Recent papers in Hibernate
The currently popular distributed, n-tiered, object-oriented application architecture provokes many design debates. Designs of such applications are often divided into logical 'tiers'-usually user interface, business logic and domain... more
Développement d’une Plateforme web pour la filière Sciences Mathématiques et Informatique de la Faculté Polydisciplinaire de Taza
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In this paper I have present Web design frameworks as a conceptual methodology to exhaust the possibilities reuse in Web applications. Firstly talk over the necessity for construction abstract and reusable directional design structures,... more
Utilización de Hibernate para persistencia y uso de base de datos en JAVA
Os processos de delegação de tarefas por parte do chefe da Secretaria Administrativa do 11o Batalhão de Polícia Militar da cidade de São Miguel do Oeste eram até então realizados utilizando a delegação direta verbal ou meramente... more
Have you any problem in java oops concept? tpointtech.com describe java oops theory with simple example. tpointtech provides the tutorials on various technology such as Java, Android, SQL, C Programming Language, Cloud Computing,... more
JPA e Hibernate por Thiago Faria e Normandes Junior 1ª Edição, 31/07/2015 © 2015 AlgaWorks Softwares, Treinamentos e Serviços Ltda. Todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte deste livro pode ser reproduzida ou transmitida em qualquer... more
Natural nests of the European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) are constructed almost exclusively of fresh fescue (Festuca pseudovina: Poaceae). We performed laboratory experiments to understand the functional significance of... more
VirtualNuggets Offering All Java Technologies Corporate Online Training Services .Here VirtualNuggets Publishing Free Hibernate Tutorials For Java Learners .Topics Covers in Tutorial are Hibernate Introduction, ORM Overview, Hibernate... more
JSF dispone de un conjunto básico de etiquetas que permiten crear fácilmente componentes dinámicos en las páginas web. Estas etiquetas son:
Hibernation (i.e., multiday torpor) is considered an adaptive strategy of mammals to face seasonal environmental challenges such as food, cold, and/or water shortage. It has been considered functionally different from daily torpor, a... more
This is the core presentation about Latest Java Framework .You will find list of java framework details available .
Resumo O presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um protótipo de software multiplataforma para monitoramento, gerenciamento e disponibilização de dados meteorológicos pertencentes a estação do município de Paracambi, situado no... more
Packet analysis is an important aspect of network security, which typically relies on a flexible packet filtering system to extrapolate important packet information from each processed packet. Packet analysis is a computationally... more
Akt (or protein kinase B) plays a central role in coordinating growth, survival and anti-apoptotic responses in cells and we hypothesized that changes in Akt activity and properties would aid the reprioritization of metabolic functions... more
Creating Project Cost Estimation (PCE) and list of materials and staff requirements of a construction project should be done before do the project itself. This process needs careful and accurate analysis. Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (DPU) or... more
Creating Project Cost Estimation (PCE) and list of materials and staff requirements of a construction project should be done before do the project itself. This process needs careful and accurate analysis. Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (DPU) or... more
Desde a criação, o homem vem enfrentando o dilema de tomar decisões, sejam estas conscientes ou inconscientes, racionais ou irracionais.
Para que um determinado serviço de TI atenda as reais necessidades de um negócio, sugere-se definir contratos internos com terceiros para garantir a sua qualidade, geralmente incluindo os acordos de nível de serviços (Service Level... more
In order to solve the requirement of a high-quality course scoring system which is B/S model, this paper proposes a solution schema based on Struts and Spring and Hibernate integrated architecture. After analyzing the integration of these... more
... Took his Master degree in Computer Engineering Master by Unicamp, and is currently a Ph.D student in Computer Engineering at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the State University of Campinas, Brazil, under the... more