (11-18 + 2h esercitazione), 21 settembre (14-18) Totale: 24 ore "Esistono procedimenti magici che aboliscono le distanze di spazio e... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHistory and Geography
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      ArchaeologyGPS ApplicationsHistory and Geography
Nos recentes trabalhos de Geografia Histórica, principalmente da produção brasileira, há uma recorrente crítica ao que Abreu (2000:15) chamou de uma “ditadura do presente”, uma lei na qual a Geografia estaria fadada a estudar o tempo... more
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      Historical GeographyGeografía HistóricaHistory and GeographyGeografía e Historia
La geografía imaginaria de Colombia se ha condensado en una serie de representaciones que simultáneamente enfatizan el carácter tropical de la nación y que lo matizan a través de su contraposición con las zonas andinas que son despojadas... more
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      Cultural HistoryColombian HistoryHealth HistoryTropics